OK Bombing


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Here is a video the reportidly tells you everything you need to know in about 2 minutes.

Personnally I seriously doubt the government's story. I don't understand why McVeigh, if he had accomplists wouldn't tell before he was executed, if he were executed. How someone apparently smart enough to build such a bomb was too stupid to have a license plate on his car. Or how they so quickly put McVeigh with the bombing to arrest him in the first place.

The whole thing is strange, very strange. And who is John doe 2?
I was at first going to view this video till i saw who the OP is,a disinfo agent lying troll as any truth seeker can see how he exposed himself as just that in post# 23 here.
Putin and Ron Paul tell truth.Assad not behind chemical attacks.US is.

Looks like my ignore list grows larger with more and more government shills trolling this section day by day.

as far as the OP here,mcveigh was rightly so called by independent investigaters back then Lee Harvey Mcviegh because same as Oswald,they ignored all the facts that Mcviegh had accomplises and did not act alone.

Only differerence in the two is that with oswald,there was never a shread of evidence that proved he had any involvement in it,where with mcviegh,thre is proof that he was involved but as in the same case with Oswald,like that case,the government ignored evidence that there were more people involved than just him and did not pursue that evidence.some things just never change in our government. newest patsy created by the government. Lee Harvey Mcveigh.
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I was at first going to view this video till i saw who the OP is,a disinfo agent lying troll as any truth seeker can see how he exposed himself as just that in post# 23 here.
Putin and Ron Paul tell truth.Assad not behind chemical attacks.US is.

Looks like my ignore list grows larger with more and more government shills trolling this section day by day.

as far as the OP here,mcveigh was rightly so called by independent investigaters back then Lee Harvey Mcviegh because same as Oswald,they ignored all the facts that Mcviegh had accomplises and did not act alone.

Only differerence in the two is that with oswald,there was never a shread of evidence that proved he had any involvement in it,where with mcviegh,thre is proof that he was involved but as in the same case with Oswald,like that case,the government ignored evidence that there were more people involved than just him and did not pursue that evidence.some things just never change in our government. newest patsy created by the government. Lee Harvey Mcveigh.

I see, so you come to discussion boards to lecture us all on the truths that apparently only you know.

And when it is pointed out that your lecture material is flawed you lash out.

I am no more a disinfo agent any more so than you are.

McVeigh definitely did not act alone there is more than one source of that information and it is in the video. Oswald on the other hand had the means, the ability, the rifle, and the reason to do it. And as far as I have ever seen there is zero evidence of anyone else being involved. Three shots were fired by Oswald on that day, and three shots were all that were fired, it is on audio tape.

You need to really chill when it comes to disagreement. With your views I would think you would be used to disagreement.

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