One Obama vacation to Hawaii cost Taxpayers what cost 3 years of Bush

going to Crawford!
Some claim the cost of Bush’s frequent trips to Crawford, Texas cost taxpayers upwards of $20 million, but the numbers are hard to confirm.
Obama's Vacations? Of Any President, Bush Racked Up the Most | Politic365

But Obama blew $7 million just this last Christmas alone just in Air Force ONe!!

The president was scheduled to leave Hawaii late Saturday, returning to Washington on Sunday a little before noon.
He will have spent a total of nine days here, over two separate trips, and roughly 40 hours in the air going back and forth.
At $181,000 per hour that is $7,270,000.
After ?fiscal cliff,? Obama finishes recharging on Hawaiian holiday - Washington Post

So if Bush in 8 years cost $20 million that works out to $2.5 million a year.
Obama blew 3 times that in one trip!
What a hypocrite I bet you are now

Government Watchdog: Trump's Trips To Florida Costing Taxpayers Millions

such trips early on in Trump's presidency cost taxpayers $13.6 million, or some $3.4 million each. That is far higher than the estimates of Trump's travel costs early in his presidency, which were pegged at about $1 million per trip.

Prior to becoming president, Trump was very critical of Obama’s vacation habits, constantly criticizing the president via Twitter about being away from the White House. Now that Trump’s in office, let’s compare the two presidents and see who’s taken more vacation days, along with a few other former presidents as well.

So far, Donald Trump has spent more than half of his days as President on vacation.


When Trump was at 437 days in office, he had spent 140 days at Trump properties, and 105 days at golf properties. Back in August 2017, The Washington Post compared how many vacation days Trump had taken so far, compared to Obama. “By our count, by the end of August, Trump will have spent all or part of 53 days in office at leisure,”
Next: How many days Obama spent on vacation.

The Post reported that at the same point in his presidency, Obama had taken 15 days of vacation (compared to Trump’s 53).

In total, Obama took 328 vacation days in eight years.
going to Crawford!
Some claim the cost of Bush’s frequent trips to Crawford, Texas cost taxpayers upwards of $20 million, but the numbers are hard to confirm.
Obama's Vacations? Of Any President, Bush Racked Up the Most | Politic365

But Obama blew $7 million just this last Christmas alone just in Air Force ONe!!

The president was scheduled to leave Hawaii late Saturday, returning to Washington on Sunday a little before noon.
He will have spent a total of nine days here, over two separate trips, and roughly 40 hours in the air going back and forth.
At $181,000 per hour that is $7,270,000.
After ?fiscal cliff,? Obama finishes recharging on Hawaiian holiday - Washington Post

So if Bush in 8 years cost $20 million that works out to $2.5 million a year.
Obama blew 3 times that in one trip!
Please then now show us your outrage about this

Trump’s Golf Costs: $102 Million And Counting, With Taxpayers Picking Up The Tab
Trump promised never to golf. Instead, he’s spent more than twice as many days golfing as Obama at the same point, costing taxpayers over three times as much.

You fucking hypocrites!!!
oh! is he going on another vacation?

Who Trump?

Trump’s Golf Costs: $102 Million And Counting, With Taxpayers Picking Up The Tab
Trump promised never to golf. Instead, he’s spent more than twice as many days golfing as Obama at the same point, costing taxpayers over three times as much.

You fucking hypocrites!!!
He can golf all he wants if he would just stop putting lobbyist & unqualified people in high places.

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