Oh nos! Has Limbaugh gone to the dark side regarding Trump?

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
I haven't been paying attention to Limbaugh. I am more interested in my Korean soaps.

but I did check him out yesterday and today. Such a disappointment!! I am heartbroken that one of my heros has apparently gone over to the dark side. Tomorrow will he go over to restricting gun rights? Supporting abortions? Will he support single payer? They are all Trump positions.

I am feeling very depressed now.:ack-1:
Cheer up. RINOs' and lefty pundits (what a strange, but verifiable coupling), want you to believe that.
I haven't been paying attention to Limbaugh. I am more interested in my Korean soaps.

but I did check him out yesterday and today. Such a disappointment!! I am heartbroken that one of my heros has apparently gone over to the dark side. Tomorrow will he go over to restricting gun rights? Supporting abortions? Will he support single payer? They are all Trump positions.

I am feeling very depressed now.:ack-1:


Trump is pro 2nd amendment. pro-life, and does not want single payer for the US.
Which side is the dark side? Please provide a link. It is very annoying that so many people start threads without a link to back it up.
I haven't been paying attention to Limbaugh. I am more interested in my Korean soaps.

but I did check him out yesterday and today. Such a disappointment!! I am heartbroken that one of my heros has apparently gone over to the dark side. Tomorrow will he go over to restricting gun rights? Supporting abortions? Will he support single payer? They are all Trump positions.

I am feeling very depressed now.:ack-1:


Trump is pro 2nd amendment. pro-life, and does not want single payer for the US.
Today. His opinions change as often as he changes his shirt. You vote for him, what will opinions lightly held can go to what the have been for 30 years rather than what they are now, for the past six months.
Lushbo has said he is in favor of what he paid to be in favor of.

Tomorrow, he'll be in favor of something or someone else.

Seriously, Who cares?

I haven't been paying attention to Limbaugh. I am more interested in my Korean soaps.

but I did check him out yesterday and today. Such a disappointment!! I am heartbroken that one of my heros has apparently gone over to the dark side. Tomorrow will he go over to restricting gun rights? Supporting abortions? Will he support single payer? They are all Trump positions.

I am feeling very depressed now.:ack-1:

Well what did he say?
Limbaugh is the most astute professor of political analysis in modern history. You gotta listen to him for more than a day but if you are addicted to Korean soaps I expect you get your information from left wing blogs. Too bad the comedy channel guy retired. His analysis might suit you.
Limbaugh is the most astute professor of political analysis in modern history. You gotta listen to him for more than a day but if you are addicted to Korean soaps I expect you get your information from left wing blogs. Too bad the comedy channel guy retired. His analysis might suit you.
I listened to him all the time back in the day. I still think he is astute. But going to Trump..... the horror!
I haven't been paying attention to Limbaugh. I am more interested in my Korean soaps.

but I did check him out yesterday and today. Such a disappointment!! I am heartbroken that one of my heros has apparently gone over to the dark side. Tomorrow will he go over to restricting gun rights? Supporting abortions? Will he support single payer? They are all Trump positions.

I am feeling very depressed now.:ack-1:
He has really been pro-Trump for a while now. He and his fans are claiming that "he hasn't endorsed anyone", which is true, but everything he's saying about Trump, and it's a lot, has been CLEARLY supportive. As have Hannity, Savage and Levin, carbon copies.

In an absolutely fascinating campaign, this bizarre ignoring of Trump's non-conservative words as been the MOST fascinating.
non conservative words like , secure the borders , deport illegal aliens , rebuild USA military , fight wars and WIN them . Yep , all 4 phrases that I just said seems to be non conservative as you'll never hear words like that coming out of 'jebito' a socalled leading Conservative . Trump might be something new , an American that wants to 'make America Great AGAIN' Mac1958 !!
and there are more descriptive phrases from Trump but the 4 I mention matter most to me Mac !!
He did have a good thing on the immigrant crisis in Europe. Every Syrian, Iraqi and Lybian who can is fleeing those places, and it is 0bama's fault

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