Oh noze! The "Carbon Bubble" according to Gore...

Mr. H.

Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2009
A warm place with no memory.
The freaking pervert should be registered as a sex offender for molesting a massage technician but that's another matter. Gore tried to make a killing on carbon credits but it didn't work out and now he is angry and confused. Maybe the sale of his media outlet to Al-Jazeera isn't working out either.
“The valuation of those companies and their assets is now based on the assumption that all of those carbon assets will be sold and burned,” he says.


“They are not going to be burned. They cannot be burned and will not be burned. No more than one-third can ever possibly be burned without destroying the future.”


No, check that... fucktardery!

...all these fossil fuels have carbon as their primary element.


Shit That Can Not Be Made UP

:lol: :lol:
Gore burns more carbons in one month than most Americans can in a year. Until that hypocrite cuts back, he can kiss my ass.
Well now, Gore turned a modest fortune into a large one by investing in high tech when that market was on a downer. He has continued to invest well and wisely, continueing to increase his fortune. In other words, a successful capitalist.

Now his books have done well, and a great many people agree with his stance on the effects of the GHGs in the atmosphere. You can throw bricks all you want in his direction, he bases what he states on science. And in the meantime, the scientists are continueing to find the evidence that we are creating a future that we are not going to like.
A future without hydrocarbons is no future at all. Unless we all choose to live like sub-Saharan Africans. It's not that I'm totally against the "green" movement, I just don't get the petrophobic nature of Liberals and environmentalists. And, without hydrocarbons there would be no "green" movement. Bowel movement, yes. Green movement, no. :)
Well now, Gore turned a modest fortune into a large one by investing in high tech when that market was on a downer. He has continued to invest well and wisely, continueing to increase his fortune. In other words, a successful capitalist.

Now his books have done well, and a great many people agree with his stance on the effects of the GHGs in the atmosphere. You can throw bricks all you want in his direction, he bases what he states on science. And in the meantime, the scientists are continueing to find the evidence that we are creating a future that we are not going to like.
The book British instructors took off their library and classroom shelves because there were over 500 corrections to it?

Hmm, yes, now I recall that book. So did every European nation that has an education system that does not tolerate lying in sciences, which was most every one of them.
Well now, Gore turned a modest fortune into a large one by investing in high tech when that market was on a downer. He has continued to invest well and wisely, continueing to increase his fortune. In other words, a successful capitalist.

Now his books have done well, and a great many people agree with his stance on the effects of the GHGs in the atmosphere. You can throw bricks all you want in his direction, he bases what he states on science. And in the meantime, the scientists are continueing to find the evidence that we are creating a future that we are not going to like.

:lol::lol::lol: Al Gore sold his soul to the oil companies and managed to sell something else to get Al Jezeera to pay orders of magnitude more than his Current TV was worth.

We understand you are a professional Gore fluffer but please, we know better, don't even try to blow smoke up our asses. Yours handles it all quite well. You can keep it.
Well now, Gore turned a modest fortune into a large one by investing in high tech when that market was on a downer. He has continued to invest well and wisely, continueing to increase his fortune. In other words, a successful capitalist.

Now his books have done well, and a great many people agree with his stance on the effects of the GHGs in the atmosphere. You can throw bricks all you want in his direction, he bases what he states on science. And in the meantime, the scientists are continueing to find the evidence that we are creating a future that we are not going to like.

Obama is poetry in motion...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMWGXt979yg]Thomas Dolby- She Blinded Me With Science - YouTube[/ame]
3 Reasons You Shouldn't Take Investing Tips From Al Gore

...if dirty-fossil-fuel consumption needs to be replaced, the natural solution is cleaner, yet still relatively low-priced, natural gas. This is already happening in North America, largely thanks to the shale gas revolution, but LNG exports and unconventional plays in other areas of the world could make this a global trend in the not-too-distant future.

Gore, what a whore...
Well now, Gore turned a modest fortune into a large one by investing in high tech when that market was on a downer. He has continued to invest well and wisely, continueing to increase his fortune. In other words, a successful capitalist.

Now his books have done well, and a great many people agree with his stance on the effects of the GHGs in the atmosphere. You can throw bricks all you want in his direction, he bases what he states on science. And in the meantime, the scientists are continueing to find the evidence that we are creating a future that we are not going to like.
The book British instructors took off their library and classroom shelves because there were over 500 corrections to it?

Hmm, yes, now I recall that book. So did every European nation that has an education system that does not tolerate lying in sciences, which was most every one of them.

Now that we are seeing $0.25 or less a watt solar in the near future, the present market price on carbon will sink it. When very cheap, high capacity batteries are developed, both in transportation and residential power, carbon is done. In a generation it will go the way of the horse. Just the direction of technology.
Well, so do a great many other people. And they may be correct, this kind of energy may develop slower than I expect. At the same time, look at what happened with the net and large screen TV's.
Once a technology get the wind behind it, ie., people desire it and the price is within reach of the average consumers budget, it takes off.

Yes, as with the change over from horse power to machine power, there will be economic dislocations for people. But the blacksmiths of the day changed to people that worked on steam engines or became millwrights and boilermen-electricians in industry. My grandfather was one of those men. The drilling technology of today works just as well for hot water and steam as for oil and gas.

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