On That End Of Life Clause


The government is the only reason they will be forced to do anything approaching reform.

Then perhaps then the gov't does a good thing, who'd thunk? However, being the gov't instead of doing good, they want to make worse than present instead of better.
how infantile of you to think your fellow Americans are evil simply because they were elected by your fellow Americans.

It is your faction of the American populace that will do everything possible to force the country to fail.

Its really funny how you thought government was great when Bush ran it.
There is nothing ambiguous in what I posted directly from the bill or you would have highlighted the ambiguity.

And it was dropped because the GOP smear machine is just too good at manipulating mindless drones like you.

So why didn't they just revise the language, simplify it and keep the provision?

That section of the bill also contains this:

Who makes up this 'consensus-based organization'? I asked this in another thread and someone provided this answer:

Thats answered in section 122:

“Health Benefits Advisory Committee to recommend covered benefits and essential, enhanced, and premium plans.” This will be chaired by the Surgeon General and will have “9 members who are not Federal employees or officers and who are appointed by the President”, “9 members who are not Federal employees or officers and who are appointed by the Comptroller General”, and an “even number of members (not to exceed 8 ) who are Federal employees and officers, as the President may appoint.” A committe with up to 27 members, 18 of whom are picked by the President. The bill says these people will “reflect providers, consumer representatives, employers, labor, health insurance issuers, experts in health care financing and delivery, experts in racial and ethnic disparities, experts in care for those with disabilities, representatives of relevant governmental agencies, and at least one practicing physician or other health professional and an expert on children’s health”. But with no checks and balances on the selection of this group, you can only hope that absolute power does not corrupt absolutely.

More 'czars' making the decisions of what benefits are covered and they are appointed with no checks and balances . . . . and you wonder why people put up the flags?

And the bill says what the standard the end of life orders oversight committee is supposed to check for:

A program for orders for life sustaining treatment for a States described in this clause is a 9
program that— 10
‘‘(I) ensures such orders are standardized 11
and uniquely identifiable throughout the State;
‘‘(II) distributes or makes accessible such 13
orders to physicians and other health profes-14
sionals that (acting within the scope of the pro-15
fessional’s authority under State law) may sign 16
orders for life sustaining treatment; 17
‘‘(III) provides training for health care 18
professionals across the continuum of care 19
about the goals and use of orders for life sus-20
taining treatment; and 21
‘‘(IV) is guided by a coalition of stake-22
holders includes representatives from emergency 23
medical services, emergency department physi-24
cians or nurses, state long-term care associa-25
tion, state medical association, state surveyors, agency responsible for senior services, state de-2
partment of health, state hospital association, 3
home health association, state bar association, 4
and state hospice association. 5

And I'm sure that when it comes to money vs. medicine the appointed czars won't ever opt for the money, eh? The government has no business running health care.
how infantile of you to think your fellow Americans are evil simply because they were elected by your fellow Americans.

It is your faction of the American populace that will do everything possible to force the country to fail.

Its really funny how you thought government was great when Bush ran it.

Once again you show your small intellect and inability to reason, much less debate.

Why do you hate America? How much do you make off of real estate holdings? What's your total income? All fair questions according to you.
No the people want healthcare reform.

The corps dont and their lies have to be and will be beaten back.

LMAO...if you are an example of what will be beating them back.....they have very little to worry about.

It is people like me that will beat them back and have REAL healthcare reform...not some control thing disguised as healthcare reform.

As for Bush......I hope you are not saying that I was hapopy with his fiscal policies. His fiscal policies are rivaled by only Obama's...and both are off the mark.

As for his job as it was defined many years ago? He did a great job defending and protecting once the enemy crossed the line..
you always defended Bush and are still doing it.

They only reason the Insurance cos are fighting the public option is they know it will work.

If they thought it would fail they would spend no money on it.

You are so simple minded you will help them fight their fight.
you always defended Bush and are still doing it.

They only reason the Insurance cos are fighting the public option is they know it will work.

If they thought it would fail they would spend no money on it.

You are so simple minded you will help them fight their fight.

I have been here for 2 days....and you say I ALWAYS defended bush?

Wow....you really are out there.
you always defended Bush and are still doing it.

They only reason the Insurance cos are fighting the public option is they know it will work.

If they thought it would fail they would spend no money on it.

You are so simple minded you will help them fight their fight.

Based on that logic.....why is Obama fighting AGAINST opposition of the public option?

Your logic does not make the grade.

But a valiant effort I must say.
you always defended Bush and are still doing it.

They only reason the Insurance cos are fighting the public option is they know it will work.

If they thought it would fail they would spend no money on it.

You are so simple minded you will help them fight their fight.

As always, you lie.
and wow! they don't deny their cancer patients care because they can't afford it.

France has made an unusual guarantee that every cancer patient can get any drug, including the most expensive and even experimental ones that are still being tested, says Dr. Fabian Calvo, deputy director of France's National Cancer Institute. This kind of access is why the French — unlike Americans — say they are highly satisfied with their health care system, he says.
"It's a feeling of safety — that if you have

Health Care Lessons From France : NPR

That doesn't mean France has the best care. It means more people have access to the care they have.
they have a lower infant death rate, lower rate of dying from heart diseas, diabetes, and cancer. They also have longer average life span. I would say they are providing the best care.
They pretty much rate higher then us on everything.
If you had a baby they provide someone to come into the house twice a week for four hours to help around the house. When I first had my son do you know how much that would have meant to me.

why then, when people have money, do they come to the US and not France? and where are you getting these numbers? if you can provide a link that is independent of Michael Whore, I'd appreciate it.
you always defended Bush and are still doing it.

They only reason the Insurance cos are fighting the public option is they know it will work.

If they thought it would fail they would spend no money on it.

You are so simple minded you will help them fight their fight.

what the fuck does this have to do with Bush you ignorant mental midget?
You are wrong.

They get brought to the US.

If they travel on their own for healthcare they head to Germany
Christ I was hoping you'd never slither out of your little rathole again.
how infantile of you to think your fellow Americans are evil simply because they were elected by your fellow Americans.

It is your faction of the American populace that will do everything possible to force the country to fail.

Its really funny how you thought government was great when Bush ran it.

more simple-minded idiocy. Do you fantasize about Bush? I mean the politician. you're obsessed with him for sure.
why would I want you as a friend.

I perfer my friends have more than a single digit IQ

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