OK,So This Summer Is Global Warming Through October 1.Then What Happens In The Fall&Winter?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
and to no surprise, the loony left is at it/or will be at it again. Its 100 degrees all over the place! Damn this global warming !!!
But what happens when we get into mid October and its pretty cold in at least 56 states?
then come November, its Freezing in 56 States!!!
Will AOC still be complaining about Global Warming?
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
and to no surprise, the loony left is at it/or will be at it again. Its 100 degrees all over the place! Damn this global warming !!!
But what happens when we get into mid October and its pretty cold in at least 56 states?
then come November, its Freezing in 56 States!!!
Will AOC still be complaining about Global Warming?
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:

Climate change
and to no surprise, the loony left is at it/or will be at it again. Its 100 degrees all over the place! Damn this global warming !!!
But what happens when we get into mid October and its pretty cold in at least 56 states?
then come November, its Freezing in 56 States!!!
Will AOC still be complaining about Global Warming?
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:

Climate change
is that when we see polar bears head south for the winter?
Calm yourself. Record temperatures have nothing whatsoever to do with AGW. They are mere coincidence. That climate scientists forecast extremes of weather as the climate changes is fake news.
and to no surprise, the loony left is at it/or will be at it again. Its 100 degrees all over the place! Damn this global warming !!!
But what happens when we get into mid October and its pretty cold in at least 56 states?
then come November, its Freezing in 56 States!!!
Will AOC still be complaining about Global Warming?
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:

This is rather funny but probably belongs in the Flame Zone or Taunting Area if we are going to bother having them.

Here partisan hacks argue about which temperature chart is correct while the rest of us admire our Acer palmatums and Magnolia grandifloras which wouldn't survive winters in our areas fifty years ago. Then we wonder if urban/suburban heat islands are the reason. Not that creating heat islands isn't worrisome climate change in itself.

After that we look at glaciers and sea ice and wonder if they are shrinking because of a greater trend or a man made trend.

After a few beers things get really fun and we debate how many ppm it takes to have an effect on temperature.
well at least no one will be complaining that there delivery pizza was too cold
Well, one interesting thing is, they've stopped talking about TEMPERATURE, and started talking about the HEAT INDEX,

When people hear that it's going to be 90 degrees they think, "Hey, that's pretty warm!"

But when they hear that the heat index is going to be 105, they say, "WOW! That's HOT!"

But it's the same thing.

The greatest accomplishment of the AGW hysterians is they've convinced people in Chicago, Minnesota, New England, and Canada that warmer weather is a Bad Thing.

well at least all new yorkers will save about 200 dollars on their July bill now that they can all use their sidewalks as an oven
The heat index, also known as the apparent temperature, is what the temperature feels like to the human body when relative humidity is combined with the air temperature ...
What is the heat index?
Oh come off it.

We all know that if we have a heat wave in the summer, it I is Global Warming, but if it is a blizzard in May, it is Climate Change.

Get with the group thunk.
and to no surprise, the loony left is at it/or will be at it again. Its 100 degrees all over the place! Damn this global warming !!!
But what happens when we get into mid October and its pretty cold in at least 56 states?
then come November, its Freezing in 56 States!!!
Will AOC still be complaining about Global Warming?
:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:
You don’t understand what climate change and global warming means do you?
now we have to wait till about november 1 when AOC will need to explain the 35 degree weather all over the northern plains
It’s the weather. It’s natural. We have hot spells and cool, cold spells and everything in between in cycles. It’s been going on forever.

How about that global warming/climate change etc. bullshit from the 1930s?

Washington, D.C. 7/20/30 official temperature 106, unofficial recordings of 108 and 110 in other parts of the city. In the month, eleven days hit or exceeded 100.

Washington, D.C. 7/9/36 104, 7/10 105.

For the mathematically challenged, those would be 89 and 83 years ago respectively.
It’s the weather. It’s natural. We have hot spells and cool, cold spells and everything in between in cycles. It’s been going on forever.

How about that global warming/climate change etc. bullshit from the 1930s?

Washington, D.C. 7/20/30 official temperature 106, unofficial recordings of 108 and 110 in other parts of the city. In the month, eleven days hit or exceeded 100.

Washington, D.C. 7/9/36 104, 7/10 105.

For the mathematically challenged, those would be 89 and 83 years ago respectively.

i guess today is the day when it will feel like 120 in at least New Nork?,,,are they gonna blame all of the white men and cows?
It’s the weather. It’s natural. We have hot spells and cool, cold spells and everything in between in cycles. It’s been going on forever.

How about that global warming/climate change etc. bullshit from the 1930s?

Washington, D.C. 7/20/30 official temperature 106, unofficial recordings of 108 and 110 in other parts of the city. In the month, eleven days hit or exceeded 100.

Washington, D.C. 7/9/36 104, 7/10 105.

For the mathematically challenged, those would be 89 and 83 years ago respectively.

i think we can predict what the top story will be on CNN monday

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