Ole Miss Closes Down Racist Fraternity Chapter

Race-based identity politics is segregation. There is no need to use skin color as a predicate for anything political except for racism. The problem is that entities that once upon a time emerged as a counter to white racism have now outlasted their message (and necessity) to the point of becoming the racism that they allegedly oppose. That's because they found money and political clout in their existence. They learned from the Negro Leagues that desegregation is bad for business.
And my black friend who has been accepted into the KKK is an author who has written books about that organization.

All you have to do is get a dictionary and see you are wrong. Race-based identity politics is not segregation. Are you really that stupid? You don't dictate when something has outlasted its usefulness. Thats not your level of authority. I doubt you have a friend black or otherwise thats an author. You dont even know what segregation means and you expect me to believe that?

That's all according to your politically selective and draconian definition of segregation. Mine is literal. And just as, if not more, legitimate.
People who segregate themselves and identify in the name of that segregation or pander to and demagogue that segregation are segregationists.

How are you separating if you are welcoming everyone who wants to participate? Please make some sense.
You're trying to reason with a black person who thinks he's more intelligent than you when the fact is he's no different than every other mad black or eve white person on his high horse. This shit is so boring that it makes tax law look like a Hemingway novel.

You have to be intelligent in order to reason. I dont think I am more intelligent than roshawnmarkee, I know I am. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind of that fact.

If you were half as smart as you think you are, you'd be twice as smart as you actually are.

I only need to be more intelligent than roshambo.
the article says the fraternity closed down the chapter...not the school
Good point. i totally missed that.

Easy to do. It was only the first word in the headline of the article you linked, the subject of the lead paragraph, and whatnot. Guess your excitement blinded you a bit.

I guess in your excitement you didnt notice they must have edited right after I had copied and pasted their headline.
Good point. i totally missed that.

Easy to do. It was only the first word in the headline of the article you linked, the subject of the lead paragraph, and whatnot. Guess your excitement blinded you a bit.

I guess in your excitement you didnt notice they must have edited right after I had copied and pasted their headline.

it also says it right in the text you copied. no big deal, small mistake.

there is no excuse for what those guys did. however, i think the point being missed by most is the chapter was not closed due solely because of the racial incident. and, the fraternity head for the entire US closed the chapter.

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