OK, Does ANYONE in Obama Administration NOT LIE LIKE A RUG?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Obamacare Architect on the Stupidity of the American Voter The Weekly Standard
Gruber, however, didn’t end his discussion with the individual mandate. He went on to say the following:
“In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said healthy people are gonna pay in — you’ve made explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Okay? Just like the...people — transparent — lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever.”

That is what happens when you have a cocksucker like Obama in the White House.
Does Jim ever stop crying like a little bitch?

That is, when he not dreaming about cocksucking. But maybe the two go together.
the guy didnt lie

he said they purposefully confused the issue

and kept it non transparent

and the supporters are too stupid to know any difference
Do Republicans have anything to offer (help) the middle class?

The middle class was way better off before obammy came along.
Earnings are down and costs are up on everything from food to healthcare.
So explain how this helps the middle class?
You libs spout the same lies over and over even when they've been debunked a thousand times.
Get a new shtick,this one's getting tiresome.
Anyone else notice that every lib response on this thread has been an insult with zero content?
What's with all the freaking trolling? I realize you guys are really butt hurt but come on.
What's with all the freaking trolling? I realize you guys are really butt hurt but come on.
I'm not partisan, I'm a political scientist.

Revamping of how the nation takes care of it's health care was on the agenda for the corporate elites for a long time. It went back to the Clinton Administration. If the more economically conservative minded folks on the forum actually believe that if McCain, or Romney, or any other Republican had been elected no health care reform would have happened? That if no leftists had ever been elected since the shrub had been in office, then they KNOW NEXT TO NOTHING about how the corporate classes interact with the pols in DC.

Initially it was Nixon who started the spiraling out of control medical costs in this country. HE is the one that made prescription drugs and medical care a profit incentivized industry. If we want to blame someone for letting the corporate fat cats into folks dying bed sides, we can blame him.

But just like education, when you have the government subsidize something, costs go through the roof, and an industry that should have been a non-profit industry then become corrupt with rot.

The fact of the matter is, health care costs, due to government meddling with the costs and corruption, were starting to take a toll on the American edge on productivity and competitiveness across ALL industries compared to all other nations on the globe. It wouldn't have mattered which party had taken over DC, one of them had to do something to externalize the costs on to the taxpayers. Although the Republican party had successfully done it at the state level in Massachusetts, the appropriate party to take on this task was the Democratic party. But, in the end, it mattered not one whit to the elites who took power through out the 2010's, we were going to have the polity subsidizing corporation's healthcare costs, so America could once again be competitive in ALL industries.

Now that healthcare costs are not part of the aircraft we produce, our aircraft can compete better. This is the same story with our cars, financial products, software, hardware, etc.

Sure, the partisan idiots want to take credit for this, but the fact of the matter is, neither the Democrats or the Republican are really ever in control, it is their corporate donors who control the agenda. If they want to shed healthcare costs from the corporate operating budgets, then congress will find a way to put it on the American tax payer.
Due to deductibles and premiums ,healthcare has become much less affordable
What's with all the freaking trolling? I realize you guys are really butt hurt but come on.
I'm not partisan, I'm a political scientist.

Revamping of how the nation takes care of it's health care was on the agenda for the corporate elites for a long time. It went back to the Clinton Administration. If the more economically conservative minded folks on the forum actually believe that if McCain, or Romney, or any other Republican had been elected no health care reform would have happened? That if no leftists had ever been elected since the shrub had been in office, then they KNOW NEXT TO NOTHING about how the corporate classes interact with the pols in DC.

Initially it was Nixon who started the spiraling out of control medical costs in this country. HE is the one that made prescription drugs and medical care a profit incentivized industry. If we want to blame someone for letting the corporate fat cats into folks dying bed sides, we can blame him.

But just like education, when you have the government subsidize something, costs go through the roof, and an industry that should have been a non-profit industry then become corrupt with rot.

The fact of the matter is, health care costs, due to government meddling with the costs and corruption, were starting to take a toll on the American edge on productivity and competitiveness across ALL industries compared to all other nations on the globe. It wouldn't have mattered which party had taken over DC, one of them had to do something to externalize the costs on to the taxpayers. Although the Republican party had successfully done it at the state level in Massachusetts, the appropriate party to take on this task was the Democratic party. But, in the end, it mattered not one whit to the elites who took power through out the 2010's, we were going to have the polity subsidizing corporation's healthcare costs, so America could once again be competitive in ALL industries.

Now that healthcare costs are not part of the aircraft we produce, our aircraft can compete better. This is the same story with our cars, financial products, software, hardware, etc.

Sure, the partisan idiots want to take credit for this, but the fact of the matter is, neither the Democrats or the Republican are really ever in control, it is their corporate donors who control the agenda. If they want to shed healthcare costs from the corporate operating budgets, then congress will find a way to put it on the American tax payer.
Due to deductibles and premiums ,healthcare has become much less affordable
What's with all the freaking trolling? I realize you guys are really butt hurt but come on.
I'm not partisan, I'm a political scientist.

Revamping of how the nation takes care of it's health care was on the agenda for the corporate elites for a long time. It went back to the Clinton Administration. If the more economically conservative minded folks on the forum actually believe that if McCain, or Romney, or any other Republican had been elected no health care reform would have happened? That if no leftists had ever been elected since the shrub had been in office, then they KNOW NEXT TO NOTHING about how the corporate classes interact with the pols in DC.

Initially it was Nixon who started the spiraling out of control medical costs in this country. HE is the one that made prescription drugs and medical care a profit incentivized industry. If we want to blame someone for letting the corporate fat cats into folks dying bed sides, we can blame him.

But just like education, when you have the government subsidize something, costs go through the roof, and an industry that should have been a non-profit industry then become corrupt with rot.

The fact of the matter is, health care costs, due to government meddling with the costs and corruption, were starting to take a toll on the American edge on productivity and competitiveness across ALL industries compared to all other nations on the globe. It wouldn't have mattered which party had taken over DC, one of them had to do something to externalize the costs on to the taxpayers. Although the Republican party had successfully done it at the state level in Massachusetts, the appropriate party to take on this task was the Democratic party. But, in the end, it mattered not one whit to the elites who took power through out the 2010's, we were going to have the polity subsidizing corporation's healthcare costs, so America could once again be competitive in ALL industries.

Now that healthcare costs are not part of the aircraft we produce, our aircraft can compete better. This is the same story with our cars, financial products, software, hardware, etc.

Sure, the partisan idiots want to take credit for this, but the fact of the matter is, neither the Democrats or the Republican are really ever in control, it is their corporate donors who control the agenda. If they want to shed healthcare costs from the corporate operating budgets, then congress will find a way to put it on the American tax payer.

LACA = less affordable care act

or in other words obamacare

Obamacare Architect on the Stupidity of the American Voter The Weekly Standard
Gruber, however, didn’t end his discussion with the individual mandate. He went on to say the following:
“In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said healthy people are gonna pay in — you’ve made explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Okay? Just like the...people — transparent — lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever.”

That is what happens when you have a cocksucker like Obama in the White House.

If the government ever starts telling us the truth, worry.

"Uh ya aliens are in fact here, and taking our citizens every once in a while for medical experiments. Yes, we're powerless to prevent it. But it's okay Apophis' orbit has been calculated revealing it will in fact hit the Earth in 2029."

ARGH! Couldn't you have kept lying to us so life continues? :)

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