One of my poachers is finally in jail!

Mini 14

Senior Member
Jun 6, 2010
I would love to take credit for this, but it was my neighbor (though I will remember it in the future):

Seems my neighbor, who is a RABID turkey hunter, was walking into the woods to hunt along our property line (he and I have an agreement that he can hunt turkey on my land, and I hunt deer/coyote on his....I'm not a big turkey guy, he doesn't care about deer). He heard someone calling turkey right along the line, so he looped around and came upon their truck about 300 yards away from where they were hunting. Here are the steps he took:

1. Slashed 1 truck tire, and the spare.
2. Went back to his truck, got an AR-15
3. Back into the woods, 100 yards away from poachers.
4. Waited
5. As poachers were calling up more turkeys (they had already shot more than their limit), drops 4 with AR from distance.
6. Stands up, and calls out that if they follow him out of the woods, he will shoot them as well. (they, obviously, had only shotguns).
7. Heads back toward his truck, calling the Warden (a personal friend of ours) to come and get the poachers.
8. When Warden arrives, explains that he saw another truck leaving earlier, with 4-5 birds in the bed.
9. Leads Warden to truck.
10 Warden impounds truck, issues warrants for owner for taking turkey with rifle and electronic call, as well as trespassing and poaching with premeditation.

3 are sitting in jail this morning, trying to make $175,000 bond, and the State of Alabama is now the proud owner of a new Ford truck, an electronic predator call, and several new firearms :)

I love my neighbor.....and I will NEVER piss him off :)
good work....i hate poachers.....i have given two people permission to hunt on my land....both are well grown now and have kids....they were 14 or so when they ask permission...

i catch people on my land all the time...normally just a 'get the fuck off my land' does it....i dont care about hikers and such....but armed people had best stop and ask...
good work....i hate poachers.....i have given two people permission to hunt on my land....both are well grown now and have kids....they were 14 or so when they ask permission...

i catch people on my land all the time...normally just a 'get the fuck off my land' does it....i dont care about hikers and such....but armed people had best stop and ask...

It takes ovaries to walk up to someone holding a gun and tell them to get the fuck off my land.
lol not when you are armed too....i assure you....i dont head out in the woods without a rifle...but i am normally outmatched....but they know they are wrong..they should ask ...simple as that...

we dont have the trouble yall have up north....i dont think most hunters are gonna go from simply trespass to murder that fast
Good job mimi 14. I catch assholes on my farm all the time - hunting without permission, looking for mushrooms, searching for deer sheds and just generally fucking around. It just pisses me off to no end. One butt head even had a well-constructed tree stand on the property and was sitting in it deer hunting. I usually get myself 3 or 4 new tree stands every year during hunting season. When I find them, if there is nobody sitting in them, I take them down and haul them up to the barn. Oddly enough, in 18 years nobody has ever come to me asking for their deer stand back. I wouldn't give it back to them but if they came and asked for it back I would allow the game warden (conservation police is what they call them in Illi noise) to give it back to them if they were kind enough to wait until he got there. I have no patience with tresspassers. And yes, when I go for my strolls into the woods here I always am armed. Never know when you are going to run up on a thunder monkey or a damned Democrat.
5. As poachers were calling up more turkeys (they had already shot more than their limit), drops 4 with AR from distance.
what does that mean?

He shot 4 turkeys with the rifle. Big no-no. Each carries a hefty fine and possible jail time. Also, each bird over the daily and season limit is another fine, and more jail time. Of course, they said they didn't shoot the birds that were taken by rifle, and that they watched my neighbor shoot them. The Warden didn't buy it (actually, I'm pretty sure he knows EXACTLY what happened, but also knows what the root of the problem is), and charged them with 4 counts by rifle.

I was worried this was just "big talk" from my neighbor, but it has been confirmed. All 3 have lost all of their firearms and the right to possess firearms until trial, at which time they will lose that right for life. The truck will be sold by the State at auction.

I am thinking of bidding on it, then blowing it up on the property line :)
massive fines here for poaching.....a lot of the rewards are offered by other hunter who have worked hard to bring back turkeys ....
I have a friend who lost his truck for getting caught poaching deer (spot lighting) at night in North Carolina. Laughed my ass off. It was a brand new Ford F-150. This happened back in the late 80's. He was a great friend just not too bright at times.
better to buy their one like when granddads rifle falls in the hands of the government....caught a kid here on the parkway....took his rifle...turned out that rifle belonged to his grandfather...when he came to court...all he cared about was the rifle...he had to buy it back for a small fortune
Good job mimi 14. I catch assholes on my farm all the time - hunting without permission, looking for mushrooms, searching for deer sheds and just generally fucking around. It just pisses me off to no end. One butt head even had a well-constructed tree stand on the property and was sitting in it deer hunting. I usually get myself 3 or 4 new tree stands every year during hunting season. When I find them, if there is nobody sitting in them, I take them down and haul them up to the barn. Oddly enough, in 18 years nobody has ever come to me asking for their deer stand back. I wouldn't give it back to them but if they came and asked for it back I would allow the game warden (conservation police is what they call them in Illi noise) to give it back to them if they were kind enough to wait until he got there. I have no patience with tresspassers. And yes, when I go for my strolls into the woods here I always am armed. Never know when you are going to run up on a thunder monkey or a damned Democrat.

I "acquired" 4 game cameras this year, and left two strapped to trees with .223 rounds through them (when I find a crappy one, I just take the memory card and blow them up so they'll "get the message."). And like you, I have a nice collection of tree and ladder stands that kind, thoughtful poachers have donated over the years.

These guys have been poaching the land for 30 years or more. The piece they hit is cut off from the main body of land by swamp, and the only access is to go around the property and come in a different way (there is no way through the swamp, other than foot and swimming). About 7 years ago, I went around and told them they were going to have to stop hunting it, that we were going to hunt it and might even build a few houses out there. They said they would, but didn't. I'm just glad its finally coming to an end, but I expect them to light it up, or poison it, or something. These aren't the kind of guys to just let it go.

But we're going to get a few months off, at least.
I have a friend who lost his truck for getting caught poaching deer (spot lighting) at night in North Carolina. Laughed my ass off. It was a brand new Ford F-150. This happened back in the late 80's. He was a great friend just not too bright at times.

This one is a piece of crap. Rusted out, broken down late 80s model Chevy. Probably sell for 4-500, so it will make a nice bonfire :)

They DID have nice shotguns. 2 Benellis and an old Stevens side by side. I'd like to have the Stevens.

And these guys LIVED for turkey hunting. They hunted deer pretty hard, but they were really just using it as an excuse to scout the turkey. Not being able to turkey hunt this year is going to be like telling a 6 year-old kid "Christmas is called off this year." It is going to kill them, and when they realize they have shot their last turkey/deer/anything.....they are going to get VERY angry.

I plan on giggling at them a lot :)
they wont stop

Yeah, I know.

But they will for this year :)

I expect to get a call any day now telling me that 130 is on fire. I was going to burn it next winter anyway, so they'll actually be doing me a big favor.

But at least for this year, I don't have to worry about getting sued when some drunken, white-trash poacher mistakes his buddy for a turkey and blows his leg off.
lol not when you are armed too....i assure you....i dont head out in the woods without a rifle...but i am normally outmatched....but they know they are wrong..they should ask ...simple as that...

we dont have the trouble yall have up north....i dont think most hunters are gonna go from simply trespass to murder that fast

JEEEBUSSS H CHRIST BONES!!!!! Haven't you seen "Deliverance???
o huggy...i have lived here for 28 years or mini i know most of the people around here...most of the hunters i toss off my land are rabbit hunters....think elmer fudd.....

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