Zone1 One of our honorable posters repeatedly states as fact that whites commit more murders, numbers than blacks. But that is demonstrably not true.

actually, retard blacks lead with 37 percent of all violent crime committed ny just 12 percent of the population.
It is really worse than that figure. Given that the vast majority of violent crimes are committed by men, six percent of the population commits those crimes.
That's kinda hard to do when only 2 percent of the population are criminal offenders. You guys misuse percentages and its just getting stupid. Whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime. Thats more than 37. And this means that out of the number of people who actually committ violent crime, whites make up 60 percent. Percentages come with numbers and when you look at the real numbers, your claim is retarded. In 2020, 0.6 percent of the American population were black criminal offenders. 13 percent has nothing to do with it. In 2020, 1.09 percent of the American population were white criminal offenders. Whites were 51 percent of the criminal offenders in America in 2020. That means 1 percent of the US population were criminal offenders and they were not black.

You're too lazy to do the proper math to make your argument.
As you know, the numbers published by the FBI come from the municipalities reporting their numbers to the FBI which then coalesces them for their reports.

When did FACTS become "racist beliefs"? Let me guess since you don't like those facts, right?
You remember that thread you posted previously in which you were going on about how it is allegedly 'fact' that Black people commit more crimes than white people? The one below at the of this comment? Well at the end your OP you asked "how could this be" ("Does anyone have thoughts on why this disparity exists and is there anything that can be done to change this for the better?")? I've already provided you with one of the reasons why ("garbage in, garbage out" regarding the veracity of the data). Well now I also have another aspect of why the numbers appear as they do. We'll get to the source of the FBI's numbers in a bit:
Zone1 - Video: Slavery By Another Name



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As you know, the numbers published by the FBI come from the municipalities reporting their numbers to the FBI which then coalesces them for their reports.

When did FACTS become "racist beliefs"? Let me guess since you don't like those facts, right?
Which municipalities? Since reporting is not compulsory don't you think it would be a good idea to be able to trace the numbers to their sources and know which agencies have NOT submitted statistics?

Also, what about the financial motive?
Pick one of the whitest states in the U.S., such as Maine or Vermont and come back and tell us who commits the most crime in those states.

Come on, you're still celebrating New Years with a few more adult beverages when you wrote that, didn't you?

What is your point, that states with very low populations of minorities have far fewer violent crimes?

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Which municipalities? Since reporting is not compulsory don't you think it would be a good idea to be able to trace the numbers to their sources and know which agencies have NOT submitted statistics?

Also, what about the financial motive?
They have reports on municipalities that don't report too. What is your point?

What about financial motives? If someone is in the lower income brackets, it's okay if they kill someone, it's understandable.
You remember that thread you posted previously in which you were going on about how it is allegedly 'fact' that Black people commit more crimes than white people? The one below at the of this comment? Well at the end your OP you asked "how could this be" ("Does anyone have thoughts on why this disparity exists and is there anything that can be done to change this for the better?")? I've already provided you with one of the reasons why ("garbage in, garbage out" regarding the veracity of the data). Well now I also have another aspect of why the numbers appear as they do. We'll get to the source of the FBI's numbers in a bit:
Zone1 - Video: Slavery By Another Name
View attachment 744058
View attachment 744059
This is now 2023.

What is your point?
They have reports on municipalities that don't report too. What is your point?

What about financial motives? If someone is in the lower income brackets, it's okay if they kill someone, it's understandable.
Where are the reports on the municipalities that declined to provide data? I have a set of FBI statistics that they sent me and I don't recall seeing any reports on the agencies whose data was not included. Not to say that they weren't included or don't exist, just that I've just never seen them so perhaps you can provide them to the board.

I was not talking about financial motivation of the criminals, I was speaking of the financial incentives in terms of grant money provided to the law enforcement agencies for compliance and getting their numbers in to the FBI:

Department of Justice Grants and Cooperative Agreements: Statutes and Regulations related to Civil Rights and Nondiscrimination

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That's kinda hard to do when only 2 percent of the population are criminal offenders. You guys misuse percentages and its just getting stupid. Whites commit 60 percent of the violent crime. Thats more than 37. And this means that out of the number of people who actually committ violent crime, whites make up 60 percent. Percentages come with numbers and when you look at the real numbers, your claim is retarded. In 2020, 0.6 percent of the American population were black criminal offenders. 13 percent has nothing to do with it. In 2020, 1.09 percent of the American population were white criminal offenders. Whites were 51 percent of the criminal offenders in America in 2020. That means 1 percent of the US population were criminal offenders and they were not black.

You're too lazy to do the proper math to make your argument.
good god keep proving just how fucking stupid you are. No one is claiming 37 percent of the entire population is committing crimes you dumb ass, of the crime committed 37 percent is committed by blacks. did you even go to school? No one can be as stupid as you are.
Pick one of the whitest states in the U.S., such as Maine or Vermont and come back and tell us who commits the most crime in those states.
What type of weird logic is that? That’s like saying that in Spain, where most people are Spanish, Spanish people commit the most crime.

The fact is that blacks commit violent crime WAY out of proportion to their numbers in the general population. Instead of twisting into a pretzel to avoid this truth, and posting messages about the laws after Reconstruction, you’d do better by admitting that there is a problem with the high crime rate among blacks (as compared to whites) and lobby for harsher punishment for criminals to discourage that behavior.
One of our honorable posters repeatedly states as fact that whites commit more murders, numbers than blacks. But that is demonstrably not true.
I have repeatedly attempted to shift the target to discussing the problems today and possible solutions. To no avail.


Expanded Homicide Data Table 3


The murder rate among the races is staggeringly weighted toward blacks but, as we can see here, sadly even the raw numbers show far more blacks are murderers and victims of murder.

Obviously, racism plays no part in those numbers. Why are posters here so reluctant to discuss the problem rather than just call names?

Does anyone have thoughts on why this disparity exists and is there anything that can be done to change this for the better?
Blacks are shooting each other at an alarming rate and no one is allowed to discuss it because that would be raaaaaacistttttt.
Blacks are shooting each other at an alarming rate and no one is allowed to discuss it because that would be raaaaaacistttttt.
We’re also not allowed to point out the path that another very persecuted minority has taken, to great success, because THAT would be raaaaacist.
good god keep proving just how fucking stupid you are. No one is claiming 37 percent of the entire population is committing crimes you dumb ass, of the crime committed 37 percent is committed by blacks. did you even go to school? No one can be as stupid as you are.
Except you claim that 13 percent is committing 37 percent of the crime. That is not true. The numbers for 2020 show that 1.09 percent of the population were 51 percent of the criminal offenders and they were white. 0.6 percent of the population was 37 percent. 51 percent is a majority. You can try arguing all you want but your opinion is based on inaccurate use of math

Furthermore it is based of a hyopthesis that assumes that you can just multiply what crime blacks commit by 5 and make assumptions. If blacks had 5 times more people, it's highly doubtful that blacks would be the majority of criminal offenders. Because if blacks and whites had the same population blacks and whites would probably have the same amount of wealth, property ownership, business ownership, degreed professionals, representatives at every level of government and law enforcement just to name a few things. All of these things reduce black crime while whites have all this now and still commit more crime.

So again, your opinion is factless and intellectually lazy.
Blacks are shooting each other at an alarming rate and no one is allowed to discuss it because that would be raaaaaacistttttt.
Whites are shooting themselves at alarming rates but want to run their mouths about blacks.

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