On the 40th Anniversary of Roe v Wade


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
Rising Support for Abortion Rights Despite Anti-Choice Activism and State Sabotage of the ability to exercise those rights.

According to a new NBC News/ Wall Street Journal Poll 54% of those polled believe abortion should be legal. That is an unprecedented support for the women’s right to choose. The same poll shows that 70% of Americans believe that Roe vs Wade should be not be overturned, the highest percentage singe polls began tracking support in 1989.

The state of abortion rights, 40 years later ? MSNBC

Roe v Wade

Roe v. Wade

I find it interesting that no one left or right has commemorated this anniversary. One would think the pretend libertarians would be celebrating the right of the individual to assert dominion over her own body... but they don't. the real libertarians do, though.

one might also wonder where the pretend constitutionalists are when it comes to defending our right of privacy from government intrusion into our lives.

they are no where to be found.

and still the majority of us support the right of a woman to be free of government interference during the first trimester of a pregnancy.

abortion should be safe, readily available and infrequently needed.
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Rising Support for Abortion Rights Despite Anti-Choice Activism and State Sabotage of the ability to exercise those rights.

According to a new NBC News/ Wall Street Journal Poll 54% of those polled believe abortion should be legal. That is an unprecedented support for the women’s right to choose. The same poll shows that 70% of Americans believe that Roe vs Wade should be not be overturned, the highest percentage singe polls began tracking support in 1989.

The state of abortion rights, 40 years later ? MSNBC

Roe v Wade

Roe v. Wade

I find it interesting that no one left or right has commemorated this anniversary. One would think the pretend libertarians would be celebrating the right of the individual to assert dominion over her own body... but they don't. the real libertarians do, though.

one might also wonder where the pretend constitutionalists are when it comes to defending our right of privacy from government intrusion into our lives.

they are no where to be found.

and still the majority of us support the right of a woman to be free of government interference during the first trimester of a pregnancy.

abortion should be safe, readily available and infrequently needed.

It’s the consequence of the bane of social conservatism, and some bizarre perception of states’ rights, where the ‘tyranny’ of the Federal government is condemned yet the states are allowed to exact the same tyranny with impunity.
It’s the consequence of the bane of social conservatism, and some bizarre perception of states’ rights, where the ‘tyranny’ of the Federal government is condemned yet the states are allowed to exact the same tyranny with impunity.

they don't much care for the whole states' rights thing when it comes to guns. isn't that funny? well, no, it's not really... they know that rights can be abridged if one works them on a state by state basis.

like what is happening in mississippi.
It’s the consequence of the bane of social conservatism, and some bizarre perception of states’ rights, where the ‘tyranny’ of the Federal government is condemned yet the states are allowed to exact the same tyranny with impunity.

they don't much care for the whole states' rights thing when it comes to guns. isn't that funny? well, no, it's not really... they know that rights can be abridged if one works them on a state by state basis.

like what is happening in mississippi.

Yes, the old ‘but that’s not in the Constitution’ dodge.

Of course neither ‘self-defense’ nor ‘individual’ are found in the Second Amendment.

Perhaps the reason why the 40th anniversary has gone relatively unnoted is because an entire generation of Americans has grown up enjoying the benefit of the right to privacy, just as they enjoy the right to free speech and freedom of assembly.
It was the week before Thanksgiving and Dr. Willie Parker was making small talk with a group of patients at an abortion clinic in Jackson, Mississippi. "What are your plans for the holidays? What's your mother cooking?" They laughed as they discussed turkey and dressing. After a bit more chatter, Parker got serious. "I hope this will get done what you want to get done," he said as an assistant went around the room, dispensing a pill per girl along with small plastic cup of water.

Some of the half-a-dozen young women in the room were awkward, others assured. They were skinny, overweight; some were still in braces. Some were in high school and had mothers waiting for them in the next room. Some had children at home.

Will Mississippi Close Its Last Abortion Clinic? - Alissa Quart - The Atlantic
It was the week before Thanksgiving and Dr. Willie Parker was making small talk with a group of patients at an abortion clinic in Jackson, Mississippi. "What are your plans for the holidays? What's your mother cooking?" They laughed as they discussed turkey and dressing. After a bit more chatter, Parker got serious. "I hope this will get done what you want to get done," he said as an assistant went around the room, dispensing a pill per girl along with small plastic cup of water.

Some of the half-a-dozen young women in the room were awkward, others assured. They were skinny, overweight; some were still in braces. Some were in high school and had mothers waiting for them in the next room. Some had children at home.
Will Mississippi Close Its Last Abortion Clinic? - Alissa Quart - The Atlantic
Can't wimmen just go to another state to have their babies sucked into a sink? :confused:
It was the week before Thanksgiving and Dr. Willie Parker was making small talk with a group of patients at an abortion clinic in Jackson, Mississippi. "What are your plans for the holidays? What's your mother cooking?" They laughed as they discussed turkey and dressing. After a bit more chatter, Parker got serious. "I hope this will get done what you want to get done," he said as an assistant went around the room, dispensing a pill per girl along with small plastic cup of water.

Some of the half-a-dozen young women in the room were awkward, others assured. They were skinny, overweight; some were still in braces. Some were in high school and had mothers waiting for them in the next room. Some had children at home.
Will Mississippi Close Its Last Abortion Clinic? - Alissa Quart - The Atlantic
Can't wimmen just go to another state to have their babies sucked into a sink? :confused:

Nope – that darn Constitution thing will just get in the way.
As I recall the rally cry to strip us of our second amendment rights is " its for the children" But you all don't mind the legal murder of millions of unborn children year in and year out. How quaint.
"Infrequently needed" yet frequently utilized. It's become a matter of convenience.

Parenting should be an act of selflessness, not selfishness.

how is having an abortion, parenting?


then your statement makes no sense.

if you don't believe in abortions and you're a woman, don't have one.

if you don't believe in abortions and you're a man, shut the fuck up.

seems pretty simple to me, parenting.
It was the week before Thanksgiving and Dr. Willie Parker was making small talk with a group of patients at an abortion clinic in Jackson, Mississippi. "What are your plans for the holidays? What's your mother cooking?" They laughed as they discussed turkey and dressing. After a bit more chatter, Parker got serious. "I hope this will get done what you want to get done," he said as an assistant went around the room, dispensing a pill per girl along with small plastic cup of water.

Some of the half-a-dozen young women in the room were awkward, others assured. They were skinny, overweight; some were still in braces. Some were in high school and had mothers waiting for them in the next room. Some had children at home.
Will Mississippi Close Its Last Abortion Clinic? - Alissa Quart - The Atlantic
Can't wimmen just go to another state to have their babies sucked into a sink? :confused:

gee... how 'bout you move to a state where you can own a gun

Rising Support for Abortion Rights Despite Anti-Choice Activism and State Sabotage of the ability to exercise those rights.

According to a new NBC News/ Wall Street Journal Poll 54% of those polled believe abortion should be legal. That is an unprecedented support for the women’s right to choose. The same poll shows that 70% of Americans believe that Roe vs Wade should be not be overturned, the highest percentage singe polls began tracking support in 1989.

The state of abortion rights, 40 years later ? MSNBC

Roe v Wade

Roe v. Wade

I find it interesting that no one left or right has commemorated this anniversary. One would think the pretend libertarians would be celebrating the right of the individual to assert dominion over her own body... but they don't. the real libertarians do, though.

one might also wonder where the pretend constitutionalists are when it comes to defending our right of privacy from government intrusion into our lives.

they are no where to be found.

and still the majority of us support the right of a woman to be free of government interference during the first trimester of a pregnancy.

abortion should be safe, readily available and infrequently needed.

I agree, although I think it's frequently used as birth control for lazy/irresponsible people.

If you watch the video in the link below, including the commentary afterwards, I think most of us (women) would agree how creepy it is even if you want abortion to remain legal.

Pro-Abortion Group Celebrates Roe v. Wade Anniversary With Bizarre Ad | Fox News Insider
Rising Support for Abortion Rights Despite Anti-Choice Activism and State Sabotage of the ability to exercise those rights.

According to a new NBC News/ Wall Street Journal Poll 54% of those polled believe abortion should be legal. That is an unprecedented support for the women’s right to choose. The same poll shows that 70% of Americans believe that Roe vs Wade should be not be overturned, the highest percentage singe polls began tracking support in 1989.

The state of abortion rights, 40 years later ? MSNBC

Roe v Wade

Roe v. Wade

I find it interesting that no one left or right has commemorated this anniversary. One would think the pretend libertarians would be celebrating the right of the individual to assert dominion over her own body... but they don't. the real libertarians do, though.

one might also wonder where the pretend constitutionalists are when it comes to defending our right of privacy from government intrusion into our lives.

they are no where to be found.

and still the majority of us support the right of a woman to be free of government interference during the first trimester of a pregnancy.

abortion should be safe, readily available and infrequently needed.

I believe there is a better answer ladies, abortion sucks, I cannot support it under any circumstance...

Being a man I do not pretend to know what it does to a woman's life, or her body...

I have been blessed with three exceptional children, how anyone could deny life to unfold is hard for me to understand or comprehend...

There is a better solution to this, hopefully someday in my lifetime we find it...
how is having an abortion, parenting?


then your statement makes no sense.

if you don't believe in abortions and you're a woman, don't have one.

if you don't believe in abortions and you're a man, shut the fuck up.

seems pretty simple to me, parenting.

I do belive in abortions. I do I do I do I do believe in abortions. But I ain't a woman.

BTW, that's "shut the fuck up, please". Got that. :D

I just don't "believe" that it should have been legally made a practice of convenience and selfishness.

And if, as a man, I "shut the fuck up" 31 years ago... my first born would not be the Creative Executive at a major Hollywood studio making more money than his dad. You know- paying taxes, contributing to society, etc. etc.

As I've stated elsewhere, my ex would have liked nothing more than to have him sucked from her womb. She was selfish.

Me, being selfless, gently directed our marriage toward a parenting existence.

And now... you know... the rest of the story.
Rising Support for Abortion Rights Despite Anti-Choice Activism and State Sabotage of the ability to exercise those rights.

According to a new NBC News/ Wall Street Journal Poll 54% of those polled believe abortion should be legal. That is an unprecedented support for the women’s right to choose. The same poll shows that 70% of Americans believe that Roe vs Wade should be not be overturned, the highest percentage singe polls began tracking support in 1989.

The state of abortion rights, 40 years later ? MSNBC

Roe v Wade

Roe v. Wade

I find it interesting that no one left or right has commemorated this anniversary. One would think the pretend libertarians would be celebrating the right of the individual to assert dominion over her own body... but they don't. the real libertarians do, though.

one might also wonder where the pretend constitutionalists are when it comes to defending our right of privacy from government intrusion into our lives.

they are no where to be found.

and still the majority of us support the right of a woman to be free of government interference during the first trimester of a pregnancy.

abortion should be safe, readily available and infrequently needed.

I agree, although I think it's frequently used as birth control for lazy/irresponsible people.

If you watch the video in the link below, including the commentary afterwards, I think most of us (women) would agree how creepy it is even if you want abortion to remain legal.

Pro-Abortion Group Celebrates Roe v. Wade Anniversary With Bizarre Ad | Fox News Insider

well, let's leave it where we agree... which is the part bolded above. i think the concept of it being used by "lazy/irresponsible" people is actually an effort to inflame. i don't believe it has much validity, though it may be that the odd person abuses the privilege.

as for the video, if it's creepy, i'm pretty sure it's intended to be. i wouldn't rely much on it. i certainly have no desire to watch it because it won't change my mind about the need for government to stay out of our most private decisions. i thought roe was pretty fair in terms of where the line was.

finally i think we might be able to agree that being pro-choice is not the same as being pro-abortion. i think with education and availability of contraception, abortion should become rarer and rarer.

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