OK'd bill lets cops go after migrants


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
Arizona lawmakers on Tuesday approved what opponents and supporters agree is the toughest measure in the country against illegal immigrants, directing local police to determine whether people are in the country legally.

The measure, long sought by illegal-immigration opponents, passed 35-21 in the state House of Representatives.

The state Senate passed a similar measure earlier this year, and Republican Gov. Jan Brewer is expected to sign the bill.

The bill's author, state Sen. Russell Pearce, a Republican, said it simply "takes the handcuffs off of law enforcement and lets them do their job."

But police were deeply divided on the matter, with police unions backing it but the state police chiefs' association opposing the bill, contending it could erode trust with immigrants who could be potential witnesses.

Immigrant-rights groups were horrified and contended that Arizona had been transformed into a police state.

OK'd bill lets cops go after migrants
Its a great idea but I guarantee that racial profiling claims will be flooding the courtrooms. And it will be the illegals, not the law abiders, that will be cashing in. The ambulance chasers are creaming their jeans right now.
The racial profiling claims will continue no matter what. It's the same thing as using the word racist everytime something does not go their way. We can not let them hold us hostage with such frivilous lawsuits. THEY have to prove it's racial profiling first. Phoenix will be the next Ciudad Juarez if they let things continue as they are now. The same will happen in CA.
As a resident of Arizona, I don't think the previous posters worries about racial profiling will come to pass. The reason I think that is that the resident population in my state is comprised of a large percentage of hispanic people, including the police departments.
I think it more likely that "tattoo profiling" and profiling those engaged in certain types of behavior will be engaged. Those damn gang tattoos give it away in a few seconds.

The fact is, even where I live in the state, almost 200 miles from the border, there is a lot of 'illegal traffic' passing through. Most of us that live here would take a live and let live attitude if it wasn't for the violence associated with the drug trade.
Mexico voices concerns over Ariz. immigrant bill
Story Comments The Associated Press | Posted: Friday, April 16, 2010 9:08 am | Comments

Font Size: Default font size Larger font size PHOENIX - Mexican Embassy officials are voicing concerns over what they call the potentially dire effects an immigration bill pending in the Arizona State Senate may have on the civil rights of Mexican nationals.

Embassy spokesman Ricardo Alday said initiatives that exclusively criminalize immigration create opportunities for an undue enforcement of the law through racial profiling.

The bill would require police to question people about their immigration status if there is reason to suspect they are illegal immigrants.

Other provisions target government agencies that hinder enforcement of immigration laws, people that hire illegal immigrants as day laborers and people that knowingly transport them.

The bill faces a final Senate vote, possibly next week. It could be signed by the governor after that.

Posted in Border on Friday, April 16, 2010 9:08 am Updated: 11:25 am. | Tags:
Of course Mexico would voice concerns. They don't want anything to stop the illegal flow into the USA. Wake up America!!!
Mexico voices concerns over Ariz. immigrant bill
Story Comments The Associated Press | Posted: Friday, April 16, 2010 9:08 am | Comments

Font Size: Default font size Larger font size PHOENIX - Mexican Embassy officials are voicing concerns over what they call the potentially dire effects an immigration bill pending in the Arizona State Senate may have on the civil rights of Mexican nationals.

Embassy spokesman Ricardo Alday said initiatives that exclusively criminalize immigration create opportunities for an undue enforcement of the law through racial profiling.

The bill would require police to question people about their immigration status if there is reason to suspect they are illegal immigrants.

Other provisions target government agencies that hinder enforcement of immigration laws, people that hire illegal immigrants as day laborers and people that knowingly transport them.

The bill faces a final Senate vote, possibly next week. It could be signed by the governor after that.

Posted in Border on Friday, April 16, 2010 9:08 am Updated: 11:25 am. | Tags:

When people cross the border illegally they are criminals, how many 'civil rights' do foriegn nationals that entered a country illegally have, and why?

What the fuck do we care that Mexico, who can't stop the crime including hundreds of grisly murders committed by members of their own police force, does not like this idea to enforce our immigration laws.

Since when is it a 'civil right' to break the laws?

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