Old Joe Biden would make 2020 interesting.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
We know from history that confusion is a crafty instrument from the toolbox of the statist status quo: “Accuse the enemy of that which you are doing”. The latest manifestation of this quote has emerged from the lips of Joe Biden. Biden is the “Great White Hope” of the statist-tailored oppressed and disenfranchised. Biden, like many of his politically hopeful contemporaries, is stepping forward as a reinvented “woke” hero ostensibly willing to betray his white privilege for the greater good of an enlightened culture.

Biden tells his fearfully indignant disciples that Trump is trying to fundamentally change the “character” of our society. This, of course, is at odds with reality as the last presidential election was a mass repudiation of Obama’s “fundamental change” that has dispossessed most Americans of what they thought were birthrights granted by our Constitution.

With the assistance of back-stabbing jackals like John McCain, Obama, with Biden as Vice President, presided over a fundamental change in American healthcare that has delivered second class medicine to all but the elite in US society. Like Marx and Lenin, Obama was a polished liar so giddy swaths of the population were mesmerized by: “: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan-period”.

They swallowed it greedily; the hook, the line and the sinker all went down in one gulp and now they flounder like choking fish in the flotsam of broken healthcare, gasping for the next sweet lie. We know there is always a faction of society addicted to the Peter-Pan fairy dust of socialism but now Biden is courting the fools because his party is bankrupt of any ideas to fix the mess Obama created.

Biden’s baggage disqualifies him from having even a prayer of getting elected which is really why he was cast aside like a used toothbrush in the last election. It’s also why Obama changed the locks on his door when Biden knocked. Biden’s account of not wanting Obama’s endorsement is comic relief.

They’ve got nothing but mock investigations and a track record of failure coupled with a corruption of government agencies unprecedented in US history. Hillary Clinton makes Julian Assange look like a rank amateur. Chelsea Manning’s sedition was commuted by Obama and James Comey is writing books to justify his spying on Trump.

2020 is going to be interesting.
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Do we really want an 80 year old president? No thanks.

One can safely predict that that if Biden gets any real traction he will be taken out by democrats leaking information about his past behavior.
Senile Joe the child molester... And his merry brood of socialist dimwits.

He won't make it. He's showing sign of mental erosion, and he moves like an old guy.
When has that American-hating old coot Biden ever, EVER made anything interesting? I don't believe Biden is capable of being interesting, even unintentionally.
Bernie is simply running on the Hope that Biden conks out on the campaign trail. Bernie will lose CA, NY and IL, if his dreams come true.
More like the Great White Grope.

Bidens too demented, hes just a placeholder for Big Mikey Obama
The campaign hasn't even started. Democrats like Biden because he is more comfortable than the clown car of candidates they are stuck with and he is relatively protected by the media. The DNC can't hide Biden's hypocrisy or his health issues for long. I bet most republicans who follow the political game actually hope that Biden is the democrat party pick. It will make the 2020 election very interesting.
Biden is a disaster for the Ds but longer term maybe also for the Rs. Here in Jacksonville Black Rs are getting money and endorsements finally. That kind of reaction is making Ds an at risk species in larger areas in the south but it is also making the LP, TEA, Greens and Socialists more viable as opposition parties so the R dynasty may not last that long. I suspect that may be true also nation wide in the not too distant future.

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