The Democrat Party leadership has turned the Party into the Globalist Party

The globalists are turning the Democrats into globalists for their desires.

George soros for instance from the world economic forum is a major major biden, and democrat contributor. He along with other members of the world economic forum are.

And what is the world economic saying about america?

They said America will no longer be a world super power in 2030 but instead will be a part of other countries pretty much ruling the world. They openly said it, they didn't hide it

If that isn't globalism then I don't know what is. And it's obvious they are using democrats in America to push their goals, probably in exchange for power in the new world, because everything they do and say goes against what made America what it is today and ruins the fabric of what it means to be American.
The Whole World Needs to Be Unwhirled
How about waking up to the fact that Trump wants to be a dictator and the Heritage Foundation is helping by promoting Project 2025?


Do you also look under your bed for those dictators before going to sleep at night?
Globalism is the future. MAGA is a regressive movement.


The Democrats have always been known for never allowing a crisis to go to waste.​

Most of today’s globalism took root under FDR with such things as the World Bank, the United Nations, the export import bank, turning Federal Reserve Notes into irredeemable worthless script, (which were used to swindle people out of their gold deposits in banks), and many other things necessary to introduce our current GLOBAL GOVERNANCE CROWD.

Remember how Biden joked about flexing power when attending the Council on Foreign Relations and had a major prosecutor fired who was investigating his crack head son?


The Democrats have always been known for never allowing a crisis to go to waste.​

Most of today’s globalism took root under FDR with such things as the World Bank, the United Nations, the export import bank, turning Federal Reserve Notes into irredeemable worthless script, (which were used to swindle people out of their gold deposits in banks), and many other things necessary to introduce our current GLOBAL GOVERNANCE CROWD.

Remember how Biden joked about flexing power when attending the Council on Foreign Relations and had a major prosecutor fired who was investigating his crack head son?

So, clichés?! :cool-45:

No, just making sure they don’t end up back in the WH.


You must have been sleeping. The Whitehouse is infested with authoritarian Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba, stole people’s property, and now rule over the people with an iron fist!


America's wage-earning citizens have been made into taxed slaves to pay for the economic needs of millions upon millions of foreign nationals who have invited into the United States by the current globalist loving, Democrat Party Leadership.
You must have been sleeping. The Whitehouse is infested with authoritarian Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba, stole people’s property, and now rule over the people with an iron fist.
Blame SCOTUS for fanning the flames. It’s all legal now. Biden can arrest without consequence anyone that says different, including SC judges!

Blame SCOTUS for fanning the flames. It’s all legal now. Biden can arrest without consequence anyone that says different, including SC judges!


According to you but the written court ruling. Learn to read, rather than depend on your favorite gaslighting big media.
Globalism is the future. MAGA is a regressive movement.

So, explain how at least a few billion people living with far less and more are going to be uplifted to the comforts we have as a first world nation without any reduction in our standard of living. Once the globalists threaten to destroy the fiat currencies, economic and financial systems they own most of we will comply. Much of Americans living in what we call poverty are living better than many others in the world.
So, explain how at least a few billion people living with far less and more are going to be uplifted to the comforts we have as a first world nation without any reduction in our standard of living. Once the globalists threaten to destroy the fiat currencies, economic and financial systems they own most of we will comply. Much of Americans living in what we call poverty are living better than many others in the world.
Increase the pie. You’re assuming the pie is limited.

Is it not time for lifelong democrat voters to accept harsh reality and admit that the Democrat Party Leadership has abandoned the best interests of its American citizen voting base, and morphed itself into what may be called a Globalist Party?

Is it not a fact Biden and the Democrat Party Leadership is using federal power to allow and encourage massive immigration from poverty-stricken countries into the United States, and is now redistributing the wealth of American citizens into the pockets of foreign nationals who have invaded the borders of the United States by the millions?

Is it not a fact the Democrat Leadership is responsible for allowing illegal entrant foreign nationals to take over scare public housing meant for American citizens, overrun emergency care rooms, and is the cause of children of American citizens being displaced in public schools by the children of foreign nationals?

Is it not a fact the Democrat Leadership is undermining the sovereignty and general welfare of the United States by making international agreements destructive to the economic interests of American citizens?

Is it not a fact the Globalist Democrat Party Leadership is inviting the sale of America’s real estate to foreign adversaries?

How many more examples are necessary to conclude Biden and his Administration have morphed into a Globalist Party, and now represent the social and economic interests of foreign nationals, and have become a clear and present danger to the general welfare of lifelong democrat voters?

Is it not time to abandon the democrat Globalist Party and join in making America great again?


“We often give enemies the means of our own destruction.” – Aesop.
Must be those elites, like Biden.
Increase the pie. You’re assuming the pie is limited.

Democratic Settler Imperialism

You can't increase the pie except by rewarding creative people far more than they are motivated under the present nerd-bashing and unpaid education. This would lead to admitting that the Low-IQ races cannot be saved unless they serve the evolved races. Those who disrespect High IQs are the same Daddy-sponsored elitist traitors who elevate the savages.

Your influencers have manipulated you into making an increase in productivity require giving the increase away to nations that are
gentetically incapable of productivity, 'which is a left-handed insult to intelligence.
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