OH, NOOO! Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax denies sexual assault claim, amid political storm

When it rains, it pours, :auiqs.jpg:

In this case, its pouring Karma on the Hypocrite Democrats who have hung themselves on their own Race Card and MeToo Hooks.

Now we get to watch how: whats O.K to use to slur Kavanaugh is not O.K to use on a Black Democrat.

Meanwhile, Coonman is not leaving so far, and that means the Blacks who are uniform in saying he must go---are being "disrespected".

So, get the popcorn ready.
They can always just issue a strong rebuke and keep him in office like republicans do....

Steve King agrees with me...
Those DemonRATS just can't keep their hands off, and their peckers in their pants!!!!!... White OR black!!!

Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax issued a forceful pre-dawn denial on Monday to an allegation of sexual assault that surfaced after 15 years, in the latest political bombshell to rock Richmond where Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam is battling resignation calls over a racist photo from his medical school yearbook.

Fairfax, who would be next in line for governor should Northam bow to pressure and resign, called the allegation “defamatory” and “false.”

“Lt. Governor Fairfax has an outstanding and well-earned reputation for treating people with dignity and respect,” the statement from his office read. “He has never assaulted anyone—ever—in any way, shape, or form.”

Read more at foxnews.com ...


Let's check him out KAVANAUGH STYLE!!!...HE DID IT, PROVE HE DIDN'T!!!!!


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