On what issues do you disagree with your own party?

Have you noticed how the parties can realign their positions in a hillbilly heartbeat if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

In the spirit of breaking the bonds of blind party allegiance and regurgitated spoon fed talking points...on what issues do you NOT agree with your own party leaders and their sponsors?
Well I agree with Trump on MOST things but I will do it via the Republican Party since that's who I usually vote for

1. Foreign Policy. I don't agree with nation building,regime change,military adventurism,bringing democracy around the world
2.Trade Policy. I don't agree with free trade at ALL.
3.Undying support for foreign country. I don't agree with undying support for ANY country period.Loyalty belongs to America NOT a foreign country
4.Social Welfare policy. I don't agree that EVERY person on foodstamps is lazy etc,I have been the working poor and know people that still are. I don't agree with cutting medicaid or social security AT ALL. I think we need to invest in more job programs and not just college.
5. Infrastructure spending. I think we need to revamp our countries infrastructure its costing us more in the long run to do upkeep than it is in short run to replace old and crumbling stuff.
6."Free Education" I think our tax dollars should be used HERE to educate future generations and not saddle them with HUGE debt when they are just starting off in life.

That's all I can think of. I don't agree with ANY politician 100%. I despise republican cuckservatives even more than I despise democratic liberals,I expect liberals to hate America and its workers but cuckservatives do it out of getting richer and more powerful,liberals do it because they literally hate white working class Americans.
I have never thought of nation building as good foreign policy. It is none of our business how other countries choose to govern or rule.
we tried the "winning of hearts and minds" approach in Vietnam and it was an utter failure. Why we repeat this over and over is a mystery. If it is to avoid criticism from the world community, forget it. No matter which way we turn, there is always going to be hatred toward us. So that boils it down to the aspect of wining conflicts, militarily or with diplomacy. Either way we must cast aside of the notion that the entire world will be friendly toward the US.
Free trade was based on the assumption that we could use trade to lift other nations. The theory is fine. However in practice free trade puts US interests, employees and employers who cannot pull up stakes and move opps to foreign lands at a distinct disadvantage. The answer to this is Fair Trade.
- I agree with #3..The blind loyalty to so called allies allows them to take advantage of our largess with no strings attached. This must end. All of our so called allies need to be put on notice that our defenses, financial assistance, etc come at a price. That price is the help we give comes on OUR terms.
George Washington said it best when he warned against "entangling alliances with foreign nations"....
Our infrastructure spending is not really the issue. The implementation of that spending is the root of the problem.
Instead of having states fund projects on what are termed as "federal properties( Interstate and US numbered routes, interstate rail systems, etc) the federal government should be funding these things in a uniform and proportionate( by existing and future mileage of facilities) formula. In other words, no more examples of what Sen Robert Byrd( D-WV) was allowed to get away with by steering far more federal highway spending to his state while other states were left with crumbs. No more of this. Federal spending on infrastructure should be equitable. One other thing. Unions should be cut out of the equation. Whereas some states have prevailing wage laws, NJ is one of the most notorious, and others simply fund projects and the contractors bid on them and pay their own employees an industry appropriate wage. This makes some states' labor costs significantly higher than other states. The end result is far more of the budget is spent covering labor costs and less on the projects themselves. Also, union rules often slow projects to a crawl. This also drivers up the cost of construction.
On #4..No not every person collecting public assistance is lazy. However, the root of the problems are many. First, enforcement of regulations. Its nil. And therefore a high percentage of the recipients are gaming the system in plain sight. This has to stop, Current policy has made poverty too comfortable.....On the issue of job training. No we do not need some taxpayer funded new federal jobs training program. What is needed is to start vocational education at the onset of entry into public schools. Our system now is 100% geared toward preparing every student for college. That is an incorrect approach. Our public schools should be offering vocational, skilled trades, family financial and other life experience training.
Our tqax dollars are already used "HERE"......In school districts where property taxes are the main funding mechanism, the typical property tax levy has some 75% to 80% earmarked to public education. It isn't how much is collected. It is what is done with the revenue once it is collected.
Lastly. There is no such thing as "free"....The money HAS to come from somewhere. And since we already pay plenty in taxes to fund education, asking the taxpayers to pay for something they already pay for is going to be a nearly impossible endeavor
Have you noticed how the parties can realign their positions in a hillbilly heartbeat if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

In the spirit of breaking the bonds of blind party allegiance and regurgitated spoon fed talking points...on what issues do you NOT agree with your own party leaders and their sponsors?
Well I agree with Trump on MOST things but I will do it via the Republican Party since that's who I usually vote for

1. Foreign Policy. I don't agree with nation building,regime change,military adventurism,bringing democracy around the world
2.Trade Policy. I don't agree with free trade at ALL.
3.Undying support for foreign country. I don't agree with undying support for ANY country period.Loyalty belongs to America NOT a foreign country
4.Social Welfare policy. I don't agree that EVERY person on foodstamps is lazy etc,I have been the working poor and know people that still are. I don't agree with cutting medicaid or social security AT ALL. I think we need to invest in more job programs and not just college.
5. Infrastructure spending. I think we need to revamp our countries infrastructure its costing us more in the long run to do upkeep than it is in short run to replace old and crumbling stuff.
6."Free Education" I think our tax dollars should be used HERE to educate future generations and not saddle them with HUGE debt when they are just starting off in life.

That's all I can think of. I don't agree with ANY politician 100%. I despise republican cuckservatives even more than I despise democratic liberals,I expect liberals to hate America and its workers but cuckservatives do it out of getting richer and more powerful,liberals do it because they literally hate white working class Americans.
I have never thought of nation building as good foreign policy. It is none of our business how other countries choose to govern or rule.
we tried the "winning of hearts and minds" approach in Vietnam and it was an utter failure. Why we repeat this over and over is a mystery. If it is to avoid criticism from the world community, forget it. No matter which way we turn, there is always going to be hatred toward us. So that boils it down to the aspect of wining conflicts, militarily or with diplomacy. Either way we must cast aside of the notion that the entire world will be friendly toward the US.
Free trade was based on the assumption that we could use trade to lift other nations. The theory is fine. However in practice free trade puts US interests, employees and employers who cannot pull up stakes and move opps to foreign lands at a distinct disadvantage. The answer to this is Fair Trade.
- I agree with #3..The blind loyalty to so called allies allows them to take advantage of our largess with no strings attached. This must end. All of our so called allies need to be put on notice that our defenses, financial assistance, etc come at a price. That price is the help we give comes on OUR terms.
George Washington said it best when he warned against "entangling alliances with foreign nations"....
Our infrastructure spending is not really the issue. The implementation of that spending is the root of the problem.
Instead of having states fund projects on what are termed as "federal properties( Interstate and US numbered routes, interstate rail systems, etc) the federal government should be funding these things in a uniform and proportionate( by existing and future mileage of facilities) formula. In other words, no more examples of what Sen Robert Byrd( D-WV) was allowed to get away with by steering far more federal highway spending to his state while other states were left with crumbs. No more of this. Federal spending on infrastructure should be equitable. One other thing. Unions should be cut out of the equation. Whereas some states have prevailing wage laws, NJ is one of the most notorious, and others simply fund projects and the contractors bid on them and pay their own employees an industry appropriate wage. This makes some states' labor costs significantly higher than other states. The end result is far more of the budget is spent covering labor costs and less on the projects themselves. Also, union rules often slow projects to a crawl. This also drivers up the cost of construction.
On #4..No not every person collecting public assistance is lazy. However, the root of the problems are many. First, enforcement of regulations. Its nil. And therefore a high percentage of the recipients are gaming the system in plain sight. This has to stop, Current policy has made poverty too comfortable.....On the issue of job training. No we do not need some taxpayer funded new federal jobs training program. What is needed is to start vocational education at the onset of entry into public schools. Our system now is 100% geared toward preparing every student for college. That is an incorrect approach. Our public schools should be offering vocational, skilled trades, family financial and other life experience training.
Our tqax dollars are already used "HERE"......In school districts where property taxes are the main funding mechanism, the typical property tax levy has some 75% to 80% earmarked to public education. It isn't how much is collected. It is what is done with the revenue once it is collected.
Lastly. There is no such thing as "free"....The money HAS to come from somewhere. And since we already pay plenty in taxes to fund education, asking the taxpayers to pay for something they already pay for is going to be a nearly impossible endeavor
On the last thing I suggest using the taxes that we already pay that are used for military adventures and wars overseas and upkeep on over 1,000 bases all over the world to pay for it. I think in the long run a better educated populace is better for everyone involved.
Have you noticed how the parties can realign their positions in a hillbilly heartbeat if it becomes politically advantageous to do so?

In the spirit of breaking the bonds of blind party allegiance and regurgitated spoon fed talking points...on what issues do you NOT agree with your own party leaders and their sponsors?

I think the Dems are too easy on school kids . I believe the biggest problem in schools is lack of discipline.

And Dems are too trusting of people and their intentions .
Abortion I'm not in favor of overturning Roe V Wade or making restrictions so strict it's all but impossible for a woman to get one. That said I also don't feel abortion should be used as a means of birth control either abortion is a serious and should be treated as such.
I am a Democrat or align with them on most issues. I disagree on a lot of the gun control proposals as I think most of them are useless. I disagree on voter ID as I think that everyone should have some sort of ID. I think that people here in the US from other countries should have to be here legally with Visa and green card. Undocumented aliens should be deported. They shouldn't be able to receive financial benefits and they shouldn't receive any "amnesty". (I do think the wall idea is a boondoggle though.) I think the ACA by and large is shit. They should have just had a public option to buy into Medicare or just went to single payer. I think we should get the fuck out of Afghanistan and Iraq. I think we should get out of the regime change business. I think we should focus on things that matter to working class people and less on LGBTQ and identity politics.I think drugs should be legal and treated as a medical rather than legal issue. I think that businesses should be able to serve who they want without having to make unreasonable accommodations.
Abortion I'm not in favor of overturning Roe V Wade or making restrictions so strict it's all but impossible for a woman to get one. That said I also don't feel abortion should be used as a means of birth control either abortion is a serious and should be treated as such.
It would be more feasible to offer the women who don't want or cannot take care of children free tubal ligation.

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