OK, This is Finally Starting to Make Some Sense


Well, now that's new....Trump as the embodiment of George Washington, Ben Franklin, Moses and Jesus. That's really a bit much, even for a Trumpkin.
looks as damning for the FBI itself (or at least the superiors), as it does for Hillary Clinton.

Hardly. The FBI's future does not depend on who wins the election. It's going to "be there" and serving the American people no matter who wins.

That is presumptive. Many institutions have a long held contempt for them by the public, like the ATFE. And just as that inglorious institution might one day be defunded and cannibalized, the same could happen to the FBI if its reputation gets similarly dismantled by scandal and contempt.

the server, illegal as it may have been

The server was not itself illegal. That Mrs. Clinton used a personal server was not an illegal act. That Mrs. Clinton sent/received classified information via the server is an illegal act (actus rea); however, it's not criminally prosecutable (that is, she's not criminally culpable) under Section 793(f) until there is found convincing (in a courtroom, not in the "court of public opinion") evidence that she intended (mens rea) to circumvent/violate the provisions of 793(f) and using a personal email server/account was the means by which she sought to act upon that intent.

The crime of NEGLIGENT Handling of Classified Material does NOT require intent, dude. That is the whole thing about negligence.

Read the Gorin decision. 793(f) does require intent.
I can think of about five people I would have preferred over Trump (Paul, Webb, Sanders, Cruz, and Carson) I want someone right now who will "drain the swamp".

Frankly, I can think of five housepets I'd sooner elect to the U.S. Presidency.

I don't mind "draining the swamp," but filling it with "different water" still gives one a swamp and when one builds something on swampland, the "reclaimed" land is nonetheless prone to being filled with "bad water" and the structures there have to continually monitored for leaks, cracks, shifting and sinking.
Unless you fill it all in with rip rap stone, gravel, sand and finally good ole dirt.
So then you are for "fundamentally changing" the landscape after all. :)
So then you are for "fundamentally changing" the landscape after all. :)

Yes I am. I am for giving the black community equal status in our society along with everyone else and equal access to all institutions and programs anyone else is.

We do need some Affirmative Action, but the positive kind that does not penalize anyone else, but provides economic aid and counseling to overcome a deficit that the individual may have in background, and this would include white Trash like myself and Hispanics too, anyone that statistically qualifies as an individual.
So then you are for "fundamentally changing" the landscape after all. :)

Yes I am. I am for giving the black community equal status in our society along with everyone else and equal access to all institutions and programs anyone else is.

We do need some Affirmative Action, but the positive kind that does not penalize anyone else, but provides economic aid and counseling to overcome a deficit that the individual may have in background, and this would include white Trash like myself and Hispanics too, anyone that statistically qualifies as an individual.
Interesting that you would place your faith in a man that has a questionable history with race relations.
I heard that the FBI questioned Angelena Jolie 4 hours about Brad Pitts behavior, and they only talked to Hillary 3 hours about this entire mess.

Very telling.
The crime of NEGLIGENT Handling of Classified Material does NOT require intent, dude. That is the whole thing about negligence.
Read the Gorin decision. 793(f) does require intent.
Negligence requires intent?

roflmao, only a lawyer.

Open borders, $20 trillion in debt and nothing to show for it, and a health care system than needs fixed when the ink on the legislation is not even dry.

Yep, only lawyers can do all that.
So then you are for "fundamentally changing" the landscape after all. :)

Yes I am. I am for giving the black community equal status in our society along with everyone else and equal access to all institutions and programs anyone else is.

We do need some Affirmative Action, but the positive kind that does not penalize anyone else, but provides economic aid and counseling to overcome a deficit that the individual may have in background, and this would include white Trash like myself and Hispanics too, anyone that statistically qualifies as an individual.
Interesting that you would place your faith in a man that has a questionable history with race relations.
Not according to Jesse Jackson.

Interesting that you would place your faith in a man that has a questionable history with race relations.

Is that more important than somebody that has a questionable past of how they conducted themselves as a government representative?
Interesting that you would place your faith in a man that has a questionable history with race relations.

Is that more important than somebody that has a questionable past of how they conducted themselves as a government representative?
My perspective is that neither candidate possesses the moral/ethical principles that deserve my vote for President. Voting for the lesser of two evils is a fools game.
My perspective is that neither candidate possesses the moral/ethical principles that deserve my vote for President. Voting for the lesser of two evils is a fools game.

Not when there are only two evils to choose from. Whether you like it or not, one of them is going to be the President unless more comes out on Hillary to make her drop out.
My perspective is that neither candidate possesses the moral/ethical principles that deserve my vote for President. Voting for the lesser of two evils is a fools game.

Not when there are only two evils to choose from. Whether you like it or not, one of them is going to be the President unless more comes out on Hillary to make her drop out.
Of course one of them will be President but I won't be party to it.
Breaking: Hillary claims Huma is a double agent for Putin and the emails are a Russian plot cooked up by Putin, Human, and Trump.

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