‘Pregnant women across the country have been joining forces to file lawsuits against the federal government over the constitutionality of President Donald Trump‘s executive order ending birthright citizenship in the United States, according to court records.
Attorneys in Maryland, Massachusetts and Washington state have filed lawsuits on behalf of expecting parents in response to Trump’s order last week, which has been blasted as “blatantly unconstitutional” by federal judges as it runs into legal trouble.
Attorneys general of 18 states and two major cities, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., have also teamed up to challenge the order — filing a joint lawsuit last Tuesday, Jan. 21, in federal district court.
“Plaintiffs bring this action to protect their states, localities, and residents from the President’s flagrantly unlawful attempt to strip hundreds of thousands American-born children of their citizenship based on their parentage,” the complaint says. “The principle of birthright citizenship has been enshrined in the Constitution for more than 150 years. The Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment unambiguously and expressly confers citizenship on ‘[a]ll persons born’ in and ‘subject to the jurisdiction’ of the United States. More than 125 years ago, the Supreme Court confirmed that this entitles a child born in the United States to noncitizen parents to automatic citizenship.”’
Pregnant women across the country have been joining forces to file lawsuits over the constitutionality of President Donald Trump's executive order ending birthright citizenship in the United States.
An EO motivated solely by racism, bigotry, and hate by someone unfit to hold any public office.