Oil back to $95 after dip to $90 due to Reserve release


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
heard a guy say today all he wound up doing by that strategic res. release was put a summer floor under the price ( oh and the dollar sunk again too) ....*shrugs*

anyway, nice job Mr. President..but hey, he got some headlines....;)

opps, wait, let me guess; it would have been worse if he hadn't...:rolleyes:

Oil rises above $95 per barrel | PRIYO
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It accounted for, what, 16 hours of consumption?
It accounted for, what, 16 hours of consumption?


it is what it is...I mean even when hes being political he cannot get it right Daley his chief of staff wanted to do this back in march, at least then it had some patina of significance, not that it would have tuned out better really, but to do it after a drop from 115 to 95, was...well...now we have to replace it.
Yeah I bet the traders loved it. A know quantity of oil released over a known period of time.
Send up the flares!
So now gas will start going back up?

It's what i expected anyway.

Any takers on never getting below $3 a gallon?
Yeah gas was around $3.25 here, Obama released some strategic reserve and it went up to $3.68! Go figure!!!
Oil is such an interesting fascinating thing. Those who have nothing to do with it seem to have the most questions about it. So- go find some oil and quit asking such dumb ass questions.
"Plug the hole, daddy!" beseecheth the loin-fruit of our President.

Daddy never made hole. Daddy Bam never ever worked a day in the oil patch.

Dad Bam don't know shit about working fingers to bone humping pipe up and down.

Plug, baby, plug! See daddy plug. Go daddy go.

What a fuck up.
All Obama did was prove the Republicans have been right all along.

If a one time release from the strategic reserve can reduce the pump price, then drilling our own oil here in the U.S. would have the same effect...over a longer term.

WTG Mr. President.
Gutless, nutless retards. Work in a gas station. Sell hot dogs and nachos and slurpees.

Haul drill pipe, swing the chain around some casing.
Throw the slips around a head. Make a connection. Repair the mud pump. Change out a bit. Repeat that for 10 hours. Work your nuts raw.
You got no fucking clue.
Go on- poke a hole in the ground and see what you get.
Morgage your life on a tumble of the dice. Oil? Gas? Gasoline?
You want that shit then go get it.
You make me puke.

Oh- somebody else got it? Too bad for you. You ain't got what it takes.
But that's not your problem, it's somebody else's right?
Gas is down to 3.49 here.

Paid $3.28 for regular unleaded in St Louis, MO this morning.

Paid $3.39 for regular unleaded in Denver, CO this evening.

Slightly more expensive in Kansas.

Down about $0.60 from the highs a month or so back.
Gutless, nutless retards. Work in a gas station. Sell hot dogs and nachos and slurpees.

Haul drill pipe, swing the chain around some casing.
Throw the slips around a head. Make a connection. Repair the mud pump. Change out a bit. Repeat that for 10 hours. Work your nuts raw.
You got no fucking clue.

Most people have never worked on a rig. Workover or drilling. From a directional drillers perspective, stay up 36 hours kicking off the well, be up for every connection thereafter, blame the mudmotor failures on the other guy, and if you can't hit something on the first try, the size of a garage door, 4 miles down, and 3 miles away, you're fired.

Nuts never got raw (not even roustabouting in college, or welltending afterwards) but sure missed alot of sleep. And you couldn't get me up on that monkeyboard for love or money.
Ah well so I got roaring drunk last night.
Just pissing in the wind again folks. Move along now...

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