oh oh where will he play golf if he has to pay for it himself


Dec 19, 2016
BREAKING: Obama Removed From Private Club After Repulsed Members Notice The Sick Thing He Did
Prissy Holly
January 12, 2017

the guy has lived of other peoples money his whole life now what is he going to do.

Throughout his presidency, Obama has constantly pandered to America’s enemies, while shunning our only non-Muslim ally in the Middle East, as evidenced by his continued horrific treatment towards the country of Israel. But now Obama’s Jew-hating antics are beginning to catch up with him, and it’s a massive blow to the ego of the man who has fancied himself a king since taking office in 2008.

Over the past 8 years, the Rockville Woodmont Country Club has given Obama a membership at their prestigious club free of charge, waiving the insane $80,000 initiation fee and yearly membership dues of almost $10,000. But after Obama’s recent disgusting treatment towards Israel with his backing of the United Nations’ plan to give Israeli land to Palestinian terrorists, many Jewish members are raising absolute hell, demanding that Obama be thrown the hell out of their club on his ear.

“In light of the votes at the UN and the Kerry speech and everything else, there’s this major uproar with having him part of the club, and a significant portion of the club has opposed offering him membership,” a source told The New York Post.

And these angered individuals are not playing around. Should the club continue to allow Obama to golf for free, they are threatening to sue the establishment for “bending the rules.”

Ironically, this exclusive high-end club was originally founded by the local DC Jewish community in 1913 after Jews in the area were banned from golfing at other clubs. But now that Obama is kicking Jews out of Israel, it looks like justice is finally coming full circle for our Jewish-hating president.

“Can you imagine how angry I would be if I had paid $80K to have to look at this guy who has done more to damage Israel than any president in American history?” said an official from a Washington Jewish organization told the Post.
The guest membership and hosting is given for being President, you goofball.

Of course it is withdrawn.

Trump will be offered the same deal.
So it seems that the story is better at telling the truth than the lying sack of shit of the OP.. They want to get rid of him because of the club bending the rules on membership rules...
The guest membership and hosting is given for being President, you goofball.

Of course it is withdrawn.

Trump will be offered the same deal.

Maybe they'll hire Obama to shine shoes. At least he's qualified to do that.
And you are green with envy from your shortfalls in life, but Oblama gets to golf for free...

And your nose is brown from having kissed his black ass for 8 years. Maybe he'll teach you how to shine shoes.
The guest membership and hosting is given for being President, you goofball.

Of course it is withdrawn.

Trump will be offered the same deal.

Maybe they'll hire Obama to shine shoes. At least he's qualified to do that.
And you are green with envy from your shortfalls in life, but Oblama gets to golf for free...

And your nose is brown from having kissed his black ass for 8 years. Maybe he'll teach you how to shine shoes.
I don't buy shoes to shine, but evidently you do, but Oblama gonna tee off anyway, clutch those pearls tightly..
The guest membership and hosting is given for being President, you goofball.

Of course it is withdrawn.

Trump will be offered the same deal.

Maybe they'll hire Obama to shine shoes. At least he's qualified to do that.
And you are green with envy from your shortfalls in life, but Oblama gets to golf for free...

And your nose is brown from having kissed his black ass for 8 years. Maybe he'll teach you how to shine shoes.
I don't buy shoes to shine, but evidently you do, but Oblama gonna tee off anyway, clutch those pearls tightly..

There are plenty of people that do so he'll have plenty to shine.
BREAKING: Obama Removed From Private Club After Repulsed Members Notice The Sick Thing He Did
Prissy Holly
January 12, 2017

the guy has lived of other peoples money his whole life now what is he going to do.

Throughout his presidency, Obama has constantly pandered to America’s enemies, while shunning our only non-Muslim ally in the Middle East, as evidenced by his continued horrific treatment towards the country of Israel. But now Obama’s Jew-hating antics are beginning to catch up with him, and it’s a massive blow to the ego of the man who has fancied himself a king since taking office in 2008.

Over the past 8 years, the Rockville Woodmont Country Club has given Obama a membership at their prestigious club free of charge, waiving the insane $80,000 initiation fee and yearly membership dues of almost $10,000. But after Obama’s recent disgusting treatment towards Israel with his backing of the United Nations’ plan to give Israeli land to Palestinian terrorists, many Jewish members are raising absolute hell, demanding that Obama be thrown the hell out of their club on his ear.

“In light of the votes at the UN and the Kerry speech and everything else, there’s this major uproar with having him part of the club, and a significant portion of the club has opposed offering him membership,” a source told The New York Post.

And these angered individuals are not playing around. Should the club continue to allow Obama to golf for free, they are threatening to sue the establishment for “bending the rules.”

Ironically, this exclusive high-end club was originally founded by the local DC Jewish community in 1913 after Jews in the area were banned from golfing at other clubs. But now that Obama is kicking Jews out of Israel, it looks like justice is finally coming full circle for our Jewish-hating president.

“Can you imagine how angry I would be if I had paid $80K to have to look at this guy who has done more to damage Israel than any president in American history?” said an official from a Washington Jewish organization told the Post.
If I know this brother....getting away from a bunch of fake ass white people is a pleasure. I hope he now begans to kick it wit his hommies....cause real recognizes real, bitch!! Bye redneck bitches, hello home boys with a keg!!
The Freeloader-In-Chief will always find starry-eyed Liberals to pick up the tab.
Wait till your white sorry ass get that Tab from Trump in a few months, starting with the wall and ending with tax payers protecting his entire fuckin family all over the place, right down to his tiny golden nuts

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