The Wolf and the Lamb; A WOLF meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea to justify to the Lamb the Wolf’s right to eat him. He thus addressed him: “Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me.” “Indeed,” bleated the Lamb in a mournful tone of voice, “I was not then born.” Then said the Wolf, “You feed in my pasture.” “No, good sir,” replied the Lamb, “I have not yet tasted grass.” Again said the Wolf, “You drink of my well.” “No,” exclaimed the Lamb, “I never yet drank water, for as yet my mother’s milk is both food and drink to me.” Upon which the Wolf seized him and ate him up, saying, “Well! I won’t remain supperless, even though you refute every one of my imputations.” The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny.

I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!
Pumping his arms, pointing his finger and firing verbal volleys: Obama's aggressive body language in State of the Union speech shows Republicans he means business
  • Obama's body language avoided impression balance of power has shifted
  • He gave his State of the Union address to Republican-controlled Congress
  • But he refrained from being conciliatory with defiant gestures and barbs
  • Contained within his speech were a host of threats to use veto powers
By Corey Charlton for MailOnline

Published: 00:26 EST, 21 January 2015 | Updated: 14:10 EST, 21 January 2015

  • Pumping his arms, pointing his index finger and gesturing with his hands, President Barack Obama's body language at last night's State of the Union speech was anything but conciliatory.

    Although he admitted having flaws and promised to seek Republican ideas, he deliberately avoided giving the impression that the balance of power in Washington had shifted away from the Oval Office that he will occupy for two more years.

    Obama gave his hour-long, annual State of the Union address yesterday to the first fully Republican-controlled Congress of his presidency, and the mood was anything but conciliatory.

    Scroll down for video


    President Barack Obama points towards the crowd - the first fully Republican-controlled Congress of his presidency

    Read more: Obama s body language in State of the Union speech shows he means business Daily Mail Online
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

All show......

No Go.....
Obama full of swagger: State of the Union leaves GOP enraged

Great Job Mr. President!!!


How many millions of people regretted voting republican in 2014 after last night? It only took 3 weeks…

There was no sign of a president humbled by November’s electoral defeat. On the contrary, Obama seemed impervious to the new political balance of power in Washington, appearing at times to even goad his political enemies.

There were two especially revealing examples of Obama’s defiance, both of them unscripted. The first came after one of his opening lines, when the incoming Republican majority declined to applaud Obama’s praise for the economic recovery.

“That’s good news, people,” he remarked, as Republicans inside the chamber looked on impassively. Reluctantly, one or two from the aisle to the president’s left – and ideological stage right – began to stand up or offer a tepid applause, following the lead of the new Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell.

The second off-the-cuff remark arrived toward the end of a nearly hour-long address that, to the dismay of Republicans, did not contain even a single nod to their electoral gains.

“I have no more campaigns to run,” Obama said, in what was intended to signal that his remaining focus will be on governing rather than electioneering.

When Republicans mocked the remark with applause, Obama shot back : “I know ’cos I won both of them.”


You know what, fuck the GOP!

I mean, FUCK THEM!
Pumping his arms, pointing his finger and firing verbal volleys: Obama's aggressive body language in State of the Union speech shows Republicans he means business
  • Obama's body language avoided impression balance of power has shifted
  • He gave his State of the Union address to Republican-controlled Congress
  • But he refrained from being conciliatory with defiant gestures and barbs
  • Contained within his speech were a host of threats to use veto powers
By Corey Charlton for MailOnline

Published: 00:26 EST, 21 January 2015 | Updated: 14:10 EST, 21 January 2015

  • Pumping his arms, pointing his index finger and gesturing with his hands, President Barack Obama's body language at last night's State of the Union speech was anything but conciliatory.

    Although he admitted having flaws and promised to seek Republican ideas, he deliberately avoided giving the impression that the balance of power in Washington had shifted away from the Oval Office that he will occupy for two more years.

    Obama gave his hour-long, annual State of the Union address yesterday to the first fully Republican-controlled Congress of his presidency, and the mood was anything but conciliatory.

    Scroll down for video


    President Barack Obama points towards the crowd - the first fully Republican-controlled Congress of his presidency

    Read more: Obama s body language in State of the Union speech shows he means business Daily Mail Online
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

All show......

No Go.....
All Obama showed was how to lock the barn door after the horse escaped.
:smartass:What's hilarious is the Presidunce taking credit for low gas prices caused by the boom in Fracking........and if Congress were to present Oboala with a Fracking bill......

........he'd VETO IT!!!!!!!
Pumping his arms, pointing his finger and firing verbal volleys: Obama's aggressive body language in State of the Union speech shows Republicans he means business
  • Obama's body language avoided impression balance of power has shifted
  • He gave his State of the Union address to Republican-controlled Congress
  • But he refrained from being conciliatory with defiant gestures and barbs
  • Contained within his speech were a host of threats to use veto powers
By Corey Charlton for MailOnline

Published: 00:26 EST, 21 January 2015 | Updated: 14:10 EST, 21 January 2015

  • Pumping his arms, pointing his index finger and gesturing with his hands, President Barack Obama's body language at last night's State of the Union speech was anything but conciliatory.

    Although he admitted having flaws and promised to seek Republican ideas, he deliberately avoided giving the impression that the balance of power in Washington had shifted away from the Oval Office that he will occupy for two more years.

    Obama gave his hour-long, annual State of the Union address yesterday to the first fully Republican-controlled Congress of his presidency, and the mood was anything but conciliatory.

    Scroll down for video


    President Barack Obama points towards the crowd - the first fully Republican-controlled Congress of his presidency

    Read more: Obama s body language in State of the Union speech shows he means business Daily Mail Online
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Yowsuh, he be talkin' big shit.
:smartass:What's hilarious is the Presidunce taking credit for low gas prices caused by the boom in Fracking........and if Congress were to present Oboala with a Fracking bill......

........he'd VETO IT!!!!!!!
The government already paid for fracking. Mitchel, the guy that claimed to be responsible for all the recent development of fracking, didn't have to spend a penny of his own money for all his testing and development until he had already drilled almost 40 wells (37 or 38 I think) The government gave him over 100 million in grants, and he later received billions more in tax breaks.
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!

You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!

You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
You're on the high functioning end of the Fox News viewership. You sat through the whole thing.

Count your blessings
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!

You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
You're on the high functioning end of the Fox News viewership. You sat through the whole thing.

Count your blessings
She probably was one of the 3% who was voting "disagree"........:D it's good to know that there was such a small minority of ignoramuses listening to President Obama hit it out of the park.
And the Republicans politicians did what they do best throughout Obama's entire speech.....sat on their asses doing nothing.
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!

You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
70% probably do feel the country is on the wrong track, but what makes you think the entire 70% blame Obama for that? With congressional approval rates in the teens and the presidents approval near 50% It's pretty dumb to try to lay that 70% on him. Of course, you are a teabagger, so I guess that is a little too complicated for you to understand. Of course he is trying to counter the misinformation from the right. Anyone who cares about the welfare of the country would do the same.
Shot: dirtbag president Touts eBay During SOTU As An Example Of Booming Economy – Chaser: Less Than 24 Hours Later eBay Lays Off 2,400 Workers…



Via Free Beacon:

THE POLITICO reports that President Obama, during his State of the Union address on Tuesday, gave shouts outs to a number of American companies in an effort to highlight the strength of the U.S. economy. Nearly all of those companies, it turns out, are big political spenders and have contributed heavily to Democrats.

One of those companies was eBay, which Obama cited as an example of how “millions of Americans [are working] in jobs that didn’t even exist 10 or 20 years ago.” That now seems like an unfortunate choice, because less than 24 hours after Obama’s speech, eBay announced it was cutting 2,400 jobs, or about 7 percent of its workforce. Investors welcomed the layoffs, and the company’s stock jumped more than 4 percent on the news.


I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!

You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
You're on the high functioning end of the Fox News viewership. You sat through the whole thing.

Count your blessings

The observations are mine, I haven't watched much news since the speech went off.
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!

You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
70% probably do feel the country is on the wrong track, but what makes you think the entire 70% blame Obama for that? With congressional approval rates in the teens and the presidents approval near 50% It's pretty dumb to try to lay that 70% on him. Of course, you are a teabagger, so I guess that is a little too complicated for you to understand. Of course he is trying to counter the misinformation from the right. Anyone who cares about the welfare of the country would do the same.

Your dear leader said it's full speed ahead, continuing the same BS that Americans don't like, instead of prince harry killing bipartisan bills maobama said he will do it himself. Well over 70% want the Keystone pipeline approved, it will pass and your dear leader said he will veto it. Now run along and lick your ass little puppy.
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!

You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
70% probably do feel the country is on the wrong track, but what makes you think the entire 70% blame Obama for that? With congressional approval rates in the teens and the presidents approval near 50% It's pretty dumb to try to lay that 70% on him. Of course, you are a teabagger, so I guess that is a little too complicated for you to understand. Of course he is trying to counter the misinformation from the right. Anyone who cares about the welfare of the country would do the same.

Your dear leader said it's full speed ahead, continuing the same BS that Americans don't like, instead of prince harry killing bipartisan bills maobama said he will do it himself. Well over 70% want the Keystone pipeline approved, it will pass and your dear leader said he will veto it. Now run along and lick your ass little puppy.
Right......what ever you say. Hannity is on so you better go hear your next talking point.
I'm not sure I completely agree with the OP...but I have noticed some odd behavior from my Fox News watching friends in the last 24 hours.

I think the most difficult, yet potentially beneficial, aspect of the SOTU address was that Fox News isolationists had to venture out of the conservative cocoon, and see people clapping for Obama. That in itself was a shock to them. Furthermore, they heard Obama talk, which Fox News only allows in small out of context bits. When they do that, they can control the commentary to mitigate anything that might be positive. Basically, Fox News doesn't show Obama speeches much at all, instead, they tell you what he "really" meant.

So after this shock, my 2 room mates who walked out of Obama's speech in a huff, returned after the GOP response and demanded to put Fox News on. They looked confused and very frustrated. One of my room mates went from muttering about the real unemployment rate, to stomping around with resignation as if I could never understand. The other room mate tried to use the bathroom this morning, the same time I have taken a shower every day for the last 6 months, and when I shut the door in his face he said "this is two you owe me"...I know the first thing he thought I owed him was his sanity back, because of having to listen to Obama for 45 minutes.

But now, after work, they're starting to get back to normal. They're only giving me the stink eye when I catch them looking at me. But they're being about as cordial as people are towards others when they've squashed a disagreement. It's the look of moving on, but not forgetting what I've done to them.

When I watched Fox and Friends this morning with the one who tied to squeeze me out of my shower time, he pouted the whole time, as opposed to joking with me about which color dress looks good, or bad, on Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Fox News and the GOP launched a huge narrative today, and that is simply "It's horrible right now, what was Obama thinking!"...that seems to give righties comfort. And as misguided as Fox viewers can get...I don't like seeing my buddies suffer. It wasn't near as bad as when Romney lost...they all went through the 5 stages of grieving...denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance...and that took a month.

So chin up righties...just you go on thinking Obama is a secret socialist Nazi communist Muslim. It pains me to see you all so blue.

Get well soon!

You must have been watching a different speech than I did. What I saw was a grossly out of touch individual, about 70% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, he proved last night that he as yet to get a clue. I thought it was hilarious. All he did is try to position talking points for the commiecrats going into the 2016 elections and now he's hitting the campaign trail to push those talking point, knowing full well most of his crap is dead on arrival in the congress.
70% probably do feel the country is on the wrong track, but what makes you think the entire 70% blame Obama for that? With congressional approval rates in the teens and the presidents approval near 50% It's pretty dumb to try to lay that 70% on him. Of course, you are a teabagger, so I guess that is a little too complicated for you to understand. Of course he is trying to counter the misinformation from the right. Anyone who cares about the welfare of the country would do the same.

Your dear leader said it's full speed ahead, continuing the same BS that Americans don't like, instead of prince harry killing bipartisan bills maobama said he will do it himself. Well over 70% want the Keystone pipeline approved, it will pass and your dear leader said he will veto it. Now run along and lick your ass little puppy.
Right......what ever you say. Hannity is on so you better go hear your next talking point.

Sorry to burst your bubble there little puppy, I'm not a fan of Hannity. I find it funny how fast you run from an argument when presented with facts. Now run along and clean your ass.

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