One inch from Vladimir Putin

Well, his timing would be perfect

But no worries "The cold war has been over for 20 years"

B.H. Obama
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The cold war is over. Someone needs to tell the Thug Puuuutin.
The cold war is over. Someone needs to tell the Thug Puuuutin.

Maybe Putin should listen to Obama's Cairo speech, hmmm?

Obama's "80's called" comment not so funny anymore

Dems in the White House it what inspired "Pippin", good intentions and naivety thrust into a leadership role
The cold war is over. Someone needs to tell the Thug Puuuutin.

Maybe Putin should listen to Obama's Cairo speech, hmmm?

Obama's "80's called" comment not so funny anymore

Dems in the White House it what inspired "Pippin", good intentions and naivety thrust into a leadership role

And Boooosh did what when Putin invaded the Georgian Republic? Tell me again. I forgot.
One inch from Vladimir Putin - Video

This guy is a modern day Hitler. I hope I am wrong, but I don't think he is finished reassembling the USSR.

I wouldn't call him a Hitler but he does have problems understanding how to operate as a modern capitalist society

He can thumb his nose at the US and EU but will pay a price economically. He seems to have a romantic infatuation with the Cold War. He is only going to hurt his own country
The cold war is over. Someone needs to tell the Thug Puuuutin.

Maybe Putin should listen to Obama's Cairo speech, hmmm?

Obama's "80's called" comment not so funny anymore

Dems in the White House it what inspired "Pippin", good intentions and naivety thrust into a leadership role

And Boooosh did what when Putin invaded the Georgian Republic? Tell me again. I forgot.

So Obama's pithy comment on the 80's not so funny?
The cold war is over. Someone needs to tell the Thug Puuuutin.

Thug Putin? :lol:

Should Putin have acted like our governments in the west? Supplying arms, military training and military advisors and then let the Ukraine and Crimea enter a civil war?

Let's see we've propped up the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. That didn't end well. We propped up Libyan militias errrrrrrrrrr rebels who wanted "democracy" hehehehe and our tax dollars. Libya has now turned into a dogs breakfast.

We started to prop up the paid mercenaries errrrrrrrrrrr rebels in Syria until it became painfully obvious that AQ and paid foreign mercenaries were trying to take out Assad.

But Putin is the aggressor and a bully? Riiiiiiiiiiight.
Good thing these foreign policy blunders won't effect Hillary......


Clinton Goofs on Russian Translation, Tells Diplomat She Wants to 'Overcharge' Ties | Fox News
One inch from Vladimir Putin - Video

This guy is a modern day Hitler. I hope I am wrong, but I don't think he is finished reassembling the USSR.

I cannot get the video to play Jim. What was it about? I have to tell you I have a very, VERY bad feeling about Putin. I probably should not say much more about it because it won't change anything. I think he is the most dangerous man in the world today. That is saying something. He's that dangerous. When I hear people praising him it does remind me of how Hitler deceived people and would be kissing children and acting like some saint. The people of Germany thought he was great! Until it was too late. What Hitler failed to do Putin intends to achieve. Rule the world. Putins holocaust will not be the Jews. Putins holocaust will be the Muslims. That is what he is going to use to catapult himself to the future ruler over all Europe. He needs them now. The day will come their usefulness will be over. The Muslims need to wake up. Putin is not their friend.
The cold war is over. Someone needs to tell the Thug Puuuutin.

That he's a bully, riding roughshod over human rights is exactly why the right adores him.

They despise intellect and diplomacy. And, as we see here every day, they hate equality.

The left could'a told them that Putin has only an inch. That's why he's a bully, why he pretends to be a big brave he-man, carries guns around and pretends to shoot animals. He's pure wuss, through and through.

And, he's looking up a lot ... looking for a drone with Obama's face on it.
How is he like Hitler? Will he plan on killing 6 million jews? Or does he just want Mother Russia back to being a super power?

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