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On the "War on Terrorism"

No, there will be a time in the distant future when war is no longer the ready solution for being pissed off at another country.

Even our wars have become more civilized. I don't think Ghenghis followed a Geneva Convention. Today, in most civilized countries, it is frowned upon to rape the losers and burn their land. At one time that was SOP. It wasn't just isolated incidents. In all our major wars we have actually helped our former enemies get back on their feet.

Some how we need to identify all those murdering bastards who actually like war and kill them all: peacefully of course.:eusa_whistle:

A peaceful world is not a daydream. It is just a long way off.:sad:
No, there will be a time in the distant future when war is no longer the ready solution for being pissed off at another country.

Even our wars have become more civilized. I don't think Ghenghis followed a Geneva Convention. Today, in most civilized countries, it is frowned upon to rape the losers and burn their land. At one time that was SOP. It wasn't just isolated incidents. In all our major wars we have actually helped our former enemies get back on their feet.

Some how we need to identify all those murdering bastards who actually like war and kill them all: peacefully of course.:eusa_whistle:

A peaceful world is not a daydream. It is just a long way off.:sad:

I certainly hope you are right my friend, I cant be as optimistic... but I do believe world peace is possible. I just think things are gonna get a whole lot shittier before they get better.
You have to be shitting me. I don't think God was involved in that at all. Have the balls to stand up for your beliefs without trying to say God loves you or US better than them. Might as well be a frigging Islamist Yee Had Ist.

Chill out! It was a pun. But to be serious for a moment, yes Almighty God is Soviergn and He does allow things to happen for what ever reason He wills it to be.
:eusa_wall:. Where to begin, where to begin...

You think peace is unrealistic? Well, I think war is unrealistic. I think anyone believing that humanity can continue to destroy one another with bigger and bigger bombs, biological weapons and hostile invasions, is not familiar with the real world. More and more war, more and more suffering: when does it end? You only support war because you have never seen it up close. I have, and let me tell you it's not as rosy and exciting as your feeble mind imagines it.

I am thankful for living in a society that still has a semblance of free speech, even though it is being taken away day by day by the very dictators you elect.

You think the U.S. is still the top player, you make me laugh. I'm willin' to bet you've never been to another country. Most of European countries are ahead of the states in: health care, cutting taxes, public infrastructure, education, literacy rates, and happiness polls. So unless top player means most arrogant oppressor of the globe, you are sadly mistaken citizen.

But looking beyond all that, steps are already being taken behind closed doors to create the NAU, the EU is already in place. Global Government is much closer than anyone would care to know. And then we shall see about your freedom of speech.

Hey Mr. misguided alone at his computer for hours trying to find a date. I served in Marines as a 0311. I have seen much of this planet and the many cultures and people then I care to share. I have seen both combat and humanitarian missions. I have seen death come to my brothers, and some dying in my very hands. When are you going to wake up from your slumber of stupidity? Like I said, look at history for mankind's action taken upon himself. The cycle repeats over and over. Show me your utopia!
Hey Mr. misguided alone at his computer for hours trying to find a date. I served in Marines as a 0311. I have seen much of this planet and the many cultures and people then I care to share. I have seen both combat and humanitarian missions. I have seen death come to my brothers, and some dying in my very hands. When are you going to wake up from your slumber of stupidity? Like I said, look at history for mankind's action taken upon himself. The cycle repeats over and over. Show me your utopia!

I have no desire to compete with you about who has seen more war, and I can't show you utopia, you have to find that for yourself. The cycle repeats because of ignorant men like you, who wont give peace a chance. The same mentality is responsible for the mainstream banishment Ron Paul gets.
:eusa_wall:. Where to begin, where to begin...

You think peace is unrealistic? Well, I think war is unrealistic. I think anyone believing that humanity can continue to destroy one another with bigger and bigger bombs, biological weapons and hostile invasions, is not familiar with the real world. More and more war, more and more suffering: when does it end? You only support war because you have never seen it up close. I have, and let me tell you it's not as rosy and exciting as your feeble mind imagines it.

I am thankful for living in a society that still has a semblance of free speech, even though it is being taken away day by day by the very dictators you elect.

You think the U.S. is still the top player, you make me laugh. I'm willin' to bet you've never been to another country. Most of European countries are ahead of the states in: health care, cutting taxes, public infrastructure, education, literacy rates, and happiness polls. So unless top player means most arrogant oppressor of the globe, you are sadly mistaken citizen.

But looking beyond all that, steps are already being taken behind closed doors to create the NAU, the EU is already in place. Global Government is much closer than anyone would care to know. And then we shall see about your freedom of speech.

World peace is a totally unachievable concept. One the classic faults of liberalism is their false belief that man has actually evolved....emotionally...over the past 5000 years or so. It has NOT. And it WILL NOT in the next 5000. Maybe if we survive for 500,000-1,000,000 it MIGHT, but not until then

As long there are power hungry, evil men, and a means to achieve that power, we will have the need for war to quell them. Man is fundamentally violent creature at the core of its genome. Many have the intellectual capacity to suppress our baser instinct, but many do not, and many of those gain power over people and nations.

War and men willing to kill for the rest of us will ALWAYS be necessary, becuase there will always be Hitlers and Stalins for whom you cannot use diplomacy with, they understand and respect only ONE THING....the business end of a weapon

As for the complete IDIOTS of Western Europe, they are the most HIGHLY TAXED, people on earth with unemployment the highest of the developed world almost never dropping below 10%. They are among the most racist of all peoples because they've spent a miilineum living in mostly homogeneous societies. And they are worlds biggest collection of COWARDS who basically piss on themselves any time someone yells at them. Western Europe is slowly sinking to third world status, even faster now with unbridled immigration.
Your self-righteous pessimism suits you well.

World peace is a totally unachievable concept. One the classic faults of liberalism is their false belief that man has actually evolved....emotionally...over the past 5000 years or so. It has NOT. And it WILL NOT in the next 5000. Maybe if we survive for 500,000-1,000,000 it MIGHT, but not until then

I don't believe humanity has to physically evolve in order to achieve world peace. I think we need enough motivated, positive people in the world, that are willing to get their feet dirty and really fight for what they believe in. Unfortunately, people like you, who don't believe global change has any possibility of working, are merely dragging the world down with your antiquated war hawking. I have no delusions about achieving peace within my lifetime, but I think eventually people will grow bored of war, suffering, ignorance, and living in fear. I hope so, anyway.

As long there are power hungry, evil men, and a means to achieve that power, we will have the need for war to quell them. Man is fundamentally violent creature at the core of its genome. Many have the intellectual capacity to suppress our baser instinct, but many do not, and many of those gain power over people and nations.

Apathy is the greatest evil of all.

War and men willing to kill for the rest of us will ALWAYS be necessary, becuase there will always be Hitlers and Stalins for whom you cannot use diplomacy with, they understand and respect only ONE THING....the business end of a weapon

Instead of exchanging one evil with another, in an endless cycle of destruction, how about changing the system? This would sound ludicrous to anyone aiming low and trying not to rock the boat, of course.
As for the complete IDIOTS of Western Europe, they are the most HIGHLY TAXED, people on earth with unemployment the highest of the developed world almost never dropping below 10%. They are among the most racist of all peoples because they've spent a miilineum living in mostly homogeneous societies. And they are worlds biggest collection of COWARDS who basically piss on themselves any time someone yells at them. Western Europe is slowly sinking to third world status, even faster now with unbridled immigration.

Racist? Haha.. you humor me.

I happen to be one of the idiots who grew up in Western Europe, and I can assure that every tax dollar there goes toward actually IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE. That's why our public education isn't in the shitter, and everyone who holds a job gets free QUALITY health care. And most western European countries haven't been in a war since WW2. Pretty good track record, that's a time in which America fought quite a few useless wars.. if I recall.

You must be joking when you mention "unbridled immigration." I don't deny that it's an issue in Europe, but compared to the rampant and commonly accepted illegal immigration in America.. there is no competition. America wins hands down.
I have no desire to compete with you about who has seen more war, and I can't show you utopia, you have to find that for yourself. The cycle repeats because of ignorant men like you, who wont give peace a chance. The same mentality is responsible for the mainstream banishment Ron Paul gets.

Not to burst your bubble. But the last thing fighting men want to see is war! Quite frankly because we are the first ones to die. As far as peace goes. I can only do my part with that of my family and friends and others I meet in this flowing stream of life. But the planet Earth will not have peace until the second coming of Christ is visited upon this planet. I bear you good will and hope you can stay focus on being positive with the things we can change.
World peace is a totally unachievable concept. One the classic faults of liberalism is their false belief that man has actually evolved....emotionally...over the past 5000 years or so. It has NOT. And it WILL NOT in the next 5000. Maybe if we survive for 500,000-1,000,000 it MIGHT, but not until then

As long there are power hungry, evil men, and a means to achieve that power, we will have the need for war to quell them. Man is fundamentally violent creature at the core of its genome. Many have the intellectual capacity to suppress our baser instinct, but many do not, and many of those gain power over people and nations.

War and men willing to kill for the rest of us will ALWAYS be necessary, becuase there will always be Hitlers and Stalins for whom you cannot use diplomacy with, they understand and respect only ONE THING....the business end of a weapon

As for the complete IDIOTS of Western Europe, they are the most HIGHLY TAXED, people on earth with unemployment the highest of the developed world almost never dropping below 10%. They are among the most racist of all peoples because they've spent a miilineum living in mostly homogeneous societies. And they are worlds biggest collection of COWARDS who basically piss on themselves any time someone yells at them. Western Europe is slowly sinking to third world status, even faster now with unbridled immigration.

Very well said.:clap2:
Racist? Haha.. you humor me.

I happen to be one of the idiots who grew up in Western Europe, and I can assure that every tax dollar there goes toward actually IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE. That's why our public education isn't in the shitter, and everyone who holds a job gets free QUALITY health care. And most western European countries haven't been in a war since WW2. Pretty good track record, that's a time in which America fought quite a few useless wars.. if I recall.

You must be joking when you mention "unbridled immigration." I don't deny that it's an issue in Europe, but compared to the rampant and commonly accepted illegal immigration in America.. there is no competition. America wins hands down.

Not to add gas to the fire, but do you live in the U.S.? And if so, Why?
Not to at gas to the fire, but do you live in the U.S.? And if so, Why?

I live in the U.S. part time, I also spend part of each year abroad. I stay here to see my friends and family here, as well as complete certain classes I need. What does this have to do with anything, I might ask?
Iran is a third world basket case with a broke economy. Syria was never a challenge to Israel. I was a FAC for the Israeli Air Force in the 1982 war. Israel sent 36 F16's and 12 KFIRS up and shot down the entire Syrian air force, 82 MIG 21's, MIG-23's and MIG 25's without a single loss. And walked right into Beirut, unmollested. They did it again about year and a half ago. The Syrians are now gone. Five times since the formation of Israel after WWII the combined forces of the Arab world went up against the tiny Jewish state and they got the asses kicked BADLY all five times.

No, these hapless 10th century dolts can't fight their way out of a paper bag. Iran has no military power at all. And for a major oil exporter, they have no money either. They spend it all on financing hopeless terrorist groups and a nuclear program that will go nowhere.

I'm not gonna argue with regard to the Israelis superior fighting skills - that has been proven over and over again re the attempts by arabs to drive them into the sea. However, even if Iran is a basket case economically and with its war machine, it still has the ability to arm insurgents easily. As for its nuclear capabilities, you have no need to persuade me. Try to explain that to the right wing nutjobs on this board. They see it as an imminent threat...
I'm not gonna argue with regard to the Israelis superior fighting skills - that has been proven over and over again re the attempts by arabs to drive them into the sea. However, even if Iran is a basket case economically and with its war machine, it still has the ability to arm insurgents easily. As for its nuclear capabilities, you have no need to persuade me. Try to explain that to the right wing nutjobs on this board. They see it as an imminent threat...

If anyone thinks Iran is an imminent threat.. I suggest you reexamine the evidence:
Iran 'no imminent threat'
02/02/2006 14:46 - (SA)

Vienna - United Nations nuclear watchdog chief Mohamed ElBaradei said on Thursday the stand-off over Iran's nuclear work was at a "critical phase" but it was not a crisis and Tehran still had a chance to regain international trust.

ElBaradei was speaking as the International Atomic Energy Agency's 35-nation governing board met to weigh reporting Tehran to the UN Security Council over concerns it is trying to build atomic bombs under cover of a civilian nuclear energy programme.

He told reporters the IAEA meeting was about pressing Iran to resolve doubts about its nuclear intentions before a conclusive report he is to make to a regular March 6 board.

"We are reaching a critical phase but it is not a crisis situation. It's about confidence-building and it is not about an imminent threat," he said,

"All who have spoken on the issue, even those who are supporting Security Council reporting, are making it very clear that the Security Council is not asked at this stage to take any action (that could lead to sanctions), definitely not before I submit my report in March. All of them are saying that this is simply a continuation of diplomacy," ElBaradei said.

"I think what the board is trying to do is to send a very clear message to Iran but also provide a window of opportunity. The clear message: that Iran needs to take more confidence-building measures."

But he said Iran should also understand that its move last month to resume limited enrichment of uranium, a key fuel for nuclear power reactors or bombs, "is not conducive" to restoring international trust in its atomic ambitions.

Iran concealed nuclear activity from the IAEA for 18 years until 2003 and has frequently delayed or evaded inquiries since, IAEA officials and Western diplomats say.

The Islamic Republic, whose president has called for Israel to be "wiped off the map", says it wants nuclear energy only for civilian power reactors. The IAEA has found no hard evidence to the contrary but inquiries continue.

Source: http://www.news24.com/News24/World/News/0,,2-10-1462_1874261,00.html
Racist? Haha.. you humor me.

I happen to be one of the idiots who grew up in Western Europe, and I can assure that every tax dollar there goes toward actually IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE. That's why our public education isn't in the shitter, and everyone who holds a job gets free QUALITY health care. And most western European countries haven't been in a war since WW2. Pretty good track record, that's a time in which America fought quite a few useless wars.. if I recall.

You must be joking when you mention "unbridled immigration." I don't deny that it's an issue in Europe, but compared to the rampant and commonly accepted illegal immigration in America.. there is no competition. America wins hands down.

But y'all got no balls. I wouldn't even add WWII to your resume since it was the US and UK that did the lion's share of fighting that one. Y'all were only in that war because you laid down for Hitler and let him have whatever he pleased; otherwise, you'd probably have criticized the US for taking him out too.

Existing in socialist mediocrity sure as Hell isn't MY idea of "quality" anything.
Racist? Haha.. you humor me.

I happen to be one of the idiots who grew up in Western Europe, and I can assure that every tax dollar there goes toward actually IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE. That's why our public education isn't in the shitter, and everyone who holds a job gets free QUALITY health care. And most western European countries haven't been in a war since WW2. Pretty good track record, that's a time in which America fought quite a few useless wars.. if I recall.

You must be joking when you mention "unbridled immigration." I don't deny that it's an issue in Europe, but compared to the rampant and commonly accepted illegal immigration in America.. there is no competition. America wins hands down.

Homeschooling is outlawed in Germany. They will take your kids away if you even think about tutoring them. It's all left in the hands of the state. It's a law that was put on the books by Hitler's gang and wasn't removed.

Not to burst your bubble. But the last thing fighting men want to see is war! Quite frankly because we are the first ones to die. As far as peace goes. I can only do my part with that of my family and friends and others I meet in this flowing stream of life. But the planet Earth will not have peace until the second coming of Christ is visited upon this planet. I bear you good will and hope you can stay focus on being positive with the things we can change.

That little factoid is nearly always ignored by those who haven't a clue. You'd think living in a sandbox halfway around the world from home and family, getting only two MRE's a day to eat and drinking water that tasted like plastic was fun. That's not even mentioning the ultimate pleasure of being shot at.:rolleyes:
I suggest you tool on over the Iran forum and reexamine YOUR evidence. If Iran's such a non-threat, then how come the Useless N is discussing another round of sanctions?

DOn't purposefully blind yourself to obvious fact in favor of political idealism.

Until Iran says "We are going to attack you," we have no right to interfere in their internal affairs. The United States can't keep responding to every possible madman with a nuke... there are too many of them. There are enough internal problems, we don't need to be maintaining a trillion dollar a year empire, stationing troops in Afghanistan, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Italy, the UK, Turkey, Belgium, Bahrain and Cuba... to name just a few. We have literally hundreds of thousands of troops all over the world. Why? Why are we spending this vital part of our assets protecting an empire based on political manipulation and the force of arms?

About non-intervention:

Founding our institutions upon the basis of the rights of man, the builders of our Republic came all at once to be regarded as political reformers, and it soon became manifest that revolutionists in every country hailed them in that character, and looked to the United States for effective sympathy, if not for active support and patronage. Our invaluable Constitution had hardly been established when it became necessary for the government of the United States to consider to what extent we could, with propriety, safety, and beneficence, intervene, either by alliance or concerted action with friendly powers or otherwise, in the political affairs of foreign states. An urgent appeal for such aid and sympathy was made in behalf of France, and the appeal was sanctioned and en-forced by the treaty then existing of mutual alliance and defence, a treaty without which it may even now be confessed, to the honor of France, our own sovereignty and independence could not have been so early secured. So deeply did this appeal touch the heart of the American people, that only the deference they cherished to the counsels of the Father of our Country, who then was at the fulness of his unapproachable moral greatness, reconciled them to the stern decision that, in view of the location of this republic, the characters, habits, and sentiments of its constituent parts, and especially its complex yet unique and very popular Constitution, the American people must be content to recommend the cause of human progress by the wisdom with which they should exercise the powers of self-government, forbearing at all times, and in every way, from foreign alliances, intervention, and interference.

Source: http://www.teachingamericanhistory.com/library/index.asp?document=645

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