Oliver Stone's "Untold History of America"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Block of episodes on right now. Caught some then quit - too depressing. Made it as far as Johnson administration. Much of it is obviously Oliver Stone biasy type narration (he narrates but definitely puts his take on things.) So have a shaker of salt handy. But he does make a good case for the pacifist side vs hawk side of US administrations. Led me to consider a new interpretation of violence in the world.

It isn't capitalism vs communism, Christianity vs atheism, those are smokescreens. Our problem isn't a thing or way of thinking it's simply us, humans. We're animals and we have nukes and guns. That's the overriding problem in the world. Where ever humans are concerned, there's gonna be war and misery and lots of distractions, scapegoats, and smokescreens.

Sooner we're gone, sooner the problem will be I'm afraid. Until then, no side is in the right, none good, others evil, we're all equally the problem.
Block of episodes on right now. Caught some then quit - too depressing. Made it as far as Johnson administration. Much of it is obviously Oliver Stone biasy type narration (he narrates but definitely puts his take on things.) So have a shaker of salt handy. But he does make a good case for the pacifist side vs hawk side of US administrations. Led me to consider a new interpretation of violence in the world.

It isn't capitalism vs communism, Christianity vs atheism, those are smokescreens. Our problem isn't a thing or way of thinking it's simply us, humans. We're animals and we have nukes and guns. That's the overriding problem in the world. Where ever humans are concerned, there's gonna be war and misery and lots of distractions, scapegoats, and smokescreens.

Sooner we're gone, sooner the problem will be I'm afraid. Until then, no side is in the right, none good, others evil, we're all equally the problem.

Sorry, that's crap. Capitalism is better than communism....by about 100 million murdered innocent men, women and children. Christianity...dittos....the atheists murdered those 100 million people. And the human race is getting better all the time.....except for drugged out hollywood types who make money trashing the country that gave them the opportunity to make millions trashing the country.....right?
Block of episodes on right now. Caught some then quit - too depressing. Made it as far as Johnson administration. Much of it is obviously Oliver Stone biasy type narration (he narrates but definitely puts his take on things.) So have a shaker of salt handy. But he does make a good case for the pacifist side vs hawk side of US administrations. Led me to consider a new interpretation of violence in the world.

It isn't capitalism vs communism, Christianity vs atheism, those are smokescreens. Our problem isn't a thing or way of thinking it's simply us, humans. We're animals and we have nukes and guns. That's the overriding problem in the world. Where ever humans are concerned, there's gonna be war and misery and lots of distractions, scapegoats, and smokescreens.

Sooner we're gone, sooner the problem will be I'm afraid. Until then, no side is in the right, none good, others evil, we're all equally the problem.

So the lion that slaughter a baby zebra isn't causing misery? Or when a male lion asserts authority over another by killing the alpha male of the rival here he isn't creating war and misery?

Love itself causes fighting and misery.

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