One inch from Vladimir Putin

I think there are people on the right and the left that don't believe Putin is a serious threat. The recent poll on USMB was split 50 / 50. There isn't any doubt that when Romney warned Russia was our greatest threat many balked at the idea. It takes time for the dust to settle and see things clearly. Some people who didn't think Putin was a threat are now changing their mind. Including Obama.

Question. What do you call a man who has intentions of drawing the USA into a war with China - in order to counterattack the United States of America with nuclear weapons - who has plotted the rape, pillage and plunder of Americans with China, Nicaragua and Cuba - the destruction of America and mass murder / capture of 300 plus million Americans? ?
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Sorry lefties- accusing the right of loving Putin is a desperate attempt to cover for Obama's ineptitude. That dog won't hunt. ........

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The right worships Putin

Only it is not as politically acceptable as it was six months ago. Want to go back to how conservatives fawned over him after Syria?
Sorry lefties- accusing the right of loving Putin is a desperate attempt to cover for Obama's ineptitude. That dog won't hunt. ........

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The right worships Putin

Only it is not as politically acceptable as it was six months ago. Want to go back to how conservatives fawned over him after Syria?

Sorry falsewinger - Merely pointing out the fact that Obama has been PWND by Putin at every turn - Reset buttons, Syrian "red lines" , and now Crimea/Ukraine - does not equate love, or worship. Putin is still an asshole.

....thanks for playing though! :cuckoo:
Sorry lefties- accusing the right of loving Putin is a desperate attempt to cover for Obama's ineptitude. That dog won't hunt. ........

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The right worships Putin

Only it is not as politically acceptable as it was six months ago. Want to go back to how conservatives fawned over him after Syria?

Sorry falsewinger - Merely pointing out the fact that Obama has been PWND by Putin at every turn - Reset buttons, Syrian "red lines" , and now Crimea/Ukraine - does not equate love, or worship. Putin is still an asshole.

....thanks for playing though! :cuckoo:

Actually, it was the Republican Party that screwed the pooch on Syria

Obama got what he wanted
The right worships Putin

Only it is not as politically acceptable as it was six months ago. Want to go back to how conservatives fawned over him after Syria?

Sorry falsewinger - Merely pointing out the fact that Obama has been PWND by Putin at every turn - Reset buttons, Syrian "red lines" , and now Crimea/Ukraine - does not equate love, or worship. Putin is still an asshole.

....thanks for playing though! :cuckoo:

Actually, it was the Republican Party that screwed the pooch on Syria

Obama got what he wanted

Sure he did. :cuckoo:

[ame=]Journey-Dont Stop Believing (official song) with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry falsewinger - Merely pointing out the fact that Obama has been PWND by Putin at every turn - Reset buttons, Syrian "red lines" , and now Crimea/Ukraine - does not equate love, or worship. Putin is still an asshole.

....thanks for playing though! :cuckoo:

Actually, it was the Republican Party that screwed the pooch on Syria

Obama got what he wanted

Sure he did. :cuckoo:

[ame=]Journey-Dont Stop Believing (official song) with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

Maybe if you lived in Obama worship Land and gave up all but a smidgen of your critical thought...You would understand..
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Sorry falsewinger - Merely pointing out the fact that Obama has been PWND by Putin at every turn - Reset buttons, Syrian "red lines" , and now Crimea/Ukraine - does not equate love, or worship. Putin is still an asshole.

....thanks for playing though! :cuckoo:

Actually, it was the Republican Party that screwed the pooch on Syria

Obama got what he wanted

Sure he did. :cuckoo:

[ame=]Journey-Dont Stop Believing (official song) with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

Of course Obama won and the Republicans lost. That is why Republicans are so pissed

Obama was between a rock and a hard place with Syria. He threatened military action and then Republicans started screaming that he was not authorized to go into Syria without Congressional approval. They were all set to pull the rug out on Obama and deny him approval for military action. How better to humiliate the President than to deny him the right to take action after he had declared that he would?

Then, in steps Putin. After Kerry gave him an opening, he talked Assad into turning in his Chemical weapons or big bad US was going to attack him. Assad complied and the crisis was over

Republicans fumed...Obama won without firing a shot
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One inch from Vladimir Putin

Considering we are talking about Putin, I would say an inch is about right
obama would have won in Syria if Assad would have turned over the weapons. But he didn't and he's still in power. obama lost after all. Assad ' s agreement was with Russia not us. Putin gives the word and Assad spills those weapons wherever he likes.
Actually, it was the Republican Party that screwed the pooch on Syria

Obama got what he wanted

Sure he did. :cuckoo:

[ame=]Journey-Dont Stop Believing (official song) with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

Of course Obama won and the Republicans lost. That is why Republicans are so pissed

Obama was between a rock and a hard place with Syria. He threatened military action and then Republicans started screaming that he was not authorized to go into Syria without Congressional approval. They were all set to pull the rug out on Obama and deny him approval for military action. How better to humiliate the President than to deny him the right to take action after he had declared that he would?

Then, in steps Putin. After Kerry gave him an opening, he talked Assad into turning in his Chemical weapons or big bad US was going to attack him. Assad complied and the crisis was over

Republicans fumed...Obama won without firing a shot

Obama screwed the Pooch on Syria...but that's Bush's fault

Obama Theme Song: Nobody's Fault But Bush's

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The cold war is over. Someone needs to tell the Thug Puuuutin.

Maybe Putin should listen to Obama's Cairo speech, hmmm?

Obama's "80's called" comment not so funny anymore

Dems in the White House it what inspired "Pippin", good intentions and naivety thrust into a leadership role

And Boooosh did what when Putin invaded the Georgian Republic? Tell me again. I forgot.

Bush was a lame duck with a few months left in office with an all Dem congress. Yea, I'm sure the Dems would of went along with whatever Bush wanted to do during the election of the Hussein. :cuckoo:
Maybe Putin should listen to Obama's Cairo speech, hmmm?

Obama's "80's called" comment not so funny anymore

Dems in the White House it what inspired "Pippin", good intentions and naivety thrust into a leadership role

And Boooosh did what when Putin invaded the Georgian Republic? Tell me again. I forgot.

So Obama's pithy comment on the 80's not so funny?

So tell me what did Booooosh do with Putin? Let me help you..

Republicans Forget When George Loved Vladimir
"The more I get to know President Putin" he said, "the more I get to see his heart and soul ...the more I know we can work together in a positive way."

"The best diplomacy starts with getting to know each other," Mr Bush said, adding, "I knew that President Putin was a man with whom I could work to transform the relationship between our two countries."
Maybe Putin should listen to Obama's Cairo speech, hmmm?

Obama's "80's called" comment not so funny anymore

Dems in the White House it what inspired "Pippin", good intentions and naivety thrust into a leadership role

And Boooosh did what when Putin invaded the Georgian Republic? Tell me again. I forgot.

Bush was a lame duck with a few months left in office with an all Dem congress. Yea, I'm sure the Dems would of went along with whatever Bush wanted to do during the election of the Hussein. :cuckoo:

That's your best excuse?

Why don't you go with Bush had already invaded two countries and had shot his wad
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One inch from Vladimir Putin

Considering we are talking about Putin, I would say an inch is about right

We agree. - Putin's Russia is an enemy of the USA and the EU.

It's really too bad that when Romney pointed that fact out - Democrats like you and Obama laughed....oh how silly!!......newsflash!! .the 80's called.........they want their foreign policy back!! haaha zing zing!! aren't we clever..harhahaha

here's your Leader...making an ass of himself, as usual....

[ame=]Obama Chides Romney: 'The 1980s Are Calling, They Want Their Foreign Policy Back' - YouTube[/ame]

..Winning?? dah??


Only partisan hacks can defend this clown....
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I'm not falling for the Putin/Russia evil empire shit and OMG he's going to take over the world. Look. Our leaders screwed up by actually believing for one split second that Russia was ever going to give up their port in Crimea. You know. The port NATO has been dying for.

Bloody fools. And they have really screwed up backing the whack jobs who took over Kiev. It was a no brainer when those crazies overthrew the government and seized power that Crimea was going to run back to Mother Russia.

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