Oh the irony....Could it be blacks whom keep getting Trump elected...BaRock and now BLM?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I’m pretty sure most would agree that without the Kenyans eight year reign of terror we’d have no Donald Trump presidency and I doubt there’s a debate to be had over whether or not the antics of BLM will play a roll in his re-election should he be re-elected.
THANKS BLACKS....much appreciated!
I’m pretty sure most would agree that without the Kenyans eight year reign of terror we’d have no Donald Trump presidency and I doubt there’s a debate to be had over whether or not the antics of BLM will play a roll in his re-election should he be re-elected.
THANKS BLACKS....much appreciated!

There was a poll the other day that was saying The Donald's poll numbers among Blacks are now 19% and among Hispanics are now 30%, The Donald only needs 10% of the Black vote and 20% of the Hispanic vote in order to send Creepy Joe packing.
I’m pretty sure most would agree that without the Kenyans eight year reign of terror we’d have no Donald Trump presidency and I doubt there’s a debate to be had over whether or not the antics of BLM will play a roll in his re-election should he be re-elected.
THANKS BLACKS....much appreciated!

There was a poll the other day that was saying The Donald's poll numbers among Blacks are now 19% and among Hispanics are now 30%, The Donald only needs 10% of the Black vote and 20% of the Hispanic vote in order to send Creepy Joe packing.

Yep, Dems are livid over Donny cutting the shackles off black folks...The Dems are quite smart though; they are turning their focus to illegals and those here on stolen citizenships/anchor babies.
Tim Scott the R-SC Senator is in charge of outreach to the black community for Trump's reelection. He says Trump will get at least 15% of the black vote from internal polling he has seen.

If that is correct Trump wins big.
I’m pretty sure most would agree that without the Kenyans eight year reign of terror we’d have no Donald Trump presidency and I doubt there’s a debate to be had over whether or not the antics of BLM will play a roll in his re-election should he be re-elected.
THANKS BLACKS....much appreciated!
Many black Americans are waking up to the plantation the Democrats keep them in. The Burn, Loot, Murder crowd are just racist Democrat terrorist. Many of them are white.
Tim Scott the R-SC Senator is in charge of outreach to the black community for Trump's reelection. He says Trump will get at least 15% of the black vote from internal polling he has seen.

If that is correct Trump wins big.
All Americans nomatter their PC label benefit from America first policy.

Democrats force the minorities that vote for them to compete with foreign nations for resources meant for them. The Democrats aim is maintain a dependent voter base, not make anything better.
I’m pretty sure most would agree that without the Kenyans eight year reign of terror we’d have no Donald Trump presidency and I doubt there’s a debate to be had over whether or not the antics of BLM will play a roll in his re-election should he be re-elected.
THANKS BLACKS....much appreciated!

There was a poll the other day that was saying The Donald's poll numbers among Blacks are now 19% and among Hispanics are now 30%, The Donald only needs 10% of the Black vote and 20% of the Hispanic vote in order to send Creepy Joe packing.

Yep, Dems are livid over Donny cutting the shackles off black folks...The Dems are quite smart though; they are turning their focus to illegals and those here on stolen citizenships/anchor babies.

"The Dems are quite smart though; they are turning their focus to illegals and those here on stolen citizenships/anchor babies."

First of all I apologise that my below post is pretty long, but I hope Rightists read it because I think it contains some very important information about things to come in America IF the UNLIMITED amounts of Third World Shit Holers are NOT STOPPED.

Democrats aka Communists are so FANATICAL about importing UNLIMITED amount of Third World Shit Holers into America because these are their New Voters, they know that Ethnic Americans aka Americans of European Christian Heritage are AGAINST the Democrat aka Communist Agenda and vote AGAINST them so they CAN'T win so the solution is to import in UNLIMITED amounts those of Non-European Christian Heritage into America who have NO connection to ANYTHING Culturally American or Culturally European Christian-American and therefore are HOSTILE to Whitey and Hostile to Christianity and also because in general they are going to be lower IQ they are easily manipulated into voting for the Democrats aka Communists.

The Democrats aka Communists with I add the HELP of RINO's aka Cuckservatives for several DECADES have been ushering in the demise of America via Population Replacement ie. the DELIBERATE CHANGING of Demographics in what WERE ALWAYS Red States, this is why for example you NOW have Virginia voting Democrat aka Communist, this is why within the next 10 years Texas is probably going to end up a Blue State - look at the Demographics of Texas now, you will see it is soon approaching a majority of Non-Americans, mainly Mexicans but also a variety of different African types literally FROM Africa.

The Leftists aka Communists keep pointing to the situation that Texas is becoming a Toss-Up State because unlike say 10 years ago when the Republicans won it with more than 20% than the Democrat aka Communist The Donald is like 5%-7% ahead of the Democrat aka Communist.

The ONLY reason The Donald is not 20 points ahead in Texas and the ONLY reason he was not 20 points ahead in 2016 in Texas is PURELY because successive RINO's aka Cuckservatives in Texas have ALLOWED Mexicans and Third World Shit Holers to ALL squat in Texas and as we know that crowd vote Leftist and THIS is the ONLY reason why in 2016 and also now in 2020 The Donald did not and will not win Texas by 20 points.

IF it's not stopped then within 10 years Texas will vote as California does, NOTE: California USED to be a pretty Conservative State, Democrats aka Communists and RINO's aka Cuckservatives TURN States AGAINST Conservatism by simply IMPORTING Browns and Blacks into the State who they know will vote Leftist.

EG. Orange County, California for nearly 129 YEARS was SOLID Republican UNTIL thanks to Democrats aka Communists and RINO's aka Cuckservatives the DEMOGRAPHICS were CHANGED via IMMIGRATION and for the FIRST TIME since 1936 in 2016 Orange County voted for the Democrat aka Communist for President and in 2018 for the FIRST TIME EVER Democrats aka Communists took control of EVERY Congressional Seat.

Anyhow this is how Democrats aka Communists and RINO's aka Cuckservatives EVENTUALLY turned SOLID CONSERVATIVE Orange County into a Shit Hole of Leftism:






^^^^ The above Demographic's of Orange County, California for 2018. Now when it says White 71.5% just IGNORE that 71.5% figure, what you need to pay attention to is below that, where it says White non-Hispanic 41% that is saying that the TOTAL WHITE population is 40% and therefore the COMBINED Non-White (ie. Imported Population) is 60% and for this see the SECOND PARAGRAPH of the BELOW article and THIS is HOW the Democrats aka Communists turned 129 YEAR old SOLID Republican Orange County into SOLID Democrat Orange County by 2018:



The Leftist aka Commie journalist does NOT even HIDE WHY Orange County went from being SOLID Republican for 129 YEARS into being SOLID Democrat aka Communist in 2018.

NOTE: "Long famous for it's wealth, WHITENESS...." "it is survived by it's offspring, who include a population that is about 60% people of color" so THERE IT IS, the Democrats aka Communists do Population Replacement, they REPLACE WHITES with NON-WHITES and THAT is how they TAKE CONTROL of previously LONG-STANDING bastians of Conservatism like Orange County and they are doing EXACTLY the same in Texas, like they did EXACTLY the same in Virginia.

NOTE: As with EVERYTHING Democrats aka Communists do when they IMPORT all the Non-Whites into previously White areas, they turn the place into a TOTAL SHIT HOLE and the Leftist aka Commie journalist does NOT HIDE that either, so the previously Wealthy White Orange County now is turned into a Democratic STRONG HOLD with "some of the most crowded and poor neighborhoods in the United States" ie. Reduced to a Shit Hole.


Column: An obituary for old Orange County, dead at age 129

The Leftists aka Communist would SCREAM that ALL my above comments are OMG! Racist! BUT they are NOT, what though IS PURE RACISM is turning White areas into Black and Brown areas so you can then REDUCE that previously beautiful area into a TOTAL SHIT HOLE because THAT'S how much you Hate Whitey and THAT'S how much you want to CONTROL things. Diversity is a Code Word for Chasing Down the Last White to be REPLACED by a Non-White and that Anti-White and that IS RACISM.
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I’m pretty sure most would agree that without the Kenyans eight year reign of terror we’d have no Donald Trump presidency and I doubt there’s a debate to be had over whether or not the antics of BLM will play a roll in his re-election should he be re-elected.
THANKS BLACKS....much appreciated!

Not about Blacks but I did not know what other thread to post this in, so I'm posting it in this thread because it's about more elected Democrats endorsing The Donald. The six Minnesota Mayors describe Creepy Joe's Democrat Party as "radical Democrats" and say "we didn't choose to leave the Democratic Party, the party left us"





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