Zone1 One of our honorable posters repeatedly states as fact that whites commit more murders, numbers than blacks. But that is demonstrably not true.

It's time some of the members of the white community stopped lying to themselves.

The hypocrisy is stunning; departing from racialized images of crack users, data from National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) shows that people reporting cocaine use in 1991 were 75% white; 15% black, and 10% Hispanic. People who admitted to using crack were 52% white, 38% black, and 10% Hispanic. Comparing that to US Sentencing Commission data showing 79% of 5,669 sentenced crack offenders were black, 10% were Hispanic, and only 10% were white, only lends credence to the contention that mandatory sentencing laws were racially biased and fundamentally flawed.

(Whites were 59 percent of the admitted crack users, 75 percent of the cocaine users, but 10 percent of those incarcerated for use of crack, and systemic racism does not exist)

However, despite all the evidence to the contrary, America insisted on continuing its inane, pointless “War On Drugs,” which has resulted in little but the highest incarceration rate per capita of any industrialized nation, and countless stories of broken homes and destroyed communities which only continue the cycle of hopelessness, poverty, and desperation that cause people to turn to selling or using drugs in the first place. Still, the human cost has not been counted, because for every story recollected to public consciousness, hundreds more go untold. While the epidemic itself is over, new ones have sprung up to take its place; in particular, America now faces the same moral quandary over addictive opioids.

However, the face of this crisis looks vastly different; this time it’s the white, rural members of society in the spotlight, and the coverage has accordingly evolved as well. Instead of a hysterical panic and insistence on law-and-order crackdowns, politicians are pleading for understanding and treatment.

Now that whites are the ones dying of opiod addiction, we don't need law and order. We must have understanding and treatment programs. But systemic racism does not exist. When members of the white racist subculture want to start ranting about blacks and crime, maybe they should consider not doing so.
Yes, the war on drugs replacing the war on poverty has ended being a war on blacks particularly with the private prisons wanting x number of prisoners and the taking away of rights when they leave would I should think make the ability to manage out of jail near impossible. Never mind, the non racial person will say, they are put to good use as next to free labour by the Corporations. Even those who risk their lives working as firemen when in prison are not allowed to be paid firemen when they leave.

I must admit this surprised me but today I saw a video on racism in Australia which makes the US look mild. They do not do it in the same way as the US but it is beyond horrendous and unbelievable in this day and age....which of course does not mean the US has been able in 60 years or so to make better centuries of brutal behaviour dehumanising blacks, I was just totally shocked to see what is going on in Australia. I'll put the documentary in in case you or anyone else wants to check it out.

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I would say this is true of the black subculture, however many blacks do have a 'hair trigger' when it comes to expressing anger.
Did you see the video of the Black woman that made a complete ass of herself at a recent Broadway play? They had to kick her out. Great example.
God you are STUPID. using the by 100000 doesnt make a larger population seems less then a smaller you fucking MORON. It properly displays the actual break down by percentage of what ever is being compared for different sized populations. And you claim you went to college? What did you study? Underwater basketweaving?

Do you know where the FBI gets the numbers that you all rely on to bolster your racists beliefs?
Do you know where the FBI gets the numbers that you all rely on to bolster your racists beliefs?
As you know, the numbers published by the FBI come from the municipalities reporting their numbers to the FBI which then coalesces them for their reports.

When did FACTS become "racist beliefs"? Let me guess since you don't like those facts, right?
Yes, the war on drugs replacing the war on poverty has ended being a war on blacks particularly with the private prisons wanting x number of prisoners and the taking away of rights when they leave would I should think make the ability to manage out of jail near impossible. Never mind, the non racial person will say, they are put to good use as next to free labour by the Corporations. Even those who risk their lives working as firemen when in prison are not allowed to be paid firemen when they leave.

I must admit this surprised me but today I saw a video on racism in Australia which makes the US look mild. They do not do it in the same way as the US but it is beyond horrendous and unbelievable in this day and age....which of course does not mean the US has been able in 60 years or so to make better centuries of brutal behaviour dehumanising blacks, I was just totally shocked to see what is going on in Australia. I'll put the documentary in in case you or anyone else wants to check it out.

Oh yeah, what the British have done to the indigenous people there is horrible.
I would say this is true of the black subculture, however many blacks do have a 'hair trigger' when it comes to expressing anger.
Is this why whites lead annually in violent crime?
Do you know where the FBI gets the numbers that you all rely on to bolster your racists beliefs?
We both know that per capita is a bs argument only used by racists as it pertains to violence and crime.
It in not a racial thing. It is a cultural thing.

Black culture in the US is violent prone. It is their way of life.
Execpt all the documented evidence shows that white males are most prone to violence.
actually, retard blacks lead with 37 percent of all violent crime committed ny just 12 percent of the population.
That's kinda hard to do when only 2 percent of the population are criminal offenders. You guys misuse percentages and its just getting stupid. Whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime. Thats more than 37. And this means that out of the number of people who actually committ violent crime, whites make up 60 percent. Percentages come with numbers and when you look at the real numbers, your claim is retarded. In 2020, 0.6 percent of the American population were black criminal offenders. 13 percent has nothing to do with it. In 2020, 1.09 percent of the American population were white criminal offenders. Whites were 51 percent of the criminal offenders in America in 2020. That means 1 percent of the US population were criminal offenders and they were not black.

You're too lazy to do the proper math to make your argument.

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