Oh Noes: After Mueller Dems Start to Worry There's No Scandal


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
I'm still betting the Hillary/Russia pay for play will be the outcome. Mueller needs to justify his time and money.

Eli Lake is right: The DOJ’s appointment of widely-respected former prosecutor Robert Mueller to lead the special inquiry into the Trump campaign’s potential collusion with Russia is a reprieve for a Trump Administration in crisis—a reprieve that it will almost certainly squander, but a reprieve nonetheless.

How do we know? Because the responses from Trump’s most dogged critics on the Russia question betray a kind of anxiety about the Mueller appointment—an anxiety that the no-nonsense law enforcement wise man will lower the temperature in Washington without actually uncovering enough damaging material to bring down the President.

Take, for example, Josh Marshall declaring that while he has confidence in Mueller to identify and expose any criminal activities undertaken by Trump or his associates, he won’t be able to prosecute the real Trump-Russia wrongdoing: a labyrinthian “conspiracy” which may not even involve any illegal behavior. . . .

Since the summer before the election, Trump’s critics have been suggesting or sometimes stating outright that Russia is involved with a criminal conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of Trump’s inner circle. But now that an unimpeachable bulldog prosecutor has been named to probe these very allegations, the critics seem to be trying to move the goalposts.

After Mueller, Trump Critics Worry: Maybe There’s No Scandal
Most of the DemNazi bigmouths have fallen silent which tells you they all knew that the "Russian Narrative" was false but that they had no answers for why they lost and no strategy but that False Narrative that they wanted to use to try to gain power back in 2018. With Obama's Stooge Comey out of the way, the Investigation will conclude and find No Collusion, just as The Head Of National Intelligence tried to Tell The Left.

I foresee a Landslide against The Dems in 2018. They should have never gone down this path, and instead took the high road and tried to participate in Government instead of undermine it.
Most of the DemNazi bigmouths have fallen silent which tells you they all knew that the "Russian Narrative" was false but that they had no answers for why they lost and no strategy but that False Narrative that they wanted to use to try to gain power back in 2018. With Obama's Stooge Comey out of the way, the Investigation will conclude and find No Collusion, just as The Head Of National Intelligence tried to Tell The Left.

I foresee a Landslide against The Dems in 2018. They should have never gone down this path, and instead took the high road and tried to participate in Government instead of undermine it.
they have no high road.
I'm still betting the Hillary/Russia pay for play will be the outcome. Mueller needs to justify his time and money.

Eli Lake is right: The DOJ’s appointment of widely-respected former prosecutor Robert Mueller to lead the special inquiry into the Trump campaign’s potential collusion with Russia is a reprieve for a Trump Administration in crisis—a reprieve that it will almost certainly squander, but a reprieve nonetheless.

How do we know? Because the responses from Trump’s most dogged critics on the Russia question betray a kind of anxiety about the Mueller appointment—an anxiety that the no-nonsense law enforcement wise man will lower the temperature in Washington without actually uncovering enough damaging material to bring down the President.

Take, for example, Josh Marshall declaring that while he has confidence in Mueller to identify and expose any criminal activities undertaken by Trump or his associates, he won’t be able to prosecute the real Trump-Russia wrongdoing: a labyrinthian “conspiracy” which may not even involve any illegal behavior. . . .

Since the summer before the election, Trump’s critics have been suggesting or sometimes stating outright that Russia is involved with a criminal conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of Trump’s inner circle. But now that an unimpeachable bulldog prosecutor has been named to probe these very allegations, the critics seem to be trying to move the goalposts.

After Mueller, Trump Critics Worry: Maybe There’s No Scandal
who's worried?

where there's smoke there's fire.
I'm still betting the Hillary/Russia pay for play will be the outcome. Mueller needs to justify his time and money.

Eli Lake is right: The DOJ’s appointment of widely-respected former prosecutor Robert Mueller to lead the special inquiry into the Trump campaign’s potential collusion with Russia is a reprieve for a Trump Administration in crisis—a reprieve that it will almost certainly squander, but a reprieve nonetheless.

How do we know? Because the responses from Trump’s most dogged critics on the Russia question betray a kind of anxiety about the Mueller appointment—an anxiety that the no-nonsense law enforcement wise man will lower the temperature in Washington without actually uncovering enough damaging material to bring down the President.

Take, for example, Josh Marshall declaring that while he has confidence in Mueller to identify and expose any criminal activities undertaken by Trump or his associates, he won’t be able to prosecute the real Trump-Russia wrongdoing: a labyrinthian “conspiracy” which may not even involve any illegal behavior. . . .

Since the summer before the election, Trump’s critics have been suggesting or sometimes stating outright that Russia is involved with a criminal conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of Trump’s inner circle. But now that an unimpeachable bulldog prosecutor has been named to probe these very allegations, the critics seem to be trying to move the goalposts.

After Mueller, Trump Critics Worry: Maybe There’s No Scandal
who's worried?

where there's smoke there's fire.
Ya, lots of fire in the Hillary/Russia pay to play bribes.
I'm still betting the Hillary/Russia pay for play will be the outcome. Mueller needs to justify his time and money.

Eli Lake is right: The DOJ’s appointment of widely-respected former prosecutor Robert Mueller to lead the special inquiry into the Trump campaign’s potential collusion with Russia is a reprieve for a Trump Administration in crisis—a reprieve that it will almost certainly squander, but a reprieve nonetheless.

How do we know? Because the responses from Trump’s most dogged critics on the Russia question betray a kind of anxiety about the Mueller appointment—an anxiety that the no-nonsense law enforcement wise man will lower the temperature in Washington without actually uncovering enough damaging material to bring down the President.

Take, for example, Josh Marshall declaring that while he has confidence in Mueller to identify and expose any criminal activities undertaken by Trump or his associates, he won’t be able to prosecute the real Trump-Russia wrongdoing: a labyrinthian “conspiracy” which may not even involve any illegal behavior. . . .

Since the summer before the election, Trump’s critics have been suggesting or sometimes stating outright that Russia is involved with a criminal conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of Trump’s inner circle. But now that an unimpeachable bulldog prosecutor has been named to probe these very allegations, the critics seem to be trying to move the goalposts.

After Mueller, Trump Critics Worry: Maybe There’s No Scandal
who's worried?

where there's smoke there's fire.
Ya, lots of fire in the Hillary/Russia pay to play bribes.

Yep... merely a coincidence that since the Clintons have ridden off into the sunset the donations to the CGI have virtually dried up to nothing.
Mueller is a man of impeccable credentials. If he states there is no fire, then we will accept that. Now will you accept it if he shows there was active collusion of Trump's campaign with the Russians, if that is what is proven? And what then? Are you going to cry about the removal of a treasonous President if that is the case?
Mueller is a man of impeccable credentials. If he states there is no fire, then we will accept that. Now will you accept it if he shows there was active collusion of Trump's campaign with the Russians, if that is what is proven? And what then? Are you going to cry about the removal of a treasonous President if that is the case?

The fact that you call President Trump treasonous before there is any evidence of such demonstrates that you have already made up your mind prior to any evidence of such treasonous activity. You'll bitch and whine no matter the outcome.

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