Oh boy, Maga Mike Johnson needs D votes to avoid a shutdown

Where were all the immigration hawks during Benedict Donald's term? Recall 2019....

"The families often fled a combination of poverty, violence and persecution in their home countries and sought refuge and asylum in the U.S. Large groups of migrants, sometimes numbering as many as 400 people, crossed the border illegally, sought out U.S. border agents, and voluntarily turned themselves into custody. By the end of the 2019 fiscal year, agents had processed more than 474,000 migrants traveling as a family along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Their arrival in such large numbers, coupled with a system designed largely to hold single adult men, overwhelmed border agents and immigration officers. That resulted in serious overcrowding, prolonged detention, and deteriorating conditions at border processing and holding facilities, especially in Yuma, Arizona; and El Paso and the Rio Grande Valley in Texas; the three main routes used by migrants.

To cope with the drastic surge in arrivals, Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement began releasing thousands of families apprehended at the border. At first, the agencies released the migrants to the custody and care of migrant shelters and nonprofit organizations along border communities. But starting in early 2019, as the number of migrants continued surging, border agents began releasing families at bus stations and other points inside border cities, sometimes without the proper infrastructure to accommodate them."

Who was impeached over that?
If you look at the total number of migrants in the US (below) there was no bump up for Trump.

Biden let in 10,000,000 including 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russians, and who knows how many terrorists and cartel gang members.



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It is an issue. Interest on the Debt is exploding. The House needs to cut spending back to 2017 levels.

Biden's 2023 Budget was $6.13T with a $1.7T deficit
Biden's 2022 Budget was $6.27T with a $1.4T deficit
Biden's 2021 Budget was $6.82T with a $2.8T deficit
Trump's 2020 Budget was $6.55T with a $3.1T deficit
Trump's 2019 Budget was $6.55T with a $3.1T deficit
Trump's 2018 Budget was $4.10T with a $0.8T deficit
Trump's 2017 Budget was $4.00T with a $0.5T deficit
In left wing economics the Citizens are the slaves, and the Rulers are the slave masters.
The greedy corrupt Democrat Politicians love to load debt on the backs of their slaves.

How about a permanant Fed shutdown?
No kidding! Why is it suddenly on Ron Johnson’s scrawny Shoulders to make sure there’s no shut down? If the Democrats don’t want to shut down, let them realize that the House of Representatives is now majority Republican. For some reason that never seems to sink in with them.

Maybe because the media Has them believing that, somehow, Democrats are supposed to be in charge, even when they’re not.

When you’re not in charge, and you really want something like another huge increase in government funding, that’s the time to compromise. Accept the usual huge increase that we get when Republicans are in charge, and realize you’ll have to forgo the gargantuan monster increase that we get when Democrats are in charge.

Because they are not.

I can’t blame the Democrats, the strategy of act like you’re supposed to be in charge even when you’re not, seems to be working for them. At least with the media. Well, the media and the RINO Republicans of the Senate.
In left wing economics the Citizens are the slaves, and the Rulers are the slave masters.
The greedy corrupt Democrat Politicians love to load debt on the backs of their slaves.

"Hoagland said: “All presidents inherit spending from previous administrations and in turn they create spending for the future president.”

The cost of programs like Social Security and Medicare continue to drive up the debt, as do factors beyond a president’s control, like COVID-19 or the recession inherited by Obama.

“As a budget expert, what pains me is that partisan bickering about who is to blame for the debt obscures an important truth: both parties have abdicated their budgetary responsibilities,” Primo said, noting that about two-thirds of the debt has been incurred since 2001.


This is part of AP’s effort to address widely shared misinformation, including work with outside companies and organizations to add factual context to misleading content that is circulating online.

is part of AP’s effort to address widely shared misinformation, including work with outside companies and organizations to add factual context to misleading content that is circulating online.
That'll be the coldest day in hell ever, when AP starts telling the truth

American Pravda. AP
More ridiculous Republican idiocy.

Funding the government shouldn't be an issue at all.

More ignorant Dem / Marxist bloviating.

Funding the government when Dems / Marxists insist in padding the budget with outrageous spending is something that needs to be addressed with a firm "No".
Both parties are based on a Tax, Deficit Spend, and then kick the can down the road philosophy . The only way to reign them is a balanced budget amendment with a plan to pay down the debt to a much small % of the GDP.
They are supposed to make those decision. So, the amendment gets thrown to the states. They will not do it because many may be thrown out of office. Especially the Democrats.
Where were all the immigration hawks during Benedict Donald's term? Recall 2019....

"The families often fled a combination of poverty, violence and persecution in their home countries and sought refuge and asylum in the U.S. Large groups of migrants, sometimes numbering as many as 400 people, crossed the border illegally, sought out U.S. border agents, and voluntarily turned themselves into custody. By the end of the 2019 fiscal year, agents had processed more than 474,000 migrants traveling as a family along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Their arrival in such large numbers, coupled with a system designed largely to hold single adult men, overwhelmed border agents and immigration officers. That resulted in serious overcrowding, prolonged detention, and deteriorating conditions at border processing and holding facilities, especially in Yuma, Arizona; and El Paso and the Rio Grande Valley in Texas; the three main routes used by migrants.

To cope with the drastic surge in arrivals, Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement began releasing thousands of families apprehended at the border. At first, the agencies released the migrants to the custody and care of migrant shelters and nonprofit organizations along border communities. But starting in early 2019, as the number of migrants continued surging, border agents began releasing families at bus stations and other points inside border cities, sometimes without the proper infrastructure to accommodate them."

Who was impeached over that?
Trump tried. The Democrats fought him every step of the way. They wanted open borders, just like they do today.
Trump tried. The Democrats fought him every step of the way. They wanted open borders, just like they do today.
BS. The Democrats were ready to deal, Dreamers for 25 billion for the border wall to start. Trump proved himself the be the worlds worst negotiator, but great at the Art of the Squeal!
Both parties are based on a Tax, Deficit Spend, and then kick the can down the road philosophy . The only way to reign them is a balanced budget amendment with a plan to pay down the debt to a much small % of the GDP.

I agree with you first point, but I'm of the view that your latter suggestion is impossible.

It would collapse the entire system because the system itself is designed to require ever-increasing levels of debt just to continue.

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