Once again... we see the bias of the MSM... "Trump refused Pelosi handshake!!!

You think ripping up a SOTU speech is a sign of class? So, Democrats and Liberals have set another precedent that if you don’t agree with a SOTU and believe them to be lies, you can rip up the speech copy because that is a sign of class.

Trump has lowered the bar in so many ways.

Optics tells a different story. Pelosi shitting on the office of the President is going to cost Democrats votes. She extended her hand and he refused. Had she kept her shit together, she would have gained points. Instead, she lost. Huge. Which is why Dems are screaming for the video to be deleted.

What makes you think I want that video removed? I'm proud that our Speaker has finally realized she can't deal with Trump-o as she would any adult president. She has to crush him using his tactics.

You are part of the few that are proud.
Ummmmm. Yes she did. She pre-tore them during the speech. There is video proving it. The video caught her doing it.

Don't care if she pre-tore them. If she did, nobody noticed at the time. No distraction. No interference. Quit whining.

I wasn't whining. I was correcting your lie.

I could care less.

No. You were whining.
You are a scum liar. You like all crying libs are the crybaby.

Since this is on the interwebs, and I can only see your words, were you laying on the floor kicking as you made that last remark, like I imagine you were?
Nope, not a crying lib.
You think ripping up a SOTU speech is a sign of class? So, Democrats and Liberals have set another precedent that if you don’t agree with a SOTU and believe them to be lies, you can rip up the speech copy because that is a sign of class.

Trump has lowered the bar in so many ways.

Optics tells a different story. Pelosi shitting on the office of the President is going to cost Democrats votes. She extended her hand and he refused. Had she kept her shit together, she would have gained points. Instead, she lost. Huge. Which is why Dems are screaming for the video to be deleted.

What makes you think I want that video removed? I'm proud that our Speaker has finally realized she can't deal with Trump-o as she would any adult president. She has to crush him using his tactics.
The hag didn't crush anyone.
Pelousy is a POS and has no class at all.

Trump has loads of class and who the hell would want to shake the hand of a POS who tried to have him impeached.

You have less class than Pelousy.

Trump has a girly handshake

That is why he was afraid to shake hands with Pelosi

Trumps handshake doesn't look girly to me.

And Pelousy is far from a girl. In fact she looks pretty manly.

Hell. If I were Trump I wouldn't shake her hand either.
Trump is a girly man with small hands

He obviously didn’t want to be embarrassed by a woman

Must be hard for you to see Trump as president knowing he's a billionaire, giving up Presidential salary, creating the best business climate in 50 years... and all you have is he has small hands! Keep it up as your welfare checks are going to disappear if you
continue to be jealous of someone who is doing something while you sit on your hands!
Actually, he has tiny hands

That is why he is afraid of shaking hands with Pelosi
You have a tiny Troll dick and are afraid of shaking hands with women. That's why you are such a geigh fellow.

Nazi Piglosi staged her every action.
Tantrum butch staged it.
He was turned away when she shot her hand out artificially fast and withdrew it artificially fast
She did. I watched her practice pulling her hand away before she got the speech. And he did not shake hands with Pence, and she did not stick her hand out until he had already handed her the speech and turned away.

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