OMG! Biden considering bringing in more antisemites to America

The Arab countries have been taking Palestinians in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973.

Bibi Netanyahu is going to kill or expell the rest of the Gazans . Why shouldn't they all come to the US?
the arab countries actually despise those people who call themselves "BALESTINIANS" well---how would I know?
Egyptians. Even Kuwait likes to KICK THEM OUT. Saudi arabia
has PLENTY of land with terrific potential----but somehow the
Gazans are packed like sardines in little Gaza which they could
develope but they don't because the only reason for the existence of Gaza is KILL JOOOOS FOR ALLAH----same is true of Southern
Lebanon<<< nothing there but----HAIFA ACROSS THE SEA
The Arab countries have been taking Palestinians in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973.

Bibi Netanyahu is going to kill or expell the rest of the Gazans . Why shouldn't they all come to the US?
how do you know----did you visit the JIBRIL BAT CAVE?
You have no living relatives other than your boychik? I’m sorry to hear that.

Well, maybe you’ll escape the first pass as the Islamists focus on the Jews. But they’ll sweep you up on the second pass as they go after anyone non-Muslim.
Actually, they would want me first as I have already refused allah multiple times.
Allah has never offered to me. You must look like a mark.
You might not live among Muslims or work with them. I did some work for an organization "rescuing" child brides and bringing them here for safety. Doesn't that sound all noble? It's a scam.

I was curious enough to go to mosque and have interesting discussions with the imam. Knowledge is never wasted. Although it might be misplaced from time to time.

Muslims are not a people it would be wise to trust.
You might not live among Muslims or work with them. I did some work for an organization "rescuing" child brides and bringing them here for safety. Doesn't that sound all noble? It's a scam.

I was curious enough to go to mosque and have interesting discussions with the imam. Knowledge is never wasted. Although it might be misplaced from time to time.

Muslims are not a people it would be wise to trust.
I usually don't naturally trust anyone, until I get to know them. I've had a few Muslim friends that I've trusted.
The Arab countries have been taking Palestinians in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973.

Bibi Netanyahu is going to kill or expell the rest of the Gazans . Why shouldn't they all come to the US?

Because like all Islamists, we don't want them here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Far left & Left see the Arab Refugees as bolstering their Browning of America Plan
Worse than that: they see the antisemitic Muslim refugees as a way to build their Jew-hating base. Just think of the damage they could do to Jews if they get more of a foothold in Congress.
Yes really. To put it in perspective, you are taking a handful of people … one person starting a chant of “death to America” and two or three others following for several repetitions…in one rally….and using it to smear 3.45 million Americans.

As a comparison, do you consider the White Nationalists marching in Charlottesville, chanting “Jews won’t replace us” as representative of all or even most conservatives?

Yes. It has. But because they represent a group you don’t like, you either won’t believe it or lack the interest to look it up. Both Jews and Muslims saw a huge jump in hate incidents directed at them. Both reported feeling unsafe. Both are vulnerable minorities in this country. It behooves me why people on either side can’t see that blaming innocent people for an overseas conflict is no different if they are Jews or if they are Muslims.

After October 7th, a 6 yr old Palestinian American child was brutally stabbed to death. After October 7th, a group of Palestinian students in Maine were shot, leaving one paralyzed. So yes, Islamaphobia has gone way up per official statistics that also track antisemitism. And you think you think we should not be concerned?

What happens around the world is concerning for Jews because of history and because they are a minority everywhere but Israel, but what happens in this country is up to us and our responsibility.

Protests are a concern, thing, but there is also a risk of overreacting and conflating all anti-Israel protests with supporting Hamas or anti-semitism and silencing legitimate criticism of Israel’s actions in Gaza. It is a fine line to walk between safety and free speech. Other countries, with fewer free speech protections, are not allowing it at all. We protect that right even though it means Westboro Baptists, NeoNazis in Charlottesville, anti-Muslim groups or other groups with hateful messages get to speak.

I have said, repeatedly, that they ARE vetted. Refugees come through a specific UN program and are heavily vetted, more so than your average immigrant. So what is the problem?

How do you know they don’t? How do you know they want to start a new life and learn? All kinds of immigrants have come here very foreign cultures and made a life including Palestinians. Palestinian women are free, educated, in professional occupations…Saudi Arabia is far more repressive, why would they want to go there?
1. There is no such thing as Islamaphobia, and the use of the "word" is an offense against those of us who actually do suffer from real phobias.

2. What is "White Nationalists" ? Something wrong with being white ? Something wrong with nationalism ?

3. What's wrong with anti-Muslim groups getting to speak ? All of America (331million people) are an anti-Muslim group, as defined by the US Constitution, which outlaws Islam (and all other supremacisms) - Article 6, Clause 2, the Supremacy Clause.
US laws also outlaw many fundamental doctrines of Islam in the Koran >>
  • mass murder (Koran 4:89, 8:12, 8:67,
  • rape (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30),
  • slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), .,
  • pedophilia, (Koran 65-4),
  • misogyny (24:31, 24:58, 4:34)
What's wrong with being "hateful" toward these things ?

And you never answered me about Koran 4:34 (WIFE-BEATING) - you don't oppose it ?
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1. There is no such thing as Islamaphobia, and the use of the "word" is an offense against those of us who actually do suffer from real phobias.
Bigotry, hate and violence directed against Muslims in this country is real. Islamophobia is a choice of terms to define bigoted hate … Not sure what term should be used that is equivalent racism and antisemitism, which Islamophobia really is.

2. What is "White Nationalists" ? Something wrong with being white ? Something wrong with nationalism ?

A lot to unpack here. Google White Nationalism for your answers. They are the white-version of yesterdays KKK and neo-Nazis, with suits and ties instead of shaved heads and tattoos. They are the ones shouting “Jews shall not replace us” in the Charlottesville rally.

3. What's wrong with anti-Muslim groups getting to speak ?

Nothing. They are speaking. So what? It is free speech.

All of America (331million people) are an anti-Muslim group, as defined by the US Constitution, which outlaws Islam (and all other supremacisms) - Article 6, Clause 2, the Supremacy Clause.
US laws also outlaw many fundamental doctrines of Islam in the Koran >>
  • mass murder (Koran 4:89, 8:12, 8:67,
  • rape (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30),
  • slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), .,
  • pedophilia, (Koran 65-4),
  • misogyny (24:31, 24:58, 4:34)
What's wrong with being "hateful" toward these things ?

And you never answered me about Koran 4:34 (WIFE-BEATING) - you don't oppose it ?
Most of that is just nuts. That isn’t what the anti supremacy clause is about at all, but it is your bandwagon.

If it is all about religious doctrine taken out of context, you are going to have to include Christianity and Judaism in the mix. They all have some pretty horrific rules, guidelines etc.
1. There is no such thing as Islamaphobia, and the use of the "word" is an offense against those of us who actually do suffer from real phobias.

2. What is "White Nationalists" ? Something wrong with being white ? Something wrong with nationalism ?

3. What's wrong with anti-Muslim groups getting to speak ? All of America (331million people) are an anti-Muslim group, as defined by the US Constitution, which outlaws Islam (and all other supremacisms) - Article 6, Clause 2, the Supremacy Clause.
US laws also outlaw many fundamental doctrines of Islam in the Koran >>
  • mass murder (Koran 4:89, 8:12, 8:67,
  • rape (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30),
  • slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), .,
  • pedophilia, (Koran 65-4),
  • misogyny (24:31, 24:58, 4:34)
What's wrong with being "hateful" toward these things ?

And you never answered me about Koran 4:34 (WIFE-BEATING) - you don't oppose it ?
For some reason, these liberals insist it is “free speech” for the Muslims (and their ignorant supporters) to yell “Death to Jews” and keep Jewish kids from going to class….but when Jews object to it, or accurately point out that Muslims are taught to want Jews dead, it’s Islamophobia.
Biden isn’t satisfied with the rampant, pro-HAMAS Jew-haters harassing, bullying, and assaulting Jews at leftist universities. Now he’s considering offering “refugee“ status to the Palestinians who supported the Jew massacre on October 7th!

The Arab countries won’t even take in these hateful people. And now with the Palestinians, and pro-Palestinians, creating a 1939 Germany right here in America, Biden is thinking of bringing in MORE of them?? Just how eager is Obama to eradicate Jews?

Anti-Semites vote DemoKKKrat. Reliably.
They are the white-version of yesterdays KKK and neo-Nazis, with suits and ties instead of shaved heads and tattoos. They are the ones shouting “Jews shall not replace us” in the Charlottesville rally.

Who are the people shouting "Death to the Jews" at the Hamas rallies on US college campuses?
Anti-Semites vote DemoKKKrat. Reliably.

And do you notice how leftists, in a desperate attempt to show that there is antisemitism on the right, drag out that SAME Charlottesville case from seven years ago?
Who are the people shouting "Death to the Jews" at the Hamas rallies on US college campuses?
And who are the leaders in high official positions insisting that such calls for the genocide of the Jews is OK “depending on context”?

And who are the professors at universities, joining in the pro-HAMAS demonstrations where they yell “Get back into the ovens, Jews!”?

And who are the vice-principals at MLK Jr MIDDLE school, draping the six-graders in Palestinian garb and marching with them over to the Jewish Community Center, where they scream “Death to Jews!” at Jewish pre-schoolers?

The antisemitism skyrocketing to unbelievable levels are being orchestrated by leftists, and carried out by useful idiots on the left.

(But….but….but….Charlottesville from the last decade!)
Bigotry, hate and violence directed against Muslims in this country is real. Islamophobia is a choice of terms to define bigoted hate … Not sure what term should be used that is equivalent racism and antisemitism, which Islamophobia really is.

A lot to unpack here. Google White Nationalism for your answers. They are the white-version of yesterdays KKK and neo-Nazis, with suits and ties instead of shaved heads and tattoos. They are the ones shouting “Jews shall not replace us” in the Charlottesville rally.

Nothing. They are speaking. So what? It is free speech.

Most of that is just nuts. That isn’t what the anti supremacy clause is about at all, but it is your bandwagon.

If it is all about religious doctrine taken out of context, you are going to have to include Christianity and Judaism in the mix. They all have some pretty horrific rules, guidelines etc.
1. Hate against Islam is as it should be. Proper. Anything less would be tantamount to acceptance. That would mean accepting that Islam is supreme, in America, not the US Constitution. (Improper)

2. It would mean that many of Islam's basic tenets
  • mass murder (Koran 4:89, 8:12, 8:67,
  • rape (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30),
  • slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), .,
  • pedophilia, (Koran 65-4),
  • misogyny (24:31, 24:58, 4:34)
are OK. NO, THEY'RE NOT. They are immoral and illegal.

3. Islamaphobia means an irrational fear of Islam. But fear of Islam is NOT irrational. Muslims have attacked and killed non Muslims, 270 Million for 1400 years. They continue to do so now, over and over again.
Just as normal self-defense, it is understandable for every country to have a policy to exterminate Islam 100%, and wipe it from the face of the earth

No one knows who marched in the Charlottesville rally, as agent provacateurs have been common in such marches in the past.

What is regarded as white nationalism or white racism is considered acceptable for blacks. What would one say about an NAAWP, a Congressional White Caucus, or a White Lives Matter organization ?

The Supremacy Clause declares the Constitution as the law of the land , supreme above all else. Thus, any entity that declares ITSELF as supreme, is outlawed. Problem with Islam is, it does just that. It is a supremacism, declaring itself supreme.

The Constitution bans all supremacisms. Islam is the largest supremacism in the world. So it is banned by the Constitution (Article 6, Section 2, Clause 1 - the Supremacy Clause.)

So all mosques should be closed. Korans should be removed from all public places. Seditionist organizations like CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood should be banned.


And here's Omar Ahmad - founder of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), right arm of Hamas in the US.


Bigotry, hate and violence directed against Muslims in this country is real. Islamophobia is a choice of terms to define bigoted hate … Not sure what term should be used that is equivalent racism and antisemitism, which Islamophobia really is.

A lot to unpack here. Google White Nationalism for your answers. They are the white-version of yesterdays KKK and neo-Nazis, with suits and ties instead of shaved heads and tattoos. They are the ones shouting “Jews shall not replace us” in the Charlottesville rally.

Nothing. They are speaking. So what? It is free speech.

Most of that is just nuts. That isn’t what the anti supremacy clause is about at all, but it is your bandwagon.

If it is all about religious doctrine taken out of context, you are going to have to include Christianity and Judaism in the mix. They all have some pretty horrific rules, guidelines etc.
The Pro Hamas / Pro Arab / Pro Iran Anti Jew / Anti Israel Street Rabble outnumbers the Islamophobe / Wannabe Kluxer / Aging Neo Nazi presence in America 1000 to 1
The Pro Hamas / Pro Arab / Pro Iran Anti Jew / Anti Israel Street Rabble outnumbers the Islamophobe / Wannabe Kluxer / Aging Neo Nazi presence in America 1000 to 1
It only looks like that because the Pro Hamas / Pro Arab / Pro Iran Anti Jew / Anti Israel Street Rabble make themselves more visible. (and mouthy)
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