Ohio Student Suspended for Staying in Class During Walkout

Why did the teacher walk out of class? Teachers sign a contract to teach, not walk out of class to support student complaints. His father should contact an honest lawyer.
Teachers are hired to teach. Unlike you, they have working minds. There is nothing that says they need to be in class to teach. Really stupid thought, dipshit. Really stupid.

So, they can teach a classroom of children from the teacher's lounge?


^^^^ Or teach them from the local Crack House or whatever, many of these SJWs are on either Crack or Meth it's why they all have Brain Rot :smoke:

Ohhhh. So that's it. The experts don't agree with you, of course. But you may be on to something. You do have brain rot, after all.


He could have sat in class and done his work in the study hall with the rest of non-participating students. If he was suspended for solely not participating I would be on his side, but that wasn't the reason he was suspended. He made a choice and that choice has a consequence.

Of course his parents pay taxes for him to get an education, not being sent to a study hall while his classmates go outside and fuck off for 17 mins under the guise of remembering dead students and promoting gun control

Way I see it, HE was where he was supposed to be, and everyone else was out of place, including the teacher.

Right. The students and the teacher have contracts saying all learning must be in the classroom. Right, me whatever. Oh, actually, no they did not. Sorry you missed that.

A protest is not learning.

Well, it is learning, it teaches much about some of these people.

That's what Social Studies is for.
Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.

He could have sat in class and done his work in the study hall with the rest of non-participating students. If he was suspended for solely not participating I would be on his side, but that wasn't the reason he was suspended. He made a choice and that choice has a consequence.

Of course his parents pay taxes for him to get an education, not being sent to a study hall while his classmates go outside and fuck off for 17 mins under the guise of remembering dead students and promoting gun control

Way I see it, HE was where he was supposed to be, and everyone else was out of place, including the teacher.

Right. The students and the teacher have contracts saying all learning must be in the classroom. Right, me whatever. Oh, actually, no they did not. Sorry you missed that.

A protest is not learning.

Unless you're "learning" how to blame everyone and everything for problems except those actually responsible for them.
Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.

He could have sat in class and done his work in the study hall with the rest of non-participating students. If he was suspended for solely not participating I would be on his side, but that wasn't the reason he was suspended. He made a choice and that choice has a consequence.

Of course his parents pay taxes for him to get an education, not being sent to a study hall while his classmates go outside and fuck off for 17 mins under the guise of remembering dead students and promoting gun control

Way I see it, HE was where he was supposed to be, and everyone else was out of place, including the teacher.

Right. The students and the teacher have contracts saying all learning must be in the classroom. Right, me whatever. Oh, actually, no they did not. Sorry you missed that.

Sounds like you need to spend some time in a classroom, an English classroom specifically. And what's up with this "me" shit?

I think he thinks he's being Irish and "cute".
Tsk tsk....someone's not being a good Socialist...

The next logical situation for the Leftist SJWs will be to resurrect the Komsomol complete with Pioneer's Uniform with red cap and badge:

Wow. You do have an imagination, me boy. Stupid imagination, but an imagination.
Perhaps you should start a movie project, eh. Though you probably want to figure out where you go when you go broke.
Problem with your line of BS is the usual, me boy. The Komsomol did not keep growing, or have any actual impact on the world. And you ignore that truth. You see, you forgot to mention that, along with Communism, the Komsomol is dead. It was disbanded in 1991,
You see, me boy, you make a complete fool of yourself when you suggest that a very large number of independent students from across the nation are somehow a group of organized kids. They are far from organized, but I think what bothers you most is that they have, unlike you and your con troll friends, working minds.
Stupid post. Really stupid. But thanks for trying to play.

"where you go when you go broke."

I do not have to worry ever about going broke darling, I am Independently Wealthy.
So you say, me girl. So you say. But, if you work on this subject, you may find you are wrong.

"You see, you forgot to mention that, along with Communism, the Komsomol is dead."

Low IQ Troll Muppet, Wow, me girl. That would be your opinion, and you know how much I value your opinion.
Communism is not dead,Yep, pretty much died years ago. Sorry you missed it. the philosophy and dogma of Communism lives, Why do you care about the philosophy or dogma of communism. Are you just bored, or just brain dead. The ph the Communists just now for the moment refer to themselves as Progressives and the SJWs are indoctrinating children effectively in the exact same way Soviet children were indoctrinated via the Komsomol, indoctrinated in the values and dogma of the Communist Party, the SJWs are indoctrinating children in the values * and dogma of Far Leftism. That would be, me girl, AGAIN just your opinion. Stupid opinion at that. Perhaps you have and impartial link proving something you say, eh dipshit?
Sorry, me girl. There are a few small communist nations left, and they are in the process of failing. I know it is important for you to believe in an enemy for you to identify with. But Communism is far from being a worthwhile enemy. Makes you look stupid.

* Not sure what actual values the SJWs have except for telling boys they are girls trapped in a boys body so take hormone pills and get ready to have their dick chopped off and telling girls they are girls trapped in a boys body, and men can also have periods and give birth and that ALL White people are Evil Whitey and Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and Islam is Great and Is the Religion of Peace and that EVERYONE who does not agree with The Leftist Agenda is a racist/bigot/Nazi/Fascist/Whatevah and the rest of the horsecrap that SJWs spew from their rotted minds.
Not sure what happened to your once possible working mind, but it pretty much killed it. Thought seems to be beyond you. You just seem to be left with conservative talking points and conservative drivel. Best of luck with that.
Tsk tsk....someone's not being a good Socialist...

The next logical situation for the Leftist SJWs will be to resurrect the Komsomol complete with Pioneer's Uniform with red cap and badge.

i would suggest you try to hold your breath while you wait for that. Only a really stupid con troll would make the kinds of statements you do. But then, you have been working at it. Dipshit.

Wow. You do have an imagination, me girl Stupid imagination, but an imagination.
Perhaps you should start a movie project, eh. Though you probably want to figure out where you go when you go broke.
Problem with your line of BS is the usual, me girl The Komsomol did not keep growing, or have any actual impact on the world. And you ignore that truth. You see, you forgot to mention that, along with Communism, the Komsomol is dead. It was disbanded in 1991,
You see, me girl, you make a complete fool of yourself when you suggest that a very large number of independent
students from across the nation are somehow a group of organized kids. They are far from organized, but I think what bothers you most is that they have, unlike you and your con troll friends, working minds.
Stupid post. Really stupid. But thanks for trying to play

"where you go when you go broke."

I do not have to worry ever about going broke darling, I am Independently Wealthy.
So you say. But if you try pushing the Komsomol bit commercially, you will indeed go broke.

"You see, you forgot to mention that, along with Communism, the Komsomol is dead."

Low IQ Troll Muppet, Communism is not dead, the philosophy and dogma of Communism lives, the Communists just now for the moment refer to themselves as Progressives and the SJWs are indoctrinating children effectively in the exact same way Soviet children were indoctrinated via the Komsomol, indoctrinated in the values and dogma of the Communist Party, the SJWs are indoctrinating children in the values * and dogma of Far Leftism.

* Not sure what actual values the SJWs have except for telling boys they are girls trapped in a boys body so take hormone pills and get ready to have their dick chopped off and telling girls they are girls trapped in a boys body, and men can also have periods and give birth and that ALL White people are Evil Whitey and Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism and Islam is Great and Is the Religion of Peace and that EVERYONE who does not agree with The Leftist Agenda is a racist/bigot/Nazi/Fascist/Whatevah and the rest of the horsecrap that SJWs spew from their rotted minds.
Tsk tsk....someone's not being a good Socialist...

The next logical situation for the Leftist SJWs will be to resurrect the Komsomol complete with Pioneer's Uniform with red cap and badge:

Stupid post. Really stupid. But thanks for trying to play.

"where you go when you go broke."

I do not have to worry ever about going broke darling, I am Independently Wealthy.

"You see, you forgot to mention that, along with Communism, the Komsomol is dead."
Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.

He could have sat in class and done his work in the study hall with the rest of non-participating students. If he was suspended for solely not participating I would be on his side, but that wasn't the reason he was suspended. He made a choice and that choice has a consequence.

Of course his parents pay taxes for him to get an education, not being sent to a study hall while his classmates go outside and fuck off for 17 mins under the guise of remembering dead students and promoting gun control

Way I see it, HE was where he was supposed to be, and everyone else was out of place, including the teacher.

Right. The students and the teacher have contracts saying all learning must be in the classroom. Right, me whatever. Oh, actually, no they did not. Sorry you missed that.

The teachers have a RIGHT to teach those children in the local Crack House or the local S&M Bar or what....EVAH :smoke: :uhoh3:

Uh, are you just trying to be stupid. Not hard for you, I see. The teachers have a right to teach kids where it makes sense. If they tried your nonsense locations, they would be fired by the school board. But outside, you see, is quite different from a crack house, but I have no idea about an S&M Bar. I suspect you are way more familiar with S&M Bars than I or anyone I know is. You like that environment, me girl?
So they say he was suspended because he couldn’t be left unsupervised... in his classroom, where the teacher should have been instead of out participating in this stupid walk out/ demonstration.
So you wanted the teacher to stay and supervise one instead of the 30 odd others......
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

He said he wasnt picking sides and school was no place for politics.
So he stayed on neutral ground.

He stayed right where he was scheduled to be. Maybe his teacher shouldn't have changed the schedule for his/her personal political issues.

I wonder if the walkout was in the lesson plan? Every teacher or instructor has a lesson plan. When I was an Army instructor, the lesson plan was on a desk by the door so that a classroom visitor could pick it up to see what is being taught.

Unlike you, me boy, teachers in public schools do not have lesson plans covering everything they do. They are thought to have working minds. Now, I know anyone who has you as an employee knows you are a troll, not capable of actual free thought. So, you need to be controlled. Makes perfect sense.
Why did the teacher walk out of class? Teachers sign a contract to teach, not walk out of class to support student complaints. His father should contact an honest lawyer.
Teachers are responsible for supervising their students...most school districts make them give up their prep time between periods/classes to stand outside and supervise.
So they say he was suspended because he couldn’t be left unsupervised... in his classroom, where the teacher should have been instead of out participating in this stupid walk out/ demonstration.
So you wanted the teacher to stay and supervise one instead of the 30 odd others......
How dare a teacher stay in class to teach. We all know children must run schools!
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Retarded thread.

It says in the very first paragraph that he was suspended for not being in one of the two places he was supposed to be.

From your link, dope.

"HILLIARD, Ohio — An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

It had not a thing to do with the protest.
So they say he was suspended because he couldn’t be left unsupervised... in his classroom, where the teacher should have been instead of out participating in this stupid walk out/ demonstration.
So you wanted the teacher to stay and supervise one instead of the 30 odd others......

This argument is predicated on the assumption that the walkout was necessary or mandated, which it was not.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Retarded thread.

It says in the very first paragraph that he was suspended for not being in one of the two places he was supposed to be.

From your link, dope.

"HILLIARD, Ohio — An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

It had not a thing to do with the protest.

He's supposed to be in the classroom, as is his retarded teacher. Why was he supposed to be a at a political protest? That shit has no business being foisted on schoolchildren.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Retarded thread.

It says in the very first paragraph that he was suspended for not being in one of the two places he was supposed to be.

From your link, dope.

"HILLIARD, Ohio — An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

It had not a thing to do with the protest.

He's supposed to be in the classroom, as is his retarded teacher. Why was he supposed to be a at a political protest? That shit has no business being foisted on schoolchildren.
The left want children to run things.

Khmer Rouge did the same thing.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Retarded thread.

It says in the very first paragraph that he was suspended for not being in one of the two places he was supposed to be.

From your link, dope.

"HILLIARD, Ohio — An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

It had not a thing to do with the protest.

He's supposed to be in the classroom, as is his retarded teacher. Why was he supposed to be a at a political protest? That shit has no business being foisted on schoolchildren.

^^^^ Exactly he, the teacher and ALL of the school children were supposed to ALL be in the classroom and that teacher teaching them, the school children were not supposed to be out on a SJW Political Protest which was pushed into their impressionistic minds by Leftist SJW Activists, Leftist politicians and the Propaganda MSM.
Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.

He could have sat in class and done his work in the study hall with the rest of non-participating students. If he was suspended for solely not participating I would be on his side, but that wasn't the reason he was suspended. He made a choice and that choice has a consequence.

Of course his parents pay taxes for him to get an education, not being sent to a study hall while his classmates go outside and fuck off for 17 mins under the guise of remembering dead students and promoting gun control

Way I see it, HE was where he was supposed to be, and everyone else was out of place, including the teacher.

Right. The students and the teacher have contracts saying all learning must be in the classroom. Right, me whatever. Oh, actually, no they did not. Sorry you missed that.

Sounds like you need to spend some time in a classroom, an English classroom specifically. And what's up with this "me" shit?

Cultural appropriation.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Retarded thread.

It says in the very first paragraph that he was suspended for not being in one of the two places he was supposed to be.

From your link, dope.

"HILLIARD, Ohio — An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

It had not a thing to do with the protest.

He's supposed to be in the classroom, as is his retarded teacher. Why was he supposed to be a at a political protest? That shit has no business being foisted on schoolchildren.

He wasn't where he was supposed to be, dope. Regardless of the reason.
So they say he was suspended because he couldn’t be left unsupervised... in his classroom, where the teacher should have been instead of out participating in this stupid walk out/ demonstration.
So you wanted the teacher to stay and supervise one instead of the 30 odd others......

No,we wanted the teachers to stay in class where they're suppossed to be.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Retarded thread.

It says in the very first paragraph that he was suspended for not being in one of the two places he was supposed to be.

From your link, dope.

"HILLIARD, Ohio — An Ohio high school student says he tried to remain nonpolitical during school walkouts over gun violence and was suspended for a day because he stayed in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, a study hall."

It had not a thing to do with the protest.

He's supposed to be in the classroom, as is his retarded teacher. Why was he supposed to be a at a political protest? That shit has no business being foisted on schoolchildren.

He wasn't where he was supposed to be, dope. Regardless of the reason.
Let’s punish the one person being where the taxpayers sent their money for him to be.

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