Ohio Student Suspended for Staying in Class During Walkout

More fake conservatives knee jerking and jizzing all over each other over a nonstory
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Uh, as soon as possible, let us know how this poor little kid was supposed to learn anything in an empty classroom. With no teacher. And let us all know why it is a good idea for a child to stay alone in a classroom rather than be in a supervised situation with the majority of students, Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! No, that is you that is making this a political issue. Not the students. Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.
Uh, that is a stupid sentence. No one is trying to make the kid an example. I know from 3 grand kids going through similar protests in high schools near me, in a VERY pro gun area, that the issue is as they said: the safety of the kids for the administration, and the safety of the kids for the kids themselves.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts
As a con troll, you simply post con talking points. Try to empathize with the kids instead of simply posting right wing nut case talking points, along with the talking points of the NRA. You see, neither the schools not the kids are trolls. That is your issue.

"Try to empathize with the kids"

Who are being used as political pawns by Leftist Fascists and if a child refuses to go with The Leftist Agenda they are suspended and treated like social lepers.

"You see, neither the schools not the kids are trolls."

Perhaps they are not trolls, but you are a Troll so nobody cares what you think keep drinking that Kool-Aid though.


Students not wishing to participate in the protest festivities were required to go to a different classroom for a study hall.

He refused to go.

I'm sure he's heart broken to be missing class......Pro'ly gonna need therapy.

Perhaps this was his way of protesting the protest.

I thought you leftists were all in favor of kids speaking out and protesting.

"I thought you leftists were all in favor of kids speaking out and protesting."

They are as long as the children are protesting on behalf of The Leftist Agenda, if children protest against The Leftist Agenda they should be suspended and treated as social lepers and then sent to the SJW Re-Education Camp.
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.

He could have sat in class and done his work in the study hall with the rest of non-participating students. If he was suspended for solely not participating I would be on his side, but that wasn't the reason he was suspended. He made a choice and that choice has a consequence.
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.

He could have sat in class and done his work in the study hall with the rest of non-participating students. If he was suspended for solely not participating I would be on his side, but that wasn't the reason he was suspended. He made a choice and that choice has a consequence.

Children are being used as political pawns and it's disgusting. Children should be in school to be educated in the normal educational subjects ie. mathematics, science, literature, art etc they should not be in schools being brainwashed by Leftist SJW teachers who are part of the Leftist Teaching Unions and being indoctrinated with Radical Political Positions and then being instructed to walk out on command to go on some SJW Bedwetting Mass Public Tantrum and used as political pawns.
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.

He could have sat in class and done his work in the study hall with the rest of non-participating students. If he was suspended for solely not participating I would be on his side, but that wasn't the reason he was suspended. He made a choice and that choice has a consequence.

Of course his parents pay taxes for him to get an education, not being sent to a study hall while his classmates go outside and fuck off for 17 mins under the guise of remembering dead students and promoting gun control
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Uh, as soon as possible, let us know how this poor little kid was supposed to learn anything in an empty classroom. With no teacher. And let us all know why it is a good idea for a child to stay alone in a classroom rather than be in a supervised situation with the majority of students, Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! No, that is you that is making this a political issue. Not the students. Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.
Uh, that is a stupid sentence. No one is trying to make the kid an example. I know from 3 grand kids going through similar protests in high schools near me, in a VERY pro gun area, that the issue is as they said: the safety of the kids for the administration, and the safety of the kids for the kids themselves.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts
As a con troll, you simply post con talking points. Try to empathize with the kids instead of simply posting right wing nut case talking points, along with the talking points of the NRA. You see, neither the schools not the kids are trolls. That is your issue.
Only a moron lets children overrule adults. Especially the laundry soap eating gender confused generation.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Uh, as soon as possible, let us know how this poor little kid was supposed to learn anything in an empty classroom. With no teacher. And let us all know why it is a good idea for a child to stay alone in a classroom rather than be in a supervised situation with the majority of students, Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! No, that is you that is making this a political issue. Not the students. Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.
Uh, that is a stupid sentence. No one is trying to make the kid an example. I know from 3 grand kids going through similar protests in high schools near me, in a VERY pro gun area, that the issue is as they said: the safety of the kids for the administration, and the safety of the kids for the kids themselves.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts
As a con troll, you simply post con talking points. Try to empathize with the kids instead of simply posting right wing nut case talking points, along with the talking points of the NRA. You see, neither the schools not the kids are trolls. That is your issue.

"Try to empathize with the kids"

Who are being used as political pawns by Leftist Fascists
First to prove you are an idiot, calling leftists fascists is really, really stupid. And matches,you, me poor ignorant clown. and if a child refuses to go with The Leftist Agenda they are suspended and treated like social lepers.
You must have some proof, eh, dipshit. Oh, of course not. You are a con troll, used to making up drivel from whole cloth.

"You see, neither the schools not the kids are trolls."

Perhaps they are not trolls, Trolls follow their leader. I have no leader. But you do. The far right and the NRA are who you are a troll for. I simply support the kids, who are trying to make a point. Not clowns like you, who simply parrot their con leaders.
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

Same reason his classmates didn't just sit in class and do their work: because he had a statement to make. Funny how the left only likes that when they've rubber-stamped the message in question.

He could have sat in class and done his work in the study hall with the rest of non-participating students. If he was suspended for solely not participating I would be on his side, but that wasn't the reason he was suspended. He made a choice and that choice has a consequence.

Of course his parents pay taxes for him to get an education, not being sent to a study hall while his classmates go outside and fuck off for 17 mins under the guise of remembering dead students and promoting gun control

Way I see it, HE was where he was supposed to be, and everyone else was out of place, including the teacher.
Students not wishing to participate in the protest festivities were required to go to a different classroom for a study hall.

He refused to go.

I'm sure he's heart broken to be missing class......Pro'ly gonna need therapy.

Why is an educational institution for children engaging in this shit? Their parents are assholes, I'd have kept mine home, and screw those shitbag teachers that were involved in this.
Why did the teacher walk out of class? Teachers sign a contract to teach, not walk out of class to support student complaints. His father should contact an honest lawyer.
Teachers are hired to teach. Unlike you, they have working minds. There is nothing that says they need to be in class to teach. Really stupid thought, dipshit. Really stupid.
Why did the teacher walk out of class? Teachers sign a contract to teach, not walk out of class to support student complaints. His father should contact an honest lawyer.
Teachers are hired to teach. Unlike you, they have working minds. There is nothing that says they need to be in class to teach. Really stupid thought, dipshit. Really stupid.

So, they can teach a classroom of children from the teacher's lounge?

Why did the teacher walk out of class? Teachers sign a contract to teach, not walk out of class to support student complaints. His father should contact an honest lawyer.
Teachers are hired to teach. Unlike you, they have working minds. There is nothing that says they need to be in class to teach. Really stupid thought, dipshit. Really stupid.

So, they can teach a classroom of children from the teacher's lounge?


^^^^ Or teach them from the local Crack House or whatever, many of these SJWs are on either Crack or Meth it's why they all have Brain Rot :smoke:
Why didn’t he just go to the study hall with the rest of the classmates that didn’t participate? What makes him so special?

He said he wasnt picking sides and school was no place for politics.
So he stayed on neutral ground.

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