Old man Biden readying to open the flood gates


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Mother fucker will work now to dismantle ICE and other border security.
Goddamn Dimocrats. Get ready now to see your country and your money taken and given to the third-world.

Some big, early shifts on immigration expected under Biden

WASHINGTON (AP) — Some dramatic moves on immigration are expected in the early days of the Biden administration. Joe Biden will likely use executive orders to reverse some of President Donald Trump's most controversial actions, rolling back moves that were a central feature of his administration and important to his base. The Biden administration plans to restore protection for people brought to the U.S. illegally as minors and stop using Pentagon funds to build a border wall.

Mother fucker will work now to dismantle ICE and other border security.
Goddamn Dimocrats. Get ready now to see your country and your money taken and given to the third-world.

Some big, early shifts on immigration expected under Biden

WASHINGTON (AP) — Some dramatic moves on immigration are expected in the early days of the Biden administration. Joe Biden will likely use executive orders to reverse some of President Donald Trump's most controversial actions, rolling back moves that were a central feature of his administration and important to his base. The Biden administration plans to restore protection for people brought to the U.S. illegally as minors and stop using Pentagon funds to build a border wall.

It's the end of the US as we know it.
Mother fucker will work now to dismantle ICE and other border security.
Goddamn Dimocrats. Get ready now to see your country and your money taken and given to the third-world.

Some big, early shifts on immigration expected under Biden

WASHINGTON (AP) — Some dramatic moves on immigration are expected in the early days of the Biden administration. Joe Biden will likely use executive orders to reverse some of President Donald Trump's most controversial actions, rolling back moves that were a central feature of his administration and important to his base. The Biden administration plans to restore protection for people brought to the U.S. illegally as minors and stop using Pentagon funds to build a border wall.

One of the mistakes (in my view) that Trump made was not stressing immigration more in the campaign. Of course, if he had done that, the lame 15 miles of new wall would have been brought up. He averaged about 4 miles of new wall being built per year.

But still, the ginned up fear of immigration worked well for him in 2016.
Mother fucker will work now to dismantle ICE and other border security.
Goddamn Dimocrats. Get ready now to see your country and your money taken and given to the third-world.

Some big, early shifts on immigration expected under Biden

WASHINGTON (AP) — Some dramatic moves on immigration are expected in the early days of the Biden administration. Joe Biden will likely use executive orders to reverse some of President Donald Trump's most controversial actions, rolling back moves that were a central feature of his administration and important to his base. The Biden administration plans to restore protection for people brought to the U.S. illegally as minors and stop using Pentagon funds to build a border wall.

It's the end of the US as we know it.
Advice: Don´t put feudal governments in South American countries.
All the Democrat candidates swore to open the borders during their Primary 'debates'. this is old news. They plan on looting social Security and Medicare first to feed and clothe them, then when that's gone in a couple of months after another 30-40 million rush in, they will be completley unable to handle their idiotic schemes and leave them to loot and plunder at will. Of course the media will reprot it all just as objectively and non-partisan as they do now with any Democrat thuggery and criminality.
Yet white democrats will still be living and working and gathering with nothing but other white democrats.
And blacks gather with blacks. They marry blacks. Nobody ever called black Obama a racist because his Michelle is black. Time to change that and face reality: Any same color couple is inherently racist. In Edathy´s new world order, they have to be same-sex (hetero is intolerant) but of different color.
Yet white democrats will still be living and working and gathering with nothing but other white democrats.
And blacks gather with blacks. They marry blacks. Nobody ever called black Obama a racist because his Michelle is black. Time to change that and face reality: Any same color couple is inherently racist. In Edathy´s new world order, they have to be same-sex (hetero is intolerant) but of different color.
Not sure what your point is.
See, white democrats love illegal immigration and diversity except for their own experience.
Yet white democrats will still be living and working and gathering with nothing but other white democrats.
And blacks gather with blacks. They marry blacks. Nobody ever called black Obama a racist because his Michelle is black. Time to change that and face reality: Any same color couple is inherently racist. In Edathy´s new world order, they have to be same-sex (hetero is intolerant) but of different color.
Not sure what your point is.
See, white democrats love illegal immigration and diversity except for their own experience.
But Biden made the cages personally, Trump said. Deportation of criminals was 80 % up under Obama.
Mother fucker will work now to dismantle ICE and other border security.
Goddamn Dimocrats. Get ready now to see your country and your money taken and given to the third-world.

Some big, early shifts on immigration expected under Biden

WASHINGTON (AP) — Some dramatic moves on immigration are expected in the early days of the Biden administration. Joe Biden will likely use executive orders to reverse some of President Donald Trump's most controversial actions, rolling back moves that were a central feature of his administration and important to his base. The Biden administration plans to restore protection for people brought to the U.S. illegally as minors and stop using Pentagon funds to build a border wall.

Can Mitch Block him ? All these white traitors won’t exist with tens of millions of from the 5th world and we will be destroyed too
Biden is owned by The UN and a border-less society and the entire Dem Platform is based on Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development and The Great Reset policies they want to implement.

Part of that is a cashless society, sterilization, and depopulation of 6 Billion people by 2050

The man and the party are pure evil. Anyone who is decent in that party switched to be an independent of became a Republican.

This is not 1933 and we are not going to allow an illegitimate Hitler to be thrust in to power.
Mother fucker will work now to dismantle ICE and other border security.
Goddamn Dimocrats. Get ready now to see your country and your money taken and given to the third-world.

Some big, early shifts on immigration expected under Biden

WASHINGTON (AP) — Some dramatic moves on immigration are expected in the early days of the Biden administration. Joe Biden will likely use executive orders to reverse some of President Donald Trump's most controversial actions, rolling back moves that were a central feature of his administration and important to his base. The Biden administration plans to restore protection for people brought to the U.S. illegally as minors and stop using Pentagon funds to build a border wall.

It's the end of the US as we know it.

Any country that can't even protect its school children from being groomed by faggots and other pedoes probably deserves to fall anyway. It rotted out at the bottom decades ago, and Republicans helped, so no reason to expect some big rescue.
The man and the party are pure evil. Anyone who is decent in that party switched to be an independent of became a Republican.

So where is that big wave of GOP support for Trump at this critical point? It doesn't exist.

This is not 1933 and we are not going to allow an illegitimate Hitler to be thrust in to power.

Who is going to stop it? Most of the remaining 'middle class' is just going to stick with getting drunk and playing on their riding lawn mowers until they can't buy gas for them any more.
Mother fucker will work now to dismantle ICE and other border security.
Goddamn Dimocrats. Get ready now to see your country and your money taken and given to the third-world.

Some big, early shifts on immigration expected under Biden

WASHINGTON (AP) — Some dramatic moves on immigration are expected in the early days of the Biden administration. Joe Biden will likely use executive orders to reverse some of President Donald Trump's most controversial actions, rolling back moves that were a central feature of his administration and important to his base. The Biden administration plans to restore protection for people brought to the U.S. illegally as minors and stop using Pentagon funds to build a border wall.

It's the end of the US as we know it.

Any country that can't even protect its school children from being groomed by faggots and other pedoes probably deserves to fall anyway. It rotted out at the bottom decades ago, and Republicans helped, so no reason to expect some big rescue.

The only possible rescue, at this late hour, is to appoint a king who will bring the full power of the American military down on the heads of these cultural leftist psychos. Yes, an American king would be terrible and we'd all suffer for a while, but such a man could literally wipe radical leftists and globalist ideologies and agendas from the face of the planet, without having to worry about silly checks and balances and rule of law, none of which the democrats/deep state/globalists have followed anyway. To preserve our republic we must get dirtier and bloodier than the enemy. It's the only way and the window to do it is fading fast . . .
Mother fucker will work now to dismantle ICE and other border security.
Goddamn Dimocrats. Get ready now to see your country and your money taken and given to the third-world.

Some big, early shifts on immigration expected under Biden

WASHINGTON (AP) — Some dramatic moves on immigration are expected in the early days of the Biden administration. Joe Biden will likely use executive orders to reverse some of President Donald Trump's most controversial actions, rolling back moves that were a central feature of his administration and important to his base. The Biden administration plans to restore protection for people brought to the U.S. illegally as minors and stop using Pentagon funds to build a border wall.

It's the end of the US as we know it.

Any country that can't even protect its school children from being groomed by faggots and other pedoes probably deserves to fall anyway. It rotted out at the bottom decades ago, and Republicans helped, so no reason to expect some big rescue.

The only possible rescue, at this late hour, is to appoint a king who will bring the full power of the American military down on the heads of these cultural leftist psychos. Yes, an American king would be terrible and we'd all suffer for a while, but such a man could literally wipe radical leftists and globalist ideologies and agendas from the face of the planet, without having to worry about silly checks and balances and rule of law, none of which the democrats/deep state/globalists have followed anyway. To preserve our republic we must get dirtier and bloodier than the enemy. It's the only way and the window to do it is fading fast . . .

Seems like it; we know the FBI or the military aren't going to protect anybody. As I've said before we're going to be another Venezuela, regardless of outcomes; a Trump victory only pushes it down the road a couple of more years.
Mother fucker will work now to dismantle ICE and other border security.
Goddamn Dimocrats. Get ready now to see your country and your money taken and given to the third-world.

Some big, early shifts on immigration expected under Biden

WASHINGTON (AP) — Some dramatic moves on immigration are expected in the early days of the Biden administration. Joe Biden will likely use executive orders to reverse some of President Donald Trump's most controversial actions, rolling back moves that were a central feature of his administration and important to his base. The Biden administration plans to restore protection for people brought to the U.S. illegally as minors and stop using Pentagon funds to build a border wall.

It's the end of the US as we know it.

Any country that can't even protect its school children from being groomed by faggots and other pedoes probably deserves to fall anyway. It rotted out at the bottom decades ago, and Republicans helped, so no reason to expect some big rescue.

The only possible rescue, at this late hour, is to appoint a king who will bring the full power of the American military down on the heads of these cultural leftist psychos. Yes, an American king would be terrible and we'd all suffer for a while, but such a man could literally wipe radical leftists and globalist ideologies and agendas from the face of the planet, without having to worry about silly checks and balances and rule of law, none of which the democrats/deep state/globalists have followed anyway. To preserve our republic we must get dirtier and bloodier than the enemy. It's the only way and the window to do it is fading fast . . .

Seems like it; we know the FBI or the military aren't going to protect anybody. As I've said before we're going to be another Venezuela, regardless of outcomes; a Trump victory only pushes it down the road a couple of more years.

It is more complicated than that. The goal, THEIR goal is global government united under the guise of saving the planet from combustion engines. When in reality, They want to reduce global population by several billion, by 2030. In order to implement the Great Reset/Agenda 21/Apocalypse, America had to go. If America had continued to be led by a strong nationalist in love with his country, like Trump, then America could have told the rest of the world to shove it. We would have been too powerful for even a united Earth to mess with. So they had to take us apart piece by piece by bloody piece. That is what this election and decades long cultural war is really about. Looks about like they have succeeded.
Plugs probably has a full box of crayons and a clean diaper.... he'll be hell on wheels until nap time.

I wonder if Hunted is still raping little Chinese girls?

Doesn't really matter to me..... probably matters to them, though.

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