One thing the left and the right can agree on - Paul Ryan is a sack of shit!


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
I honestly don't know what side hates worthless globalist ass puppet Paul Ryan more - the left or the right. As a libertarian, I can't think of any politician I hate more than Paul Ryan.

Ryan is a lying fucking backstabbing shit-stain of the worst kind. He truly is at the top of my list of people I'd love to punch in the face. He just has an attitude and look about him, his being a backstabbing lying sack of shit that makes people hate him.

This fucking sack of shit swings from globalist dick. This pompous asshole treasonous sack of shit thinks he's really fooling Americans. He's not. Go fuck yourself Paul Ryan - both the left and right absolutely hate you, that's quite an accomplishment.
I thought the one thing the left and right agreed upon is that libertarians are as clueless as Marxists. Who knew there was something else? :dunno:
They are called Pussy-Republicans.

We know the Democrats (that is, the Socialists), are the enemy of this great country.

But, damn. The guys on our side are sackless Pussies who live in craven fear of the New York Media, and think only about how to get re-elected.

Pussy Republicans will fold again here in a few weeks and raise the Debt Limit to say, 25 Trillion.

A sell out of our children's future to buy another term....and because they are afraid MSNBC or CNN will call them Bigots or Xenophobes or Islamophobes.

Pussies...there are more of them in the Republican Caucas in Congress than there are in 50 Bunny Ranches.


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