once upon a time germany was well liked in the UK and the US

what do you think about germany?

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i like Germans. hard-working efficient friendly folks, most of them.

and as a Dutch guy with 1 German grandmother, learning some more German is on my to-do list for this lifetime :)
i like Germans. hard-working efficient friendly folks, most of them.

and as a Dutch guy with 1 German grandmother, learning some more German is on my to-do list for this lifetime :)
thank you!

well said!
Don't care. But I know a guy who lived in Germany for a while and he said it was like having hall monitors everywhere.

People get offended if you don't wait for a walk light even if there isn't a car on the road and don't even try to go out through the in door. Germans love their rules

once upon a time germany was well liked in the UK and the US​

Then we met you and BangaBangaBang .

Plus Josef Mengele .

All too much
the first world war changed all that

a pity … about

how is it now?

Germany hates us. America, I mean. They have gone through this weird stage of grief where they first accepted their part in the Holocaust, but then took on the aura that they were "evolved" beyond it, etc. So took to lecturing America on how we're doing everything wrong.

Really, REALLY hard to stomach when our grandfathers and great-grandfathers died putting that shoddy place back together.

That's what I think of Germany. Am I mad enough to start a war, cold or hot? No. Do I really care what trouble they get themselves into from here on out? Also, no.
Germany hates us. America, I mean. They have gone through this weird stage of grief where they first accepted their part in the Holocaust, but then took on the aura that they were "evolved" beyond it, etc. So took to lecturing America on how we're doing everything wrong.

Really, REALLY hard to stomach when our grandfathers and great-grandfathers died putting that shoddy place back together.

That's what I think of Germany. Am I mad enough to start a war, cold or hot? No. Do I really care what trouble they get themselves into from here on out? Also, no.
well, if the Germans ever come rolling into my country again, i'd fight them.
no way i'm tolerating a 4th reich, or the N-th Ottoman Empire, or a renewed Iranian empire, etc, etc.
Don't care. But I know a guy who lived in Germany for a while and he said it was like having hall monitors everywhere.

People get offended if you don't wait for a walk light even if there isn't a car on the road and don't even try to go out through the in door. Germans love their rules
Like the man said, when in Germany do as the Germans do

But my observation of the Germans is pretty much like yours
Don't trust them. The EU designed the financial system to give german banks defacto control over it. After two failed attempts by war, they will now eventually conquer Europe without firing a single shot.
Don't care. But I know a guy who lived in Germany for a while and he said it was like having hall monitors everywhere.

People get offended if you don't wait for a walk light even if there isn't a car on the road and don't even try to go out through the in door. Germans love their rules

We know why we have such rules - what you will better understand when you ask the US-American lady who studied once in Germany together with her young husband and their baby. Despite a stop light he went over a street with the baby on his shoulders when suddenly a car came. Result: He was dead, the baby was nearly dead and for about 1/2 -1 year in a German clinic before the lady was able to go back to the USA together with her baby.
Don't trust them. The EU designed the financial system to give german banks defacto control over it. After two failed attempts by war, they will now eventually conquer Europe without firing a single shot.
There is a good-natured joke that Germans are so orderly that in case of a revolution, they would still obey the signs that say: "Don't walk on the grass."

Is it the fault of the grass when is a revolution? A short time ago we had a revolution called "reunion". The "bad" thing: All films about this revolution are funny because it was a revolution without violent street fights.

... Really, REALLY hard to stomach when our grandfathers and great-grandfathers died ...

Are you able to explain to me on what reason the USA attacked Germany in two world wars although Germany never in history did do anything bad to the USA?

once upon a time germany was well liked in the UK and the US​

Then we met you and BangaBangaBang .

Plus Josef Mengele .

All too much

Oh by the way, Russian: Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers! Yesterday!
well, if the Germans ever come rolling into my country again ...

Where do you live? Netherlands? You was much more successful in wiping out all Jews of the Netherlands than the Nazis in Germany had been successful in doing so. One more reason to hate us and the Jews?
Don't trust them. The EU designed the financial system to give german banks defacto control over it. After two failed attempts by war, they will now eventually conquer Europe without firing a single shot.

Eh? German bankers in masses left the European Central Bank because they did not like to be responsible for the disaster the ECB was and is producing. And also the anti-German decisions of the European Court costed Germany decades of billions. And compared with the number of inhabitants Germany has in general nearly no influence in the European Union. The only reason why Germany supports the EU is that it is a peace project.

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