Ok, SERIOUSLY, What Is The Hold-Up On Holding Gov Cuomo Accountable For His Crimes?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
His own staff exposed the fact that he criminally hid / misreported the actual elderly COVID-19 death totals.
- There are over 15,000 counts of 'Manslaughter' that can be filed right now along with the crimes associated with hiding it all.

There are now 9 (NINE) women who are accusing Gov Cuomo of sexual harassment and sexual assault.
- A police report was filed on one of the incidents
- Another woman has photo evidence
- Witnesses other than his accusers have come forward to testify


If Cuomo was a Republican he'd be in jail by now......

His own staff exposed the fact that he criminally hid / misreported the actual elderly COVID-19 death totals.
- There are over 15,000 counts of 'Manslaughter' that can be filed right now along with the crimes associated with hiding it all.

There are now 9 (NINE) women who are accusing Gov Cuomo of sexual harassment and sexual assault.
- A police report was filed on one of the incidents
- Another woman has photo evidence
- Witnesses other than his accusers have come forward to testify


If Cuomo was a Republican he'd be in jail by now......

It need not be a statutory crime, so the sensationalism is unnecessary, but he should be long gone by now.
Narrative is EVERYTHING to liberals.
Look at their reaction to Gaetz today. Ready to string him up before getting past the headline.
And here we have Cuomo... crickets.
That is the answer. NY officials are not interested in investigating their own.
Take his status, station, party, and popularity away- make him an 'average American' & he's GONE faster than A Teen Vogue editor.....
It is because the checks and balances do not work. I know it is hard to believe, but that is the inconvenient truth.

The United States Constitution, and subsequent state constitutions, are not the products of some divine purity that Blind Justice innocently allows nefarious persons to interpret and exploit indefinite aspects. The American charter system is of an antiquated design that was never secured by a practical system of checks and balances. “Fuzzy concepts,” is what we use to describe such vague aspects. It is the founders’ half-truth that they could not avoid, because they did not have all of the information necessary for ordering a more reliable separation of government, and the expansion of the government is proof positive of that lack of information.

There are anecdotes from the founders that suggest caution upon the expansion of the government. This was because the founders did not know how to order the Constitution for expansion because they did not have all of the information necessary for understanding a fully deployed robust government. Nor did they have the HTML formatting technology that is invariably necessary for rendering the cascading hierarchy of directive systems (charter articles) to accommodate the orderly expansion of government and coordination of the balance of power.
Narrative is EVERYTHING to liberals.
Look at their reaction to Gaetz today. Ready to string him up before getting past the headline.
And here we have Cuomo... crickets.
That is the answer. NY officials are not interested in investigating their own.

His own staff exposed the fact that he criminally hid / misreported the actual elderly COVID-19 death totals.
- There are over 15,000 counts of 'Manslaughter' that can be filed right now along with the crimes associated with hiding it all.

There are now 9 (NINE) women who are accusing Gov Cuomo of sexual harassment and sexual assault.
- A police report was filed on one of the incidents
- Another woman has photo evidence
- Witnesses other than his accusers have come forward to testify


If Cuomo was a Republican he'd be in jail by now......

I think the message is, don't mess with a democrat cuz we bullet proof like.
It is because the checks and balances do not work. I know it is hard to believe, but that is the inconvenient truth.

The United States Constitution, and subsequent state constitutions, are not the products of some divine purity that Blind Justice innocently allows nefarious persons to interpret and exploit indefinite aspects. The American charter system is of an antiquated design that was never secured by a practical system of checks and balances. “Fuzzy concepts,” is what we use to describe such vague aspects. It is the founders’ half-truth that they could not avoid, because they did not have all of the information necessary for ordering a more reliable separation of government, and the expansion of the government is proof positive of that lack of information.

There are anecdotes from the founders that suggest caution upon the expansion of the government. This was because the founders did not know how to order the Constitution for expansion because they did not have all of the information necessary for understanding a fully deployed robust government. Nor did they have the HTML formatting technology that is invariably necessary for rendering the cascading hierarchy of directive systems (charter articles) to accommodate the orderly expansion of government and coordination of the balance of power.
Yet another tedious screed about how the framers were blind and ignorant.

The checks and balances created in 1786 have been debased, circumvented, politicized, and straight-up ignored for no less than a century.

You can re-re-re-rewrite the constitution any way that you want, and it will be useless as long as shamelessly corrupt fiends are operating under its auspices.
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It is because the checks and balances do not work. I know it is hard to believe, but that is the inconvenient truth.

The United States Constitution, and subsequent state constitutions, are not the products of some divine purity that Blind Justice innocently allows nefarious persons to interpret and exploit indefinite aspects. The American charter system is of an antiquated design that was never secured by a practical system of checks and balances. “Fuzzy concepts,” is what we use to describe such vague aspects. It is the founders’ half-truth that they could not avoid, because they did not have all of the information necessary for ordering a more reliable separation of government, and the expansion of the government is proof positive of that lack of information.

There are anecdotes from the founders that suggest caution upon the expansion of the government. This was because the founders did not know how to order the Constitution for expansion because they did not have all of the information necessary for understanding a fully deployed robust government. Nor did they have the HTML formatting technology that is invariably necessary for rendering the cascading hierarchy of directive systems (charter articles) to accommodate the orderly expansion of government and coordination of the balance of power.
Yet another tedious screed about how the framers were blind and ignorant.

The checks and balances created in 1786 have been debased, circumvented, politicized, and straight-up ignored for no less than a century.

You can re-re-re-rewrite any constitution that you want, and it will be useless as long as shamelessly corrupt fiends are operating under its auspices.
The three-part separation theory for government is a valid theory, but it is inadequately deployed, and subsequently, the distribution of government powers is not balanced, and the checks on power cannot work in accordance with expectations. The checks and balances theory is probably a valid theory as well, but it is directly dependent on the integrity of the separation of the government entities. If there is any error in the separation of the entities, then the balance of power is probably skewed, and the checks on power are probably compromised. It is very unlikely that the checks and balances are working correctly if the separation of government is not properly demarcated. If the balance and checks on power worked, then we would not endure corruption, because that is what the “checks and balances” are supposed to prevent.
“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”

― Benjamin Franklin
It is because the checks and balances do not work. I know it is hard to believe, but that is the inconvenient truth.

The United States Constitution, and subsequent state constitutions, are not the products of some divine purity that Blind Justice innocently allows nefarious persons to interpret and exploit indefinite aspects. The American charter system is of an antiquated design that was never secured by a practical system of checks and balances. “Fuzzy concepts,” is what we use to describe such vague aspects. It is the founders’ half-truth that they could not avoid, because they did not have all of the information necessary for ordering a more reliable separation of government, and the expansion of the government is proof positive of that lack of information.

There are anecdotes from the founders that suggest caution upon the expansion of the government. This was because the founders did not know how to order the Constitution for expansion because they did not have all of the information necessary for understanding a fully deployed robust government. Nor did they have the HTML formatting technology that is invariably necessary for rendering the cascading hierarchy of directive systems (charter articles) to accommodate the orderly expansion of government and coordination of the balance of power.
Yet another tedious screed about how the framers were blind and ignorant.

The checks and balances created in 1786 have been debased, circumvented, politicized, and straight-up ignored for no less than a century.

You can re-re-re-rewrite any constitution that you want, and it will be useless as long as shamelessly corrupt fiends are operating under its auspices.
The three-part separation theory for government is a valid theory, but it is inadequately deployed, and subsequently, the distribution of government powers is not balanced, and the checks on power cannot work in accordance with expectations. The checks and balances theory is probably a valid theory as well, but it is directly dependent on the integrity of the separation of the government entities. If there is any error in the separation of the entities, then the balance of power is probably skewed, and the checks on power are probably compromised. It is very unlikely that the checks and balances are working correctly if the separation of government is not properly demarcated. If the balance and checks on power worked, then we would not endure corruption, because that is what the “checks and balances” are supposed to prevent.
The checks and balances have been debased by people who don't want to live under their constraints since Washington.

You need an ESL course, dude.
It is because the checks and balances do not work. I know it is hard to believe, but that is the inconvenient truth.

The United States Constitution, and subsequent state constitutions, are not the products of some divine purity that Blind Justice innocently allows nefarious persons to interpret and exploit indefinite aspects. The American charter system is of an antiquated design that was never secured by a practical system of checks and balances. “Fuzzy concepts,” is what we use to describe such vague aspects. It is the founders’ half-truth that they could not avoid, because they did not have all of the information necessary for ordering a more reliable separation of government, and the expansion of the government is proof positive of that lack of information.

There are anecdotes from the founders that suggest caution upon the expansion of the government. This was because the founders did not know how to order the Constitution for expansion because they did not have all of the information necessary for understanding a fully deployed robust government. Nor did they have the HTML formatting technology that is invariably necessary for rendering the cascading hierarchy of directive systems (charter articles) to accommodate the orderly expansion of government and coordination of the balance of power.
Yet another tedious screed about how the framers were blind and ignorant.

The checks and balances created in 1786 have been debased, circumvented, politicized, and straight-up ignored for no less than a century.

You can re-re-re-rewrite any constitution that you want, and it will be useless as long as shamelessly corrupt fiends are operating under its auspices.
The three-part separation theory for government is a valid theory, but it is inadequately deployed, and subsequently, the distribution of government powers is not balanced, and the checks on power cannot work in accordance with expectations. The checks and balances theory is probably a valid theory as well, but it is directly dependent on the integrity of the separation of the government entities. If there is any error in the separation of the entities, then the balance of power is probably skewed, and the checks on power are probably compromised. It is very unlikely that the checks and balances are working correctly if the separation of government is not properly demarcated. If the balance and checks on power worked, then we would not endure corruption, because that is what the “checks and balances” are supposed to prevent.
The checks and balances have been debased by people who don't want to live under their constraints since Washington.

You need an ESL course, dude.
The evolution of the American government has been a venture in exploratory expansion, and it is probably over-deployed because it is unformulated and noticeably inefficient (red tape, Catch-22); and that is why we have inadequate oversight committees and crony security services that do not do the checks on power that the unwitting dedicated patriot citizen expects the system to do for them. It is not because the nefarious persons can outwit the honest persons, it is because the checks and balances do not work. The media pundits describe the corruption day in and day out, but they cannot do anything about it, and some of them are fancy Ivy League schooled attorneys who should be able to do something other than allude their audience to rebellion; but they cannot, because they cannot bring themselves to realize that the checks and balances do not work. Everyone is in the proverbial box believing that the founders deployed a perfectly just government that allows nefarious persons to breed in the society and abuse the almighty United States Constitution, the Rule of Law, and democracy; and for some reason, the humble citizens are lead to hope that corrupt affiliates will rat each other out!
It is because the checks and balances do not work. I know it is hard to believe, but that is the inconvenient truth.

The United States Constitution, and subsequent state constitutions, are not the products of some divine purity that Blind Justice innocently allows nefarious persons to interpret and exploit indefinite aspects. The American charter system is of an antiquated design that was never secured by a practical system of checks and balances. “Fuzzy concepts,” is what we use to describe such vague aspects. It is the founders’ half-truth that they could not avoid, because they did not have all of the information necessary for ordering a more reliable separation of government, and the expansion of the government is proof positive of that lack of information.

There are anecdotes from the founders that suggest caution upon the expansion of the government. This was because the founders did not know how to order the Constitution for expansion because they did not have all of the information necessary for understanding a fully deployed robust government. Nor did they have the HTML formatting technology that is invariably necessary for rendering the cascading hierarchy of directive systems (charter articles) to accommodate the orderly expansion of government and coordination of the balance of power.
Yet another tedious screed about how the framers were blind and ignorant.

The checks and balances created in 1786 have been debased, circumvented, politicized, and straight-up ignored for no less than a century.

You can re-re-re-rewrite any constitution that you want, and it will be useless as long as shamelessly corrupt fiends are operating under its auspices.
The three-part separation theory for government is a valid theory, but it is inadequately deployed, and subsequently, the distribution of government powers is not balanced, and the checks on power cannot work in accordance with expectations. The checks and balances theory is probably a valid theory as well, but it is directly dependent on the integrity of the separation of the government entities. If there is any error in the separation of the entities, then the balance of power is probably skewed, and the checks on power are probably compromised. It is very unlikely that the checks and balances are working correctly if the separation of government is not properly demarcated. If the balance and checks on power worked, then we would not endure corruption, because that is what the “checks and balances” are supposed to prevent.
The checks and balances have been debased by people who don't want to live under their constraints since Washington.

You need an ESL course, dude.
The evolution of the American government has been a venture in exploratory expansion, and it is probably over-deployed because it is unformulated and noticeably inefficient (red tape, Catch-22); and that is why we have inadequate oversight committees and crony security services that do not do the checks on power that the unwitting dedicated patriot citizen expects the system to do for them. It is not because the nefarious persons can outwit the honest persons, it is because the checks and balances do not work. The media pundits describe the corruption day in and day out, but they cannot do anything about it, and some of them are fancy Ivy League schooled attorneys who should be able to do something other than allude their audience to rebellion; but they cannot, because they cannot bring themselves to realize that the checks and balances do not work. Everyone is in the proverbial box believing that the founders deployed a perfectly just government that allows nefarious persons to breed in the society and abuse the almighty United States Constitution, the Rule of Law, and democracy; and for some reason, the humble citizens are lead to hope that corrupt affiliates will rat each other out!
Another dreary text brick which entirely ignores the very poignant observations that F..A.Hayek made in 1943.....The more power you concentrate in one place, the lower the quality and ethics of individuals that will be attracted to it.

The system itself is entirely irrelevant....Pretending that you can put down some fresh words on some paper, and that will solve everything, is the ultimate in navel gazing narcissism.

His own staff exposed the fact that he criminally hid / misreported the actual elderly COVID-19 death totals.
- There are over 15,000 counts of 'Manslaughter' that can be filed right now along with the crimes associated with hiding it all.

There are now 9 (NINE) women who are accusing Gov Cuomo of sexual harassment and sexual assault.
- A police report was filed on one of the incidents
- Another woman has photo evidence
- Witnesses other than his accusers have come forward to testify


If Cuomo was a Republican he'd be in jail by now......

No legal expert was quoted in your thread talking about a crime.
Basically, a right-wing nickname in "usmb" said Como committed a crime.
His own staff exposed the fact that he criminally hid / misreported the actual elderly COVID-19 death totals.
- There are over 15,000 counts of 'Manslaughter' that can be filed right now along with the crimes associated with hiding it all.

There are now 9 (NINE) women who are accusing Gov Cuomo of sexual harassment and sexual assault.
- A police report was filed on one of the incidents
- Another woman has photo evidence
- Witnesses other than his accusers have come forward to testify


If Cuomo was a Republican he'd be in jail by now......

No legal expert was quoted in your thread talking about a crime.
Basically, a right-wing nickname in "usmb" said Como committed a crime.
Sexual harassment is a crime....Negligent homicide is a crime.

Go play on the freeway, hack.
Cuomo needs to be charged with his worse crime...worse than illicit treatment of his staff...worse than undercounting covid nursing home deaths...

Cuomo should be charged with mass murder...he sent those elderly folks back to nursing homes for one reason and one reason only...

To make covid as scary to the public as possible in the hope that we would blame Trump.....

That's murder folks...not manslaughter...its intentional murder and the molesting shit is just a cover to hide what evil he really did...

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