Oil Consumption Tied To Price? Who'd Thunk It?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

October 30, 2008
As Gas Prices Go Down, Driving Goes Up

VINTON, La. — Doug Guidry gave up drag racing and boating last summer when gasoline prices shot up. Billy Castaneda put off trips to Houston to see his grandchildren. Randal Shul stopped playing paintball with his buddies to save gas.

Now, with gasoline prices dropping, all three men are hitting the road again. “Gas going down means freedom, even when everyone is worried about the economy,” Mr. Castaneda said as he filled his 1995 Oldsmobile 88 to drive 125 miles to Houston the other day.

The sharp decline in gasoline use earlier this year — with volume down nearly 10 percent in some weeks — suggested to many people, including the automobile companies, that a permanent change in American habits might be at hand. But with gasoline prices falling drastically in recent weeks, some American drivers are returning to their old ways...
When the press asked Bush's spokeperson a few year's ago about energy conservation, he laughed derisively.

Just one more place that Bush failed the American people.

It will be nice to have a president who understands the common sense of energy conservation.
One man can't fail the American people. Chris, have you ever read the constitution. Last time i check, we have three branches of government. Are you going to tell me that one branch was responsible for the American people when there are two others that suppose to check and balance one another. It would be nice if we have people in all branches not tainted with ties that bind their hand ("i'll donate to your campaign, but what are you going to do for me and my buddies" that we have now). Last two years, we have seen what a Democratic party would do in power of Congress. They rather look ahead at the next election and see what they can do for themselves rather than help the American.
It's all about supply and demand is it?

Then the demand doubled in the last few months and then was cut in half again in the last few weeks?

Interesting theory.
One man can't fail the American people. Chris, have you ever read the constitution. Last time i check, we have three branches of government. Are you going to tell me that one branch was responsible for the American people when there are two others that suppose to check and balance one another. It would be nice if we have people in all branches not tainted with ties that bind their hand ("i'll donate to your campaign, but what are you going to do for me and my buddies" that we have now). Last two years, we have seen what a Democratic party would do in power of Congress. They rather look ahead at the next election and see what they can do for themselves rather than help the American.

You've not yet begun to see what a democratic congress can do... You will soon my friend.. you will soon...
imagine if we actually drilled our own resources.

Imagine if we had 2 mill barrels a day flowin gtherough ANWR today if Clinton didn't veto it back in 95.
When the press asked Bush's spokeperson a few year's ago about energy conservation, he laughed derisively.

Just one more place that Bush failed the American people.

It will be nice to have a president who understands the common sense of energy conservation.

How can a figurehead fail anything? Presidents have no power to do anything but speak. We have two functional branches of government and one symbolic. Kind of like the British Monarchy.
Who'd have thunk it? Anyone with a brain. But not those on this forum that were convinced that a speech Bush gave brought prices down.

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