Olive Branch Operation

The pics of a Turkish photo journalist show that the terrorists loot simply everything. They also show the massive destruction the Turkish airforce dealt to the city:
All of this was predictable, because FSA is considered a cannon fodder by TAF, and this is the downside of the use of irregular combat formations. Now it is more obvious that the Kurds should blame only themselves, and not someone else. They had chance to avoid this catastrophe, they wouldn't have lost about 1000 troopies, they city wouldn't have been ruined and plundered if they had signed deal with Assad.
Ekrem---- I am confused by your map-----it looks like caliph
erdogan is laying claim to something like 25% of Syria
??????. ??? he even wants the
Kurdistan area?

North Syria was depopulated during the war and PKK/SDF/PYD spread into these lands.
4 million refugees just in Turkey, they cost billions and bring social tension.
I dont give a damn if it is called Kurdistan, but that's where the refugees will end up as Russia doesn't want them near Assad, too.

140k Mexicans have been relocated into Euphrates Shield area (Jerablus, Al-Bab).
500k will go to Afrin.
500,000 expected to go back to Syria after Afrin operation: Turkey’s first lady

Until everyone returns home to Syria.
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Mexicans? Ekrem---I still do not understand----you are describing where ALL the Syrians who got displaced by war
are going to end up? ----because "Russia does not want them
near Assad..."???? Who is going to control this situation?
The pics of a Turkish photo journalist show that the terrorists loot simply everything. They also show the massive destruction the Turkish airforce dealt to the city:
All of this was predictable, because FSA is considered a cannon fodder by TAF, and this is the downside of the use of irregular combat formations. Now it is more obvious that the Kurds should blame only themselves, and not someone else. They had chance to avoid this catastrophe, they wouldn't have lost about 1000 troopies, they city wouldn't have been ruined and plundered if they had signed deal with Assad.
They would have lost control any way and it looks like they can be very stubborn. But you are right, of course.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said he told both U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin that “Turkey will not step back in Syria,” vowing that the ongoing campaign in Afrin will be expanded to other parts of the war-torn country, including Manbij.

“Last night I spoke with U.S. President Trump on these issues. I discussed the same things with Putin two days ago. I told them: ‘We won’t take steps backward from here. We are on the side of the suffering and the oppressed,’” Erdoğan said in an address at a meeting of his Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Istanbul on March 23.
I told Putin and Trump we won’t step back in Syria: Erdoğan

Halelulja more democratic bombs for the terrorists.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said he told both U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin that “Turkey will not step back in Syria,” vowing that the ongoing campaign in Afrin will be expanded to other parts of the war-torn country, including Manbij.

“Last night I spoke with U.S. President Trump on these issues. I discussed the same things with Putin two days ago. I told them: ‘We won’t take steps backward from here. We are on the side of the suffering and the oppressed,’” Erdoğan said in an address at a meeting of his Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Istanbul on March 23.
I told Putin and Trump we won’t step back in Syria: Erdoğan

Halelulja more democratic bombs for the terrorists.
Bringing "democracy" to Afrin: Al-Qaeda

Erdothugs in Afrin City:
Ekrem----WHO are the "terrorists" -----in your less than humble opinion?
Probably whoever Erdogan says. But fielding terrorists seems to be a normality for unscrupulous regimes nowadays. They all have their bunches of terrorists at their borders with Syria.
Ekrem----WHO are the "terrorists" -----in your less than humble opinion?
Probably whoever Erdogan says. But fielding terrorists seems to be a normality for unscrupulous regimes nowadays. They all have their bunches of terrorists at their borders with Syria.

thanks capt blei--------you now worship Erdogan too------is he a Baathist in your
<less than humble> opinion?
Ekrem----WHO are the "terrorists" -----in your less than humble opinion?

Terrorist groups - foreign based:
(...) Kurdistan Workers Party's Syrian wing, the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD)
The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

thanks Ekrem------so Erdogan is going to start bombing Hezbollah soon?
does captain blei know?

Captain Blei------why are you contradicting yourself------and giggling?
are you blushing too?
Ekrem----WHO are the "terrorists" -----in your less than humble opinion?

Terrorist groups - foreign based:
(...) Kurdistan Workers Party's Syrian wing, the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD)
The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency
So expulsion of Kurds from their homes in a foreign country by sinister means is justified? PYD is not allowed but Erdogan´s answer to something that is out of his reach of concern anyway outclasses the diplomatic issues.
Ekrem----WHO are the "terrorists" -----in your less than humble opinion?

Terrorist groups - foreign based:
(...) Kurdistan Workers Party's Syrian wing, the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD)
The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency
So expulsion of Kurds from their homes in a foreign country by sinister means is justified? PYD is not allowed but Erdogan´s answer to something that is out of his reach of concern anyway outclasses the diplomatic issues.

what are you struggling to say, Capt? are you justifying or decrying
Caliph Erdogan's bombing of northern Syria?
Ekrem----WHO are the "terrorists" -----in your less than humble opinion?
Probably whoever Erdogan says. But fielding terrorists seems to be a normality for unscrupulous regimes nowadays. They all have their bunches of terrorists at their borders with Syria.

thanks capt blei--------you now worship Erdogan too------is he a Baathist in your
<less than humble> opinion?
Erdogan turned from Dr. Jekyll to Mr Hyde. The western image and the EU application always made Turkey´s direction clear. When I was for vacation in Turkey 18 years ago they already had the EU-like number plates. Now he´s Caliph Erdogan who chooses his partners. The EU just transferred more billions to Ankara.
He cannot be Baathist because of the underdeveloped worker rights in the country and islamization of the government institutions.

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