one picture that sums up the entire occupy movement

No they're not!

They represent the generation that's going to be stuck with paying off the enormous debt that we ran up on them and do it without the luxury of decent paying jobs.

So no wonder why the guy is taking a shit on the sidewalk. He feels his future is fucked and worth about as much as that which he's leaving behind.

Everything you say is true.
Doesn't mean driveby is wrong though. Protest can be do less valid if done without blatant disregard for sanitation and the folks around them.

It is ONE guy.

It is NOT as the OP lied and said what the protests are represented by in this one picture.

To say what she said is a flat out lie.

If you think its true then the MANY racists and violent signs at tea party events represent the whole thing

liar ...
You really have zero ability to think outside your little indoctrinated box do you? It's not just "one guy" it is the entire crowd around him, cheering. It is the deadbeat welfare mother who brought her child who is standing there watching, teaching her children that this kind of "protest" is right. You are an idiot. This is your movement made manifest in reality, this is your ideology made reality, and this is your future made reality. Is it a pretty picture? You tell me.

you seem to know a lot about the people in this picture.

you were there, plant?

He doesn't need to be there.

He's got Rush, and Sean, and Levin ,and Beck and all the others to tell him what to think.

really? Please explain to me what other conclusion i can draw from the 700+ arrests, the public shitting, the solicitation of drugs and sex, etc.?
I hope this moron gets arrested. I think people like this should be in jail or forced into the military then maybe they would get the freedoms they are enjoying. This is a disgrace. It just makes me laugh just months ago the left was calling the tea party terrorist and look what these people are doing. They dont even know what they are protesting about. Most are privileged college students or people getting paid by unions

I think we should ante up for a one way ticket where ever he wants to go. All he has to do is rennounce his right to be an American citizen. Cause he ain't he's a piece of garbage.
You really have zero ability to think outside your little indoctrinated box do you? It's not just "one guy" it is the entire crowd around him, cheering. It is the deadbeat welfare mother who brought her child who is standing there watching, teaching her children that this kind of "protest" is right. You are an idiot. This is your movement made manifest in reality, this is your ideology made reality, and this is your future made reality. Is it a pretty picture? You tell me.

you seem to know a lot about the people in this picture.

you were there, plant?

yeah. and i hired all the parents and children to watch. idiot

so the parents and children were gainfully employed during your evacuation movement?
Everything you say is true.
Doesn't mean driveby is wrong though. Protest can be do less valid if done without blatant disregard for sanitation and the folks around them.

It is ONE guy.

It is NOT as the OP lied and said what the protests are represented by in this one picture.

To say what she said is a flat out lie.

If you think its true then the MANY racists and violent signs at tea party events represent the whole thing

That young man does not represent all of the wall street protesters.

Try as you will this will not go away because you demonize your fellow Americans.
You dont get to decide who they are.

Awww, Is poor widdle TM upset that "her team" is a bunch of fuck offs that happen to be 95% white? What a let down this all must be. The picture in the OP is what you do on these boards near everyday TM, so none of us are shocked, we just LOL.
You dont get to decide who they are.

Awww, Is poor widdle TM upset that "her team" is a bunch of fuck offs that happen to be 95% white? What a let down this all must be. The picture in the OP is what you do on these boards near everyday TM, so none of us are shocked, we just LOL.

Ya know, one of the things the left insists on, grades on, is that everything represent America by the numbers - % of women, blacks, asians, etc.

By this reasoning, the OWS "movement" fails at representing Amerika.

It does represent leftist elitism quite well though.
That young man does not represent all of the wall street protesters.

Try as you will this will not go away because you demonize your fellow Americans.

Too bad you didn't say that about the tea party in 2009, TM
You as many others on the left, included all the tea party as racist.
Tea party said the same thing, that, a few racist signs did not represent all of the tea party.
You dont get to decide who they are.

Awww, Is poor widdle TM upset that "her team" is a bunch of fuck offs that happen to be 95% white? What a let down this all must be. The picture in the OP is what you do on these boards near everyday TM, so none of us are shocked, we just LOL.

Ya know, one of the things the left insists on, grades on, is that everything represent America by the numbers - % of women, blacks, asians, etc.

By this reasoning, the OWS "movement" fails at representing Amerika.

It does represent leftist elitism quite well though.

How many times at TP events was it found that the guy holding the Obama = Hitler and is a ****** sign was a plant Democrat, yet that didn't matter to TM! All TM needed was 1 dumbass mixed in with over 10 million protesters and BAM, that summed up the TPM for her. With this case, the OWS protesters can have hundreds of incidences of ridiculous displays stupidity, law breaking, bigotry and this out of just thousands of protesters, not millions, thousands… Yet now it's perfectly understandable that there are dumbasses in every crowd.

TM = Possibly the most party over country sell out on these boards.

Notice my sig, it ain't like this kind of thinking is new to TM.

go home, guys. seriously.

bonus picture:


In related news, soon after disproving the "good intent" rhetoric of the OWS, the protestor then disproved the "intelligent movement" rhetoric by deciding to wipe his ass with the flag he just shat upon - inadvertently smearing his own shit back upon himself.

go home, guys. seriously.

bonus picture:


In related news, soon after disproving the "good intent" rhetoric of the OWS, the protestor then disproved the "intelligent movement" rhetoric by deciding to wipe his ass with the flag he just shat upon - inadvertently smearing his own shit back upon himself.

The good news is this guy will no doubt by age 35 or so be toothless, strung out on heroin and living in a box somewhere mumbling incoherently about Wall Street Bankers.

go home, guys. seriously.

C'mon! He's not really taking an Obama right there in the street, is he?
No. He is shitting on America.


go home, guys. seriously.

looks more like an evacuate movement.

by a right wing plant
No. Nothing but pimply-faced leftists, social misfits, welfare whores, communists, union members, Marxists, professional students and Obama worshipers attend these OCCUPY rallies. Rebels without a cause will jump on any band wagon, especially if given the opportunity to show their ass in public.

These are pseudo-intellectual twits that have no respect for the principles upon which this country was founded. They are looking for a free pile of things that somebody else payed for. They are lazy, worthless, uncouth, unwashed idiots....scabs on the ass of humanity.

You dont get to decide who they are.

They are typical lefts.
No. Some leftists are respectable people. They are not intelligent enough to understand that collectivism does not drive a thriving economy and they often push for forced redistribution of wealth. The guy in the picture is not typical. He is the epitome of stupid, worthless, adolescent, brainwashed leftists.

I thought you guys used to say you cant judge the tea party by certain people carrying certain signs?

You seem to have NO morals but lots of hypocracy

you are standing up for a young man who is publicly pooping on an american flag while a crowd cheers him on and you bring up morals? really?
...and can't spell hypocrisy.

You dont get to decide who they are.

We don't have to. They do that on their own. We just expose them.
This one exposed himself!

You dont get to decide who they are.

They're a bunch of dirtbags and represent the epitome of your side.....

No they're not!

They represent the generation that's going to be stuck with paying off the enormous debt that we ran up on them and do it without the luxury of decent paying jobs.

So no wonder why the guy is taking a shit on the sidewalk. He feels his future is fucked and worth about as much as that which he's leaving behind.
No. He and all the rest of the OCCUPY IDIOTS have no clue where jobs and wages really come from. They're being bolstered by the attendance of the Communist Party and the UNIONS and the whole show has snowballed into a mob action, a place to vent anger, a photo op for some politicians and a diversion for Barack Obama.

If their demands were met, jobs would begin to disappear at an exponential rate...then we could all go protest.

The OCCUPY WALL STREET movement can be summed up in just a few words:

Pseudo-intellectualism at its finest!

go home, guys. seriously.

bonus picture:


There is a child watching a grown man shitting on an American flag in the middle of the street. The shitter should be charged with inappropriate conduct with a child. Just nasty.

go home, guys. seriously.

bonus picture:


WoW...this guy is awesome!!

He's expressing his discontent with the current system and corruption by Wall Street banksters and gangsters.

Taking a gigantic dump on the flag as a sign of protest sure as heck beats spitting on black Congressmen.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

There is a child watching a grown man shitting on an American flag in the middle of the street. The shitter should be charged with inappropriate conduct with a child. Just nasty.
Note the idiot in his underwear and ball cap just beyond the child.

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