One trillion tonne iceberg, measuring 5,800 square km, poses shipping danger


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Giant iceberg breaks off Antarctica, creating risks for ships

The ice will add to risks for ships now it has broken off. The peninsula is outside major trade routes but the main destination for cruise ships visiting from South America.

The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, was already floating before it broke away so there is no immediate impact on sea levels, but the calving has left the Larsen C ice shelf reduced in area by more than 12 percent.


Republicans say it's OK. There is no problem. It's just ice. Totally "natural".
Giant iceberg breaks off Antarctica, creating risks for ships

The ice will add to risks for ships now it has broken off. The peninsula is outside major trade routes but the main destination for cruise ships visiting from South America.

The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, was already floating before it broke away so there is no immediate impact on sea levels, but the calving has left the Larsen C ice shelf reduced in area by more than 12 percent.


Republicans say it's OK. There is no problem. It's just ice. Totally "natural".

Totally "natural".

Icebergs never break off naturally. DERP!
Giant iceberg breaks off Antarctica, creating risks for ships

The ice will add to risks for ships now it has broken off. The peninsula is outside major trade routes but the main destination for cruise ships visiting from South America.

The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, was already floating before it broke away so there is no immediate impact on sea levels, but the calving has left the Larsen C ice shelf reduced in area by more than 12 percent.


Republicans say it's OK. There is no problem. It's just ice. Totally "natural".

Totally "natural".

Icebergs never break off naturally. DERP!

Not until global warming
Giant iceberg breaks off Antarctica, creating risks for ships

The ice will add to risks for ships now it has broken off. The peninsula is outside major trade routes but the main destination for cruise ships visiting from South America.

The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, was already floating before it broke away so there is no immediate impact on sea levels, but the calving has left the Larsen C ice shelf reduced in area by more than 12 percent.


Republicans say it's OK. There is no problem. It's just ice. Totally "natural".
I hope it kills everybody on the planet.
Giant iceberg breaks off Antarctica, creating risks for ships

The ice will add to risks for ships now it has broken off. The peninsula is outside major trade routes but the main destination for cruise ships visiting from South America.

The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, was already floating before it broke away so there is no immediate impact on sea levels, but the calving has left the Larsen C ice shelf reduced in area by more than 12 percent.


Republicans say it's OK. There is no problem. It's just ice. Totally "natural".
/----- Did anyone alert the White Star line? They have issues with icebergs.
Giant iceberg breaks off Antarctica, creating risks for ships

The ice will add to risks for ships now it has broken off. The peninsula is outside major trade routes but the main destination for cruise ships visiting from South America.

The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, was already floating before it broke away so there is no immediate impact on sea levels, but the calving has left the Larsen C ice shelf reduced in area by more than 12 percent.


Republicans say it's OK. There is no problem. It's just ice. Totally "natural".
/---- Where's Global warming when you need it?
Giant iceberg breaks off Antarctica, creating risks for ships

The ice will add to risks for ships now it has broken off. The peninsula is outside major trade routes but the main destination for cruise ships visiting from South America.

The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, was already floating before it broke away so there is no immediate impact on sea levels, but the calving has left the Larsen C ice shelf reduced in area by more than 12 percent.


Republicans say it's OK. There is no problem. It's just ice. Totally "natural".

And if you had taken 50 seconds out of your hysterical handwaving, and put just the smallest bit of thought into your post before you made it, then none of us would be responding your your idiocy.

It is an ice broke off a glacier. Right off the bat this should tell you something. If you are worried about the global warming scam, the thing to worry about with glaciers is their retreat...not that they are advancing to a degree that chunks of ice are breaking off the ends that are the size of is when glaciers stop calving ice that you start to worry about warming...when they are calving ice the size of whole states with no evidence of retreat at all, you start thinking about cooling.

Second, it is perfectly has all happened before only on a larger scale and more often. Here, have a look at what you can find if you just take a few seconds to look. It seems that in 1956 an iceberg broke off from an Antarctic Glacier that was 5 times as large as the one you are wringing your hands over...and it was the second one that year.

With you climate wackos, it is all misinformation all the never ends. So the question is, were you aware that it is all perfectly natural, and has all happened before even bigger, and that it is clear evidence of advancing glaciers in Antarctica, or are you just a useful idiot dupe who runs about screaming that the sky is falling while wringing the skin off your hands just because someone of your political ilk told you to?

Which is it deanrd?....inquiring minds want to know.

You people are pathetic with a capital are being led around by your nose and aren't capable of generating enough critical thought to even be aware of it. At least cattle know when they are being led to the slaughter. How does it feel to be more stupid as cattle?


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OMG!!! Ships will only be able to see it by crashing into it, amiright?

It never occurred to the idiot that in order for an iceberg that big to be breaking off the glacier, it must be advancing at a healthy rate...he never took a second to consider that if you are a global warming wacko, that retreating glaciers is what you are worried about...or is this just more miracles from the magic CO2 molecule...making glaciers advance and retreat at the same time?
Giant iceberg breaks off Antarctica, creating risks for ships

The ice will add to risks for ships now it has broken off. The peninsula is outside major trade routes but the main destination for cruise ships visiting from South America.

The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, was already floating before it broke away so there is no immediate impact on sea levels, but the calving has left the Larsen C ice shelf reduced in area by more than 12 percent.


Republicans say it's OK. There is no problem. It's just ice. Totally "natural".
exactly! you?
Giant iceberg breaks off Antarctica, creating risks for ships

The ice will add to risks for ships now it has broken off. The peninsula is outside major trade routes but the main destination for cruise ships visiting from South America.

The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, was already floating before it broke away so there is no immediate impact on sea levels, but the calving has left the Larsen C ice shelf reduced in area by more than 12 percent.


Republicans say it's OK. There is no problem. It's just ice. Totally "natural".

How much do we need to raise taxes by to get it to reattach?

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