I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!

You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
70% probably do feel the country is on the wrong track, but what makes you think the entire 70% blame Obama for that? With congressional approval rates in the teens and the presidents approval near 50% It's pretty dumb to try to lay that 70% on him. Of course, you are a teabagger, so I guess that is a little too complicated for you to understand. Of course he is trying to counter the misinformation from the right. Anyone who cares about the welfare of the country would do the same.
That whole "country on the wrong track" is the most misused poll ever.

I think the country is on the wrong track too.

But it's on the wrong track because the GOP is in the middle of another over-reach. They've gerrymandered districts for the last 10 years, and because righties like to live in rural areas,
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!

You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
You're on the high functioning end of the Fox News viewership. You sat through the whole thing.

Count your blessings

The observations are mine, I haven't watched much news since the speech went off.
Well then you're on a short list of righties who watched the speech, didn't agree with it, and don't need Fox News to make them feel better.
Welcome to the Official 2015 State of the Union Address Thread!

In order to cut down on all the duplicate threads concerning the 2015 State of the Union Address (1-20-15) please us this thread for comments, opinions and observations on tonights State of the Union Address.

This thread will be opened at 9:00pm Eastern.

After allowing things to ferment a bit before replying, I saw a professional liar, speaking to a room full of professional liars, with but one goal - to loot the treasury for the benefit of the liar's patrons.
But according to the lapdog Lamestream media and his base of sheep Obama was a SMASH and smashed all of us with his brilliance.

oops, guess not:badgrin:

SOTU Ratings Sink to 15-Year Low
Viewership drops off by over 20 million since 2009
Bradford Thomas

Total television viewership of President Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday fell to a 15-year low, dropping off by more than 20 million since his first address in 2009. AP notes that the president's 31.7 million viewers is a low that hasn't been attained since Clinton’s largely tuned-out final appearance before Congress in 2000.

While the White House claims 1.2 million people viewed its "enhanced" online version, suggesting online viewership might be in part to blame, most cite the president's "shellacking" at the polls in 2014 and his lame duck status as the main reasons for the viewership drop off.

Here are the Nielsen ratings for SOTUs dating back to Clinton's first term (note, some columns removed for formatting purposes):

all of it here:
SOTU Ratings Sink to 15-Year Low Truth Revolt
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!

You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
70% probably do feel the country is on the wrong track, but what makes you think the entire 70% blame Obama for that? With congressional approval rates in the teens and the presidents approval near 50% It's pretty dumb to try to lay that 70% on him. Of course, you are a teabagger, so I guess that is a little too complicated for you to understand. Of course he is trying to counter the misinformation from the right. Anyone who cares about the welfare of the country would do the same.
That whole "country on the wrong track" is the most misused poll ever.

I think the country is on the wrong track too.

But it's on the wrong track because the GOP is in the middle of another over-reach. They've gerrymandered districts for the last 10 years, and because righties like to live in rural areas,
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!

You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
You're on the high functioning end of the Fox News viewership. You sat through the whole thing.

Count your blessings

The observations are mine, I haven't watched much news since the speech went off.
Well then you're on a short list of righties who watched the speech, didn't agree with it, and don't need Fox News to make them feel better.

Why is it you imply that gerrymandering is unique to the GOP? You only need look at the way legislative district lines are drawn in dem controlled states to know that isn't true. But remember elections do have consequences. some good, some bad.
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!

You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
70% probably do feel the country is on the wrong track, but what makes you think the entire 70% blame Obama for that? With congressional approval rates in the teens and the presidents approval near 50% It's pretty dumb to try to lay that 70% on him. Of course, you are a teabagger, so I guess that is a little too complicated for you to understand. Of course he is trying to counter the misinformation from the right. Anyone who cares about the welfare of the country would do the same.
That whole "country on the wrong track" is the most misused poll ever.

I think the country is on the wrong track too.

But it's on the wrong track because the GOP is in the middle of another over-reach. They've gerrymandered districts for the last 10 years, and because righties like to live in rural areas,
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!

You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
You're on the high functioning end of the Fox News viewership. You sat through the whole thing.

Count your blessings

The observations are mine, I haven't watched much news since the speech went off.
Well then you're on a short list of righties who watched the speech, didn't agree with it, and don't need Fox News to make them feel better.

Why is it you imply that gerrymandering is unique to the GOP? You only need look at the way legislative district lines are drawn in dem controlled states to know that isn't true. But remember elections do have consequences. some good, some bad.

You might want to look at the gerrymandering around Austin or Houston. Disgusting.
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!

You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
70% probably do feel the country is on the wrong track, but what makes you think the entire 70% blame Obama for that? With congressional approval rates in the teens and the presidents approval near 50% It's pretty dumb to try to lay that 70% on him. Of course, you are a teabagger, so I guess that is a little too complicated for you to understand. Of course he is trying to counter the misinformation from the right. Anyone who cares about the welfare of the country would do the same.
That whole "country on the wrong track" is the most misused poll ever.

I think the country is on the wrong track too.

But it's on the wrong track because the GOP is in the middle of another over-reach. They've gerrymandered districts for the last 10 years, and because righties like to live in rural areas,
You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
You're on the high functioning end of the Fox News viewership. You sat through the whole thing.

Count your blessings

The observations are mine, I haven't watched much news since the speech went off.
Well then you're on a short list of righties who watched the speech, didn't agree with it, and don't need Fox News to make them feel better.

Why is it you imply that gerrymandering is unique to the GOP? You only need look at the way legislative district lines are drawn in dem controlled states to know that isn't true. But remember elections do have consequences. some good, some bad.

You might want to look at the gerrymandering around Austin or Houston. Disgusting.

It's no worse than your dear leaders home state.
You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
70% probably do feel the country is on the wrong track, but what makes you think the entire 70% blame Obama for that? With congressional approval rates in the teens and the presidents approval near 50% It's pretty dumb to try to lay that 70% on him. Of course, you are a teabagger, so I guess that is a little too complicated for you to understand. Of course he is trying to counter the misinformation from the right. Anyone who cares about the welfare of the country would do the same.
That whole "country on the wrong track" is the most misused poll ever.

I think the country is on the wrong track too.

But it's on the wrong track because the GOP is in the middle of another over-reach. They've gerrymandered districts for the last 10 years, and because righties like to live in rural areas,
You're on the high functioning end of the Fox News viewership. You sat through the whole thing.

Count your blessings

The observations are mine, I haven't watched much news since the speech went off.
Well then you're on a short list of righties who watched the speech, didn't agree with it, and don't need Fox News to make them feel better.

Why is it you imply that gerrymandering is unique to the GOP? You only need look at the way legislative district lines are drawn in dem controlled states to know that isn't true. But remember elections do have consequences. some good, some bad.

You might want to look at the gerrymandering around Austin or Houston. Disgusting.

It's no worse than your dear leaders home state.
Gerrymandering is unfair bullshit no matter where it is, or who does it.
70% probably do feel the country is on the wrong track, but what makes you think the entire 70% blame Obama for that? With congressional approval rates in the teens and the presidents approval near 50% It's pretty dumb to try to lay that 70% on him. Of course, you are a teabagger, so I guess that is a little too complicated for you to understand. Of course he is trying to counter the misinformation from the right. Anyone who cares about the welfare of the country would do the same.
That whole "country on the wrong track" is the most misused poll ever.

I think the country is on the wrong track too.

But it's on the wrong track because the GOP is in the middle of another over-reach. They've gerrymandered districts for the last 10 years, and because righties like to live in rural areas,
The observations are mine, I haven't watched much news since the speech went off.
Well then you're on a short list of righties who watched the speech, didn't agree with it, and don't need Fox News to make them feel better.

Why is it you imply that gerrymandering is unique to the GOP? You only need look at the way legislative district lines are drawn in dem controlled states to know that isn't true. But remember elections do have consequences. some good, some bad.

You might want to look at the gerrymandering around Austin or Houston. Disgusting.

It's no worse than your dear leaders home state.
Gerrymandering is unfair bullshit no matter where it is, or who does it.

Like I said, it's hypocritical to act like only the GOP does it. BTW most of the districts in the Houston area were drawn by the courts to give more advantage to blacks and latinos You know, like shelia jackass lee and al green..
That whole "country on the wrong track" is the most misused poll ever.

I think the country is on the wrong track too.

But it's on the wrong track because the GOP is in the middle of another over-reach. They've gerrymandered districts for the last 10 years, and because righties like to live in rural areas,
Well then you're on a short list of righties who watched the speech, didn't agree with it, and don't need Fox News to make them feel better.

Why is it you imply that gerrymandering is unique to the GOP? You only need look at the way legislative district lines are drawn in dem controlled states to know that isn't true. But remember elections do have consequences. some good, some bad.

You might want to look at the gerrymandering around Austin or Houston. Disgusting.

It's no worse than your dear leaders home state.
Gerrymandering is unfair bullshit no matter where it is, or who does it.

Like I said, it's hypocritical to act like only the GOP does it. BTW most of the districts in the Houston area were drawn by the courts to give more advantage to blacks and latinos You know, like shelia jackass lee and al green..

The GOP has elevated it to an art. Especially in Texas. Houston was trimmed back by the courts after the right wing tried to completely shut out blacks and latinos.
Why is it you imply that gerrymandering is unique to the GOP? You only need look at the way legislative district lines are drawn in dem controlled states to know that isn't true. But remember elections do have consequences. some good, some bad.

You might want to look at the gerrymandering around Austin or Houston. Disgusting.

It's no worse than your dear leaders home state.
Gerrymandering is unfair bullshit no matter where it is, or who does it.

Like I said, it's hypocritical to act like only the GOP does it. BTW most of the districts in the Houston area were drawn by the courts to give more advantage to blacks and latinos You know, like shelia jackass lee and al green..

The GOP has elevated it to an art. Especially in Texas. Houston was trimmed back by the courts after the right wing tried to completely shut out blacks and latinos.

Fuck off little puppy hypocrite, you just refuse to admit that your party is just as bad when given the opportunity. Now go lick your ass, you are really starting to smell.
You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue.
70% probably do feel the country is on the wrong track, but what makes you think the entire 70% blame Obama for that?

Swish. The point is that Obama proposed endlessly more down the wrong track, who the country blames is irrelevant when he's continuing to go down it.
That whole "country on the wrong track" is the most misused poll ever.

I think the country is on the wrong track too.

But it's on the wrong track because the GOP is in the middle of another over-reach. They've gerrymandered districts for the last 10 years, and because righties like to live in rural areas,
Well then you're on a short list of righties who watched the speech, didn't agree with it, and don't need Fox News to make them feel better.

Why is it you imply that gerrymandering is unique to the GOP? You only need look at the way legislative district lines are drawn in dem controlled states to know that isn't true. But remember elections do have consequences. some good, some bad.

You might want to look at the gerrymandering around Austin or Houston. Disgusting.

It's no worse than your dear leaders home state.
Gerrymandering is unfair bullshit no matter where it is, or who does it.

Like I said, it's hypocritical to act like only the GOP does it. BTW most of the districts in the Houston area were drawn by the courts to give more advantage to blacks and latinos You know, like shelia jackass lee and al green..
I didn't say the GOP is the only one who does it.
You might want to look at the gerrymandering around Austin or Houston. Disgusting.

It's no worse than your dear leaders home state.
Gerrymandering is unfair bullshit no matter where it is, or who does it.

Like I said, it's hypocritical to act like only the GOP does it. BTW most of the districts in the Houston area were drawn by the courts to give more advantage to blacks and latinos You know, like shelia jackass lee and al green..

The GOP has elevated it to an art. Especially in Texas. Houston was trimmed back by the courts after the right wing tried to completely shut out blacks and latinos.

Fuck off little puppy hypocrite, you just refuse to admit that your party is just as bad when given the opportunity. Now go lick your ass, you are really starting to smell.
This is a great example of how conservative media turns righties into hostile people. And they don't even know that's what happened

Buat won't last long...when a GOP president is in the white house in 2017...people like you will go back to supporting governent spending, and saying anyone who criticizes the President is helping the terrorists win.
It's no worse than your dear leaders home state.
Gerrymandering is unfair bullshit no matter where it is, or who does it.

Like I said, it's hypocritical to act like only the GOP does it. BTW most of the districts in the Houston area were drawn by the courts to give more advantage to blacks and latinos You know, like shelia jackass lee and al green..

The GOP has elevated it to an art. Especially in Texas. Houston was trimmed back by the courts after the right wing tried to completely shut out blacks and latinos.

Fuck off little puppy hypocrite, you just refuse to admit that your party is just as bad when given the opportunity. Now go lick your ass, you are really starting to smell.
This is a great example of how conservative media turns righties into hostile people. And they don't even know that's what happened

Buat won't last long...when a GOP president is in the white house in 2017...people like you will go back to supporting governent spending, and saying anyone who criticizes the President is helping the terrorists win.

nope, wrong again. Bush was criticized constantly from the right, but we are still waiting for the first lefty to criticize obozo the kenyan messiah.
Gerrymandering is unfair bullshit no matter where it is, or who does it.

Like I said, it's hypocritical to act like only the GOP does it. BTW most of the districts in the Houston area were drawn by the courts to give more advantage to blacks and latinos You know, like shelia jackass lee and al green..

The GOP has elevated it to an art. Especially in Texas. Houston was trimmed back by the courts after the right wing tried to completely shut out blacks and latinos.

Fuck off little puppy hypocrite, you just refuse to admit that your party is just as bad when given the opportunity. Now go lick your ass, you are really starting to smell.
This is a great example of how conservative media turns righties into hostile people. And they don't even know that's what happened

Buat won't last long...when a GOP president is in the white house in 2017...people like you will go back to supporting governent spending, and saying anyone who criticizes the President is helping the terrorists win.

nope, wrong again. Bush was criticized constantly from the right, but we are still waiting for the first lefty to criticize obozo the kenyan messiah.
He's not my messiah, and I don't know one single lefty who thinks her is. That's just what righties have been told we think. So he doesn't deserve any criticism for that.

Furthermore...there is nothing wrong with having avfather from Kenya, unless you simply hate people for being from kenya, which Obama is not.

Lastly, I didn't vote for the man
Like I said, it's hypocritical to act like only the GOP does it. BTW most of the districts in the Houston area were drawn by the courts to give more advantage to blacks and latinos You know, like shelia jackass lee and al green..

The GOP has elevated it to an art. Especially in Texas. Houston was trimmed back by the courts after the right wing tried to completely shut out blacks and latinos.

Fuck off little puppy hypocrite, you just refuse to admit that your party is just as bad when given the opportunity. Now go lick your ass, you are really starting to smell.
This is a great example of how conservative media turns righties into hostile people. And they don't even know that's what happened

Buat won't last long...when a GOP president is in the white house in 2017...people like you will go back to supporting governent spending, and saying anyone who criticizes the President is helping the terrorists win.

nope, wrong again. Bush was criticized constantly from the right, but we are still waiting for the first lefty to criticize obozo the kenyan messiah.
He's not my messiah, and I don't know one single lefty who thinks her is. That's just what righties have been told we think. So he doesn't deserve any criticism for that.

Furthermore...there is nothing wrong with having avfather from Kenya, unless you simply hate people for being from kenya, which Obama is not.

Lastly, I didn't vote for the man

I'm glad that you didn't vote for him. But you certainly support him now. Do you support him because he's half black or are you a raving socialist collectivist like he is?
It's no worse than your dear leaders home state.
Gerrymandering is unfair bullshit no matter where it is, or who does it.

Like I said, it's hypocritical to act like only the GOP does it. BTW most of the districts in the Houston area were drawn by the courts to give more advantage to blacks and latinos You know, like shelia jackass lee and al green..

The GOP has elevated it to an art. Especially in Texas. Houston was trimmed back by the courts after the right wing tried to completely shut out blacks and latinos.

Fuck off little puppy hypocrite, you just refuse to admit that your party is just as bad when given the opportunity. Now go lick your ass, you are really starting to smell.
This is a great example of how conservative media turns righties into hostile people. And they don't even know that's what happened

Buat won't last long...when a GOP president is in the white house in 2017...people like you will go back to supporting governent spending, and saying anyone who criticizes the President is helping the terrorists win.

May be you should be aware of the history between myself and that particular poster before putting your foot in your mouth.
The GOP has elevated it to an art. Especially in Texas. Houston was trimmed back by the courts after the right wing tried to completely shut out blacks and latinos.

Fuck off little puppy hypocrite, you just refuse to admit that your party is just as bad when given the opportunity. Now go lick your ass, you are really starting to smell.
This is a great example of how conservative media turns righties into hostile people. And they don't even know that's what happened

Buat won't last long...when a GOP president is in the white house in 2017...people like you will go back to supporting governent spending, and saying anyone who criticizes the President is helping the terrorists win.

nope, wrong again. Bush was criticized constantly from the right, but we are still waiting for the first lefty to criticize obozo the kenyan messiah.
He's not my messiah, and I don't know one single lefty who thinks her is. That's just what righties have been told we think. So he doesn't deserve any criticism for that.

Furthermore...there is nothing wrong with having avfather from Kenya, unless you simply hate people for being from kenya, which Obama is not.

Lastly, I didn't vote for the man

I'm glad that you didn't vote for him. But you certainly support him now. Do you support him because he's half black or are you a raving socialist collectivist like he is?
No, and for someone who doesn't watch Fox, or frequent Breitbart and Drudge, or listen to Rush...you certainly seem opposed to allowing anything positive about Obama into your psyche. That is irrational. No one politican is 100% bad.

I support most of what Obama does, because what he does makes sense to me. He's not about drama, which is ALL the GOP is about. And believe it or not, I would expect them to do that. Creating discontent is the job of the party out of power. But you believe it, and that makes you weak.

I supported Bush for what he did right, when the left was calling him a chicken hawk war monger.

I just try to find rational behavior, whereas you're just stirring the pot. You may believe yourself...but I know you're just impressionable

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