One Obama vacation to Hawaii cost Taxpayers what cost 3 years of Bush


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
going to Crawford!
Some claim the cost of Bush’s frequent trips to Crawford, Texas cost taxpayers upwards of $20 million, but the numbers are hard to confirm.
Obama's Vacations? Of Any President, Bush Racked Up the Most | Politic365

But Obama blew $7 million just this last Christmas alone just in Air Force ONe!!

The president was scheduled to leave Hawaii late Saturday, returning to Washington on Sunday a little before noon.
He will have spent a total of nine days here, over two separate trips, and roughly 40 hours in the air going back and forth.
At $181,000 per hour that is $7,270,000.
After ?fiscal cliff,? Obama finishes recharging on Hawaiian holiday - Washington Post

So if Bush in 8 years cost $20 million that works out to $2.5 million a year.
Obama blew 3 times that in one trip!
Did you complain about previous presidents using Air Force One? How about Bush's vacations?
George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Carter took 79 days in 4 years.
Clinton took 152 days in 8 years.

Reagan took 335 days in 8 years.
Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!

So much for the mythological Republican hard worth ethic.

George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

The Out-of-Towner: While Bush vacationed, 9/11 warnings went unheard
Boy, you really picked the wrong thing to bitch about. It is well documented that Obama has taken fewer and cheaper vacations that the shrub. Find something else to wine about. Like how many people have been killed by drones versus the MILLIONS killed by Bush.


Really. Unless you can prove that Obama's trips cost, say, $200MILLION a day, this is lame.
George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

487 days at Camp David
490 days at Crawford Ranch
43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

Total: 1020 days, more than 1/3rd of his presidency. Bush set the record for most vacation time taken by president.

Carter took 79 days in 4 years.
Clinton took 152 days in 8 years.

Reagan took 335 days in 8 years.
Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years!

So much for the mythological Republican hard worth ethic.

George W. Bush's vacation time (grand total)

The Out-of-Towner: While Bush vacationed, 9/11 warnings went unheard

A) Trips cost at most $2.5 million a year to the HOME of GWB!
Why doesn't Obama go to his HOME in Chicago?
B) Instead of galavanting around the country Bush went to a permanent Secret Service lodging at Crawford.. no expensive
hotel bills!

So if you don't think they did anything but play golf etc. at Crawford then that's fine... but they were working just as much as Obama does.. BUT AT LESS EXPENSE!
Obama took around 160 vacation days for his 1st four years. He'll probably hit close to 300 by the end of his 2nd term. More than I'd like but about average for a president.
going to Crawford!
Some claim the cost of Bush’s frequent trips to Crawford, Texas cost taxpayers upwards of $20 million, but the numbers are hard to confirm.
Obama's Vacations? Of Any President, Bush Racked Up the Most | Politic365

But Obama blew $7 million just this last Christmas alone just in Air Force ONe!!

The president was scheduled to leave Hawaii late Saturday, returning to Washington on Sunday a little before noon.
He will have spent a total of nine days here, over two separate trips, and roughly 40 hours in the air going back and forth.
At $181,000 per hour that is $7,270,000.
After ?fiscal cliff,? Obama finishes recharging on Hawaiian holiday - Washington Post

So if Bush in 8 years cost $20 million that works out to $2.5 million a year.
Obama blew 3 times that in one trip!

If Bush had gone to Crawford during the first months of his presidency, and simply stayed there, and resigned as president, I would have been totally in favor of paying him 10 times what Obama is spending in Hawaii.
It doesn't matter because 9/10 of the media will hide, lie, or omit it. Privilege of being a majority of the minority.
Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

George W. Bush was the goose that flew into the engine.

Obama landed the plane in the Hudson.
Air Force One is a source of American pride and patriotism. Fly it often, fly it proud.
and how many times did the honorable George Bush fly to exotic islands in his 8 year successful presidency? hmm, didn't he just go home to Texas?
Hawaii is a part of the United States, and the place where our president was born and raised. Why talk about it as if he's jetting off to bora bora? o_O
you have to wonder why Obama plans to move back to Hawaii after he gets fired? maybe afraid of 60% of angry Americans? the ones he borrowed 10 Trillion from?
It doesn't matter because 9/10 of the media will hide, lie, or omit it. Privilege of being a majority of the minority.

Yeah. Its that liberal media conspiracy.

You guys really need to get a new schtick cuz most people are tired of this same old lie.

you have to wonder why Obama plans to move back to Hawaii after he gets fired?

Another rw who has no knowledge of the FACT that the president of the US can only serve two terms.

President Obama will not be "fired". He will have served two terms which is exactly what the American people voted for.

And, he can move anyplace he wants.
Hawaii is a part of the United States, and the place where our president was born and raised. Why talk about it as if he's jetting off to bora bora? o_O

Golfing with Tiger Woods is quite important indeed in this President's eye's.
yes, 10 Trillion!! in 2009 the debt was around 10 Trillion, by 2016 it will be around 20 Trillion unless Obama puts the economy in 5th gear NOW !!!

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