For those of you that truly believe that this should happen.. “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free” i.e. Jewish genocide,Anti-semites...

I was just reading today how the Israeli, right-wing radicals essentially took over the Netanyahu government. One anecdote I heard recently was that the head of the Israeli security force in the West Bank issued an order that no security forces would respond to Palestinian calls for help if Jewish settlers were involved.
Yes and sadly such stories are common yet not to be mentioned in polite company "mustn't say nasty things about Jews after what they want through" and other such claptrap.

The unstated rule is that because of the Holocaust perpetrated by the Germans in Europe eighty years ago, then today. Israel situated in the middle of Palestine is entitled to kill anyone they want, bomb and maim anyone they want no matter where they are or even which country they are in and no matter who might be with them and that Israel must also be allowed to act with impunity and be subject to restrictions.

That is Zionism - if a state is given that much power then it will do untold damage.
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However much Hezbollah and Hamas want the Jews out is pretty much how much the Israeli gov't wants the Palestinians out of Gaza and the West Bank. Neither side wants peace.
I’ve not heard any Israelis make a chant. “ “From River to sea, Israel must be Free”. Israel has never started any conflict first. Israel responses are defensive to being fired on. Why did Israel build the “iron dome”? To launch attacks? DEFENSE!!
No, correct actually, if you want to talk about "kingdoms" use the word "kingdoms".
ah, so when you reference " Israel/Judah's neighbors" you meant the individuals but you didn't say "the citizens" and just the names of the kingdoms. You need to be clearer when you ask a question.
ah, so when you reference " Israel/Judah's neighbors" you meant the individuals but you didn't say "the citizens" and just the names of the kingdoms. You need to be clearer when you ask a question.
Ask for clarification next time then.
I’ve not heard any Israelis make a chant. “ “From River to sea, Israel must be Free”.
You won't, Israel isn't illegally occupied by foreign invaders.
Israel has never started any conflict first.
Neither did the Nazis then.
Israel responses are defensive to being fired on. Why did Israel build the “iron dome”? To launch attacks? DEFENSE!!
The US supplied that because Israel is a proxy for projecting US military power over the indigenous people in the Middle East.
Yes and sadly such stories are common yet not to be mentioned in polite company "mustn't say nasty things about Jews after what they want through" and other such claptrap.

The unstated rule is that because of the Holocaust perpetrated by the Germans in Europe eighty years ago, then today. Israel situated in the middle of Palestine is entitled to kill anyone they want, bomb and maim anyone they want no matter where they are or even which country they are in and no matter who might be with them and that Israel must also be allowed to act with impunity and be subject to restrictions.

That is Zionism - if a state is given that much power then it will do untold damage.
Americans are raised on old cowboy westerns where one side is good and the other is evil. In the real world, it is not so simple. As bad as the rightwing Israelis are, the adversaries they face are just as bad.
I’ve not heard any Israelis make a chant. “ “From River to sea, Israel must be Free”. Israel has never started any conflict first. Israel responses are defensive to being fired on. Why did Israel build the “iron dome”? To launch attacks? DEFENSE!!
There are settlements in the West Bank that are illegal according to Israeli law and have been there for years. You may not have heard any chants but there are Israelis that would gladly occupy the entire West Bank and those Israelis are in Netanyahu's government.
I had no need to, you wrote clearly, all claptrap but it was clear that it was claptrap.
And I didn't need to because you established your question on the level of kingdom. If you want to change to talk about individuals, you should say so. Maybe you just have no idea what you are talking about.
And I didn't need to because you established your question on the level of kingdom. If you want to change to talk about individuals, you should say so. Maybe you just have no idea what you are talking about.
You often get confused I've noticed.
oh look! An irrelevant picture because you have no relevant facts. How unexpected.
The fact the whole world is voting against your continued GENOCIDE isn't relevant?
So then you have an answer to your own question! And that answer undermines your other claims. I know you are probably having trouble keeping track of all this but, don't worry, you just shot yourself in the foot.

Um, no, guy. Luther saw the Jews as Germans who refused to join his new German Church. The same way he saw German Catholics who refused to convert. He didn't believe for a second they had a magic connection to the Holy Land.

At the end of the day, there were no Palestinians. Want to try another lie?
Oh, then I guess the Jews made up Oct 10th... so they can stop whining about it.
Americans are raised on old cowboy westerns where one side is good and the other is evil. In the real world, it is not so simple. As bad as the rightwing Israelis are, the adversaries they face are just as bad.
Was the USA "evil" when they first helped in the Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991), was a war waged by coalition forces from 35 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.
So as a "pragmatist"....was the USA and 35 other nations "evil" when 9/11/01 occurred?
Was the USA and the other 18 of the United States's allies that stated they would support America's response to the attacks...."evil"?
I always was taught that the difference between "good" and "evil" were the actions.
Good was constructive. Evil destructive.

How many tons of food has the Hamas given to Israel after their 10/7/23 attack? Zero right?
"The State of Israel has facilitated the entry of more than 252,000 tons of food and
3.3 million cubic meters (871.8 million gallons) of water into the Gaza Strip since the war began on Oct. 7, according to freshly released statistics.Apr 3, 2024.
Is that "good"???

Now the "BAD"...
It would be horrified world reaction to the Holocaust that would push the Zionist project over the finish line.
In November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 181, partitioning the territory into “Independent Arab and Jewish States.”
The Resolution received immediate Arab rejection, and Palestinian militias attacked Jewish settlements. On 14 May, 1948, the Yishuv declared the founding of the state of Israel, immediately recognised by the United States.
Now what was "EVIL" in that?
Was the USA "evil" when they first helped in the Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991), was a war waged by coalition forces from 35 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.

Naw, what made us evil in that case is that for a decade, we completely ignored Saddam and the threat he posed. Even when he told April Glaspie that he was going to attack Kuwait, she said the US wouldn't take a side. Then the Kuwaiti military folded like a cheap suit and Saddam just annexed the whole country.

It would be horrified world reaction to the Holocaust that would push the Zionist project over the finish line.
In November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 181, partitioning the territory into “Independent Arab and Jewish States.”
The Resolution received immediate Arab rejection, and Palestinian militias attacked Jewish settlements. On 14 May, 1948, the Yishuv declared the founding of the state of Israel, immediately recognised by the United States.
Now what was "EVIL" in that?

That they had no business giving away Palestinian land. If the US felt that badly about having a Jewish State, give them one of ours. We've got half a dozen empty rectangles in the Great Plains that we are barely using.
Naw, what made us evil in that case is that for a decade, we completely ignored Saddam and the threat he posed. Even when he told April Glaspie that he was going to attack Kuwait, she said the US wouldn't take a side. Then the Kuwaiti military folded like a cheap suit and Saddam just annexed the whole country.

That they had no business giving away Palestinian land. If the US felt that badly about having a Jewish State, give them one of ours. We've got half a dozen empty rectangles in the Great Plains that we are barely using.
FACTS not guesses like you've done!
In early times, Palestine was inhabited by Semitic peoples, the earliest being the Canaanites.
According to tradition, Abraham, the common ancestor of the Jews and the Arabs, came from Ur to Canaan.
Now the following information about the history of Palestine is probably TOO complicated for someone of your intelligence!

The “Palestine problem” of today had its origin in policies introduced while Palestine was a responsibility of the League of Nations, the forerunner of the United Nations.
A report issued in 1930 by a commission* appointed with the approval of the League of Nations contains what might be the closest to an objective survey of the early history of Palestine.

The following summary is taken from that report.

In early times, Palestine was inhabited by Semitic peoples, the earliest being the Canaanites.
According to tradition,
Abraham, the common ancestor of the Jews and the Arabs, came from Ur to Canaan.

When the tribes of Israel came to Palestine after their captivity in Egypt,
they were united into one kingdom by King David in 1000 B.C.
This kingdom reached its greatest heights under King David’s son, Solomon, who built the first Temple of Jerusalem on Mount Moriah.
However, after Solomon’s death, the history of the people of Israel – or rather of the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah –
is a record of civil wars and struggles with alien tribes.

About 720 B.C., the Assyrians destroyed the kingdom of Israel and carried its inhabitants away as captives. About 600 B.C., the Babylonian King Nebuchadenezzar attacked the kingdom of Judah, destroying Jerusalem and Solomon’s temple in 567 B.C. Most of the inhabitants were carried into captivity. Fifty years later, when the Persian King Cyrus conquered Babylon, the Jews were able to return to Palestine. By about 515 B.C. they had rebuilt Solomon’s temple.

Now for simple-minded, short attention span people like you....
Who were the first settlers of Palestine?
ANSWER:palestine was inhabited by Semitic peoples, the earliest being the Canaanites i.e.
Abraham, the common ancestor of the Jews and the Arabs,

SO who were first settlers of Palestine ? Abraham, the ancestor of the Jews!
Was the USA "evil" when they first helped in the Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991), was a war waged by coalition forces from 35 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.
There are very few legitimate wars but this was one and Bush did a great job of it.

So as a "pragmatist"....was the USA and 35 other nations "evil" when 9/11/01 occurred?
Was the USA and the other 18 of the United States's allies that stated they would support America's response to the attacks...."evil"?
I always was taught that the difference between "good" and "evil" were the actions.
Good was constructive. Evil destructive.
What Al Qaeda did was pure evil but it didn't come from no where. Israel has a reputation in the Arab world that is not very positive. They are seen as wanting to annex the West Bank and Gaza and drive out the Palestinians and the US is seen as their ally. A reputation that has been fostered by Israeli settlements.

How many tons of food has the Hamas given to Israel after their 10/7/23 attack? Zero right?
"The State of Israel has facilitated the entry of more than 252,000 tons of food and
3.3 million cubic meters (871.8 million gallons) of water into the Gaza Strip since the war began on Oct. 7, according to freshly released statistics.Apr 3, 2024.
Is that "good"???
Yet medical supplies in Gaza are scarce, are they scarce in Israel?

Now the "BAD"...
It would be horrified world reaction to the Holocaust that would push the Zionist project over the finish line.
In November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 181, partitioning the territory into “Independent Arab and Jewish States.”
The Resolution received immediate Arab rejection, and Palestinian militias attacked Jewish settlements. On 14 May, 1948, the Yishuv declared the founding of the state of Israel, immediately recognised by the United States.
Now what was "EVIL" in that?
When the British left Palestine did they consult with the Palestinian people or the governments of the countries they created? No they just threw up their hands and ran. The UN tried to force a new reality that the Arabs didn't accept. It was a surprise to no one.
FACTS not guesses like you've done!
In early times, Palestine was inhabited by Semitic peoples, the earliest being the Canaanites.
According to tradition, Abraham, the common ancestor of the Jews and the Arabs, came from Ur to Canaan.

Guy, if your claim is a book of mythology with giants, talking snakes, talking donkeys, then I REALLY can't take you seriously.
Guy, if your claim is a book of mythology with giants, talking snakes, talking donkeys, then I REALLY can't take you seriously.
I would say “Go to hell” but you evidently are there already! Obviously you never heard of “Pascal’s Wager”.

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