On This July 4th, DON'T "Thank A Liberal"


Silver Member
Jul 19, 2011
New Hampshire
The liberals in this forum always boast that the likes of Jefferson and Washington and Hamilton and Adams and Franklin and many other founding fathers were "liberals", and we should all "thank a liberal" for what the founding fathers risked everything to achieve.

This is, of course, absolute NONSENSE, and the liberals should hide their faces in SHAME for even suggesting that our founding fathers would have condoned, defended, and supported today's liberal social and economic agendas.

Would our Founding Fathers have supported a bloated, reckless, out-of-control federal government?

Would they have supported aborting millions of unborn babies under the guise of "privacy" and "reproductive rights"?

Would they have supported marriage between two men and marriage between two women?

Would they have supported the influx of millions of illegal aliens streaming across our borders unchecked?

Would they have supported providing millions of illegal aliens with federal and state-funded education, food, housing, and medical care?

Would they have supported deficit spending, crushing national debt, and the fiat currency system?

Would they have supported the creation of the Federal Reserve System and the resulting manipulation of our money supply and our country's economic health by the Federal Reserve Board?

Would they have supported the executive branch bypassing the legislative and judicial branches and unilaterally making laws via Executive Orders?

Would they have supported our participation in military actions in foreign countries that did not pose direct threats to the United States?

Would they have supported the breakdown of the family unit through divorce or illegitimacy or abuse or irresponsibility?

Would they have supported the erosion of state's rights via the judiciary?

Would they have supported the erosion of religious freedoms?

Would they have supported a gridlocked legislative branch and an extremely partisan and subjective judicial branch?

Would they have supported the widespread voter fraud that has affected countless local, state, and federal elections?

Would they have supported negotiating with terrorist organizations for the release of American hostages?

The answer to all of these questions is a resounding ABSOLUTELY NOT!

So today, if you must "thank a liberal" for something, thank them for ALL of the items I listed, and while you're at it, thank a few faux conservatives too!
So where are the liberals at?

No response?

Still patting yourselves on the back for "Independence Day"?

They are busy giving each other electronic hand-jobs on the other thread.

RW, the brain dead asshole, shows once again that the left is all to willing to take credit for something someone else did (including living off their labor).
If any of them post anything, I promise you it will be about them being slave owners.
If any of them post anything, I promise you it will be about them being slave owners.

Washington hated slavery, but was dependent upon it; I have posted several times both his objections, and the fact he made provision for slaves to be freed after his death. Adams NEVER owned slaves, chided Jefferson in many letters over his ownership; Jefferson freed some slaves upon his death, most were mortgaged. I have posted pages on Madison's evolving view also.

No need to thank whatever you term a "liberal" today; the Founders, male, female, white, black, and brown, were RADICALS. In their time.
The thoughts that Jefferson put into the Declaration of Independence were extremely radical for that time period. And it has taken us over 200 years to even approach living up to them.
The liberals in this forum always boast that the likes of Jefferson and Washington and Hamilton and Adams and Franklin and many other founding fathers were "liberals", and we should all "thank a liberal" for what the founding fathers risked everything to achieve.

This is, of course, absolute NONSENSE, and the liberals should hide their faces in SHAME for even suggesting that our founding fathers would have condoned, defended, and supported today's liberal social and economic agendas.

Would our Founding Fathers have supported a bloated, reckless, out-of-control federal government?

Would they have supported aborting millions of unborn babies under the guise of "privacy" and "reproductive rights"?

Would they have supported marriage between two men and marriage between two women?

Would they have supported the influx of millions of illegal aliens streaming across our borders unchecked?

Would they have supported providing millions of illegal aliens with federal and state-funded education, food, housing, and medical care?

Would they have supported deficit spending, crushing national debt, and the fiat currency system?

Would they have supported the creation of the Federal Reserve System and the resulting manipulation of our money supply and our country's economic health by the Federal Reserve Board?

Would they have supported the executive branch bypassing the legislative and judicial branches and unilaterally making laws via Executive Orders?

Would they have supported our participation in military actions in foreign countries that did not pose direct threats to the United States?

Would they have supported the breakdown of the family unit through divorce or illegitimacy or abuse or irresponsibility?

Would they have supported the erosion of state's rights via the judiciary?

Would they have supported the erosion of religious freedoms?

Would they have supported a gridlocked legislative branch and an extremely partisan and subjective judicial branch?

Would they have supported the widespread voter fraud that has affected countless local, state, and federal elections?

Would they have supported negotiating with terrorist organizations for the release of American hostages?

The answer to all of these questions is a resounding ABSOLUTELY NOT!

So today, if you must "thank a liberal" for something, thank them for ALL of the items I listed, and while you're at it, thank a few faux conservatives too!

You guys are always searching in the past for the founding fathers to bolster your arguments. These guys have been dead for generations. Why don't you run a search about what republicans have ever done for the average working class american? Don't be surprised if you come up with a big nothing.
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Liberalism invented this country, like it or lump it.

Most of that crapola in your OP is either inapplicable or irrelevant to politics. For the little that's left, Liberals don't tell people what they can do with their bodies or who they may or may not boink.

You could look it up.
Or wallow in your own ignorance.
The problem is people like RW that started the first version of this moronic thread does not understand that conservatives conserve the liberal idea of small Government and freedom. Instead people like RW want to break away from freedom and small Government and replace it with a King they like and freedoms they agree with only.
We're all Americans first and foremost. There are differing ideologies from us all. This is what makes this nation great. I certainly am not one to shut out one side on this day, but will argue with on another day.
HAPPY 4TH to all of us.
"Would they have supported our participation in military actions in foreign countries that did not pose direct threats to the United States?"

Interesting you blame liberals for this.

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