"Oh No" - "Weird" - "Here We Go Again" - "OMG"

I thought the South Korean women's only parking spaces especially intriguing. Certainly possible fodder for a few one liners? :)

I think until we understand South Korean culture, there isn't much that is sensible we can say about it. It is impossible to judge another culture from our cultural perspective.
I thought the South Korean women's only parking spaces especially intriguing. Certainly possible fodder for a few one liners? :)

I think until we understand South Korean culture, there isn't much that is sensible we can say about it. It is impossible to judge another culture from our cultural perspective.

Oh come on Esmeralda. We aren't knocking anybody's culture. But the whole idea provides all sorts of humorous images to this American. :)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzpXuRCBgsM]Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons - live Big girls don't cry 1964 - YouTube[/ame]

Now--"Put on your big girl panties and deal with it'


an issue for me---we all have to 'get over' some lesser things. what are the lesser things????

I have gotten down to ---everything is 'lesser' except---those who truly have no care or concern for others.

get 'There' however you can. I think that has been said. try to find something.

eta: best I could do.

<I built my house from barley rice
Green pepper walls and water ice
Tables of paper wood, windows of light
And everything emptying into white

A simple garden, with acres of sky
A brown haired dog mouse if one should drop by
Yellow Delanie would sleep well at night
And everything emptying into white

And everything emptying into white

A blue eyed drummer rehearses outside
A black spider dancing on top of his eye
Red legged chicken stands ready to strike
And everything emptying into white>

Read more: Carly Simon - Into White Lyrics | MetroLyrics
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slow news week, Foxfyre? how fast things can burst into flames. scary.

wish them well in Santa Barbara----gotta say--I don't see the sense of 'Hunger Games'---his dad was involved. that kind of 'stuff'--only for a few. never for me.

have to say---'we need to make a u turn'---seriously. stop all 's'. clean out the filth in every aspect of our lives.

What I like. a theologian of some kind. he spoke truth. tried to say--'Look at what is going on'. some got it---others never will. Not the only person I revere. one of them. a good many. gave me some good ideas. pretty much did 'everything'--some things he would admit he would not do again. shared what he learned or observed.

Photos: Bob Dylan through the years | www.accessatlanta.com
Meanwhile, in Minnesota&#8230;

Policeman helps moose that fell asleep on the streets of Minnesota

Sgt. Bernie Mettler was called to the town of Aurora after residents reported a moose roaming the streets.

It had wondered in from a nearby wood, and at one point grew so exhausted that it sat itself down and appeared to fall asleep.



There was a moose loose in Aurora Monday that, for some reason, decided to lay down and take a nap in the middle of a street. St. Louis County Deputy Bernie Metler then helped the moose up and herded it out of town. St. Louis County Sheriff photoSgt Bernie Mettler managed to help the moose up (Picture: St. Louis County Sheriff&#8217;s Dept)

&#8216;I have a hunch the moose got chased into town by the wolves,&#8217; Mettler told Twin Cities. &#8216;He looked very tired. But I gave him a little help and then he got back up.&#8217;

Mettler managed to rouse the moose, herd it back into the woods, and finish the day with a unique story to tell.

The moose returned to its wolf-infested habitat, to fight another day.

Kind of a sad story for the moose. They should set it up on some vacant lot in town in its own fenced in habitat, safe from the wolves. It may be an old guy who just can't deal with the wolves anymore.
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I thought the South Korean women's only parking spaces especially intriguing. Certainly possible fodder for a few one liners? :)

I think until we understand South Korean culture, there isn't much that is sensible we can say about it. It is impossible to judge another culture from our cultural perspective.

Oh come on Esmeralda. We aren't knocking anybody's culture. But the whole idea provides all sorts of humorous images to this American. :)

It's just an automatic reaction. I think folks from anywhere, any culture, look pretty foolish themselves when they ridicule other cultures they don't understand. The one who ends up with egg on his face is the one making fun of a culture he doesn't understand.

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