OJ Joins Twitter, Says I’ve Got a Little Getting Even To Do

Well, there's one asshole I would have been fine never hearing from again....
I look forward to the cutting edge insights from OJ
Oh goody, that means everyone's FAVORITE sadistic woman-brutalizer has sharpened his knife for next time this carpet-head gets married.
Why is OJ Simpson saying those things? he shouldn't...it doesn't sound right.:confused:
......very dumbass/racist blacks let him get away with murder

You mean like white racist have done in this country for centuries. Amazing how you cheered when a racist white jury allowed Zimmerman to get away with murder.
you just fucked up big time !!!!!!
WRONG 100%
I thought Zim SHOULD go to jail!!!!!!
here--this link--UNDENIABLE proof
this means YOU are the racist--not me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is the FINAL proof--YOU are the racist ----not me
here in this USMB thread--many, many posts by ME:
George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app
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Why is OJ Simpson saying those things? he shouldn't...it doesn't sound right.:confused:
Because he’s fuckin’ stupid?

And a very special kind of stupid at that when you consider he skated on a double homicide and still got his worthless ass tossed in the slammer for nine years.
......very dumbass/racist blacks let him get away with murder

You mean like white racist have done in this country for centuries. Amazing how you cheered when a racist white jury allowed Zimmerman to get away with murder.
This is why your people will never advance.

We have advanced in spite of folks like you.
You’ve advanced mass murder amongst yourselves quite well.

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