Oh SH*T, Biden’s $100 Billion Bundle Taking Us To GLOBAL WAR?! - Stay Free


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Folks, can’t you see what’s going on here. Biden and many Republicans want to give billions upon billions of dollars to Israel and Ukraine. Israel they can never lose because they have a strong military fighting against nothing. Ukraine might lose without our help but that’s a whole Nother dynamic because 30% of ukraine is pro-Russian according to a general in India….. ask yourself where is this money really going?

But even if you don’t agree with the point about Ukraine… nobody can disagree logically with the point about Israel, they are nuclear armed with a ferocious military, facing nothing. People with AK-47s at best … you ever hear the term don’t bring a AK-47 to a tank fight. But I also say Russia never supported Iraq in 2003 so we are wrong to support Ukraine in 2023. Think about that one.

These politicians want us to do a candlelight vigil for Israel for Ukraine. What about a candlelight vigil for the hundred thousand dead Americans every year from drugs brought over the border???. How about the babies in Chicago and all over the country killed in shootings??

Just ask yourself, do you really think that the media and much of our government has your best interest blasting us with constant footage from Ukraine an Israel….when there are just as bad atrocities and violence going on in Africa and South America that we don’t hear about. Or the Violence right here in America. Or the homelessness which is out of control in America.

We need better leader ship in this country.

God bless Russell Brand, he is taking on the global elite.

Folks, can’t you see what’s going on here. Biden and many Republicans want to give billions upon billions of dollars to Israel and Ukraine. Israel they can never lose because they have a strong military fighting against nothing. Ukraine might lose without our help but that’s a whole Nother dynamic because 30% of ukraine is pro-Russian according to a general in India….. ask yourself where is this money really going?

But even if you don’t agree with the point about Ukraine… nobody can disagree logically with the point about Israel, they are nuclear armed with a ferocious military, facing nothing. People with AK-47s at best … you ever hear the term don’t bring a AK-47 to a tank fight. But I also say Russia never supported Iraq in 2003 so we are wrong to support Ukraine in 2023. Think about that one.

These politicians want us to do a candlelight vigil for Israel for Ukraine. What about a candlelight vigil for the hundred thousand dead Americans every year from drugs brought over the border???. How about the babies in Chicago and all over the country killed in shootings??

Just ask yourself, do you really think that the media and much of our government has your best interest blasting us with constant footage from Ukraine an Israel….when there are just as bad atrocities and violence going on in Africa and South America that we don’t hear about. Or the Violence right here in America. Or the homelessness which is out of control in America.

We need better leader ship in this country.

God bless Russell Brand, he is taking on the global elite.

We "give" Israel money to keep the US from having to go into battle in Israel. In turn Israel uses the money to buy arms, planes and other war material from us. They also give the US valuable intel about all the mid-east countries. As for Ukraine, they are not our bosom buddies and if it were up to me they wouldn't get a penny.
nobody can disagree logically with the point about Israel, they are nuclear armed with a ferocious military, facing nothing. People with AK-47s at best
Are you trolling or are you really that misinformed about Hizballah? They have a well trained 100K troops and north of 150K missiles aimed at Israel. A significant % of which are precision guided. If Hizballah launches on Israel we could be looking at the beginning of a regional war, minimum. If Iran or Russia join in, it could become a global conflagration - including nukes. You should do a little research before embarrassing yourself like this.
100 billion to anyone would be our swan song. We don't have it. Being 33 trillion already in debt who would be fool enough to give us 100 billion dollars. The Palestinians don't need it. They can go to another Muslim country. Go to Saudi.

Screw Ukraine.
Are you trolling or are you really that misinformed about Hizballah? They have a well trained 100K troops and north of 150K missiles aimed at Israel. A significant % of which are precision guided. If Hizballah launches on Israel we could be looking at the beginning of a regional war, minimum. If Iran or Russia join in, it could become a global conflagration - including nukes. You should do a little research before embarrassing yourself like this.
They’re not involved in the fight and even if they were, they don’t have the resources that Israel does my fellow Christian.

Have a blessed night

one day, the Catholic kingdom of Jerusalem will return
100 billion to anyone would be our swan song. We don't have it. Being 33 trillion already in debt who would be fool enough to give us 100 billion dollars. The Palestinians don't need it. They can go to another Muslim country. Go to Saudi.

Screw Ukraine.
100 million for Palestinians , 10 billion for Israel 60 billion for Ukraine.

Israel doesn’t need the money they are nuclear armed, and corrupt people in Israel could be stealing some of it just like it is with Ukraine.
Are you trolling or are you really that misinformed about Hizballah? They have a well trained 100K troops and north of 150K missiles aimed at Israel. A significant % of which are precision guided. If Hizballah launches on Israel we could be looking at the beginning of a regional war, minimum. If Iran or Russia join in, it could become a global conflagration - including nukes. You should do a little research before embarrassing yourself like this.

This is Bibi's problem. The US should stay out of it
We "give" Israel money to keep the US from having to go into battle in Israel. In turn Israel uses the money to buy arms, planes and other war material from us. They also give the US valuable intel about all the mid-east countries. As for Ukraine, they are not our bosom buddies and if it were up to me they wouldn't get a penny.

We have been paying foreign aid to Israel since 1948.
We need better leader ship in this country.

Joe Biden makes me ashamed to be American.

It is an embarrassment to have this bum represent my country.
It is an outrage to watch how this guy spends us broke and what on.
It is a DISGRACE what Joe Biden accomplishes in the name of "democracy."

Having Joe Biden for an unwelcome president is like flagging down a taxi in a crisis only to find that the driver is an untrained monkey heading in the wrong direction on the wrong side of the street looking for a banana.
Joe Biden makes me ashamed to be American.

It is an embarrassment to have this bum represent my country.
It is an outrage to watch how this guy spends us broke and what on.
It is a DISGRACE what Joe Biden accomplishes in the name of "democracy."

Having Joe Biden for an unwelcome president is like flagging down a taxi in a crisis only to find that the driver is an untrained monkey heading in the wrong direction on the wrong side of the street looking for a banana.
I‘ve been ashamed since at least dumb W was potus. What took you so long?
I‘ve been ashamed since at least dumb W was potus. What took you so long?

I think my shame and horror began in the 90s with the Clintons really, when they crawled out of Little Rock and brought drugs, sex, crime, and perversion into the WH. At first I told myself it was just the contrast with how good Reagan had generally been. And their decrepitude helped ameliorate GW a bit, especially for the way he was attacked and with 9/11 going on, really the Clinton's doing as well. But it has definitely been a down sliding horror show ever since with just some leveling off and some hope during Trump's first three years before they unleashed a global and national crisis to distract from sabotaging his reelection.

At first, I though Joe Biden was going to be this really BORING president and administration; who would have guessed that his term in office would end up making the Obummas look like a side street popcorn stand.

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