One trillion tonne iceberg, measuring 5,800 square km, poses shipping danger

It never occurred to the idiot that in order for an iceberg that big to be breaking off the glacier,

Earth to cult moron -- it's an ice sheet, not a glacier. Just another bit of the science where your understanding is inferior to that of an average fourth grader.

it must be advancing at a healthy rate...

No, it doesn't. That's why, for example, Larson A and Larson B disintegrated completely.

How do you manage to be so completely wrong about every single thing? It's a rare talent you have there. You must have snarfed lead paint chips by the pound as a child. Even for a denier, you're one astoundingly retarded.
The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, was already floating before it broke away so there is no immediate impact on sea levels,

To nitpick, which I love to do, that's not quite correct. A melting iceberg will raise sea level, just not by much. How do I know that? It's what I do, I drink and I know things.

Imagine it this way. What if an ice cube was floating in a glass of liquid mercury, which is 14 times denser? It would only displace 1/14 of it's volume. Then, after it melted, it would add nearly its full volume, hence the level of the water/mercury mix would rise.

It works the same way, to a much lesser extent, on the oceans, because the fresh water that makes up icebergs is less dense than salt water.

How much is the effect? If land ice equal to the mass of that iceberg would melt, it would add 2.8 mm to sea levels. That floating iceberg melting will only add 0.1 mm, 3% as much. So there is an effect on sea level, just a very small one.
Earth to cult moron -- it's an ice sheet, not a glacier. Just another bit of the science where your understanding is inferior to that of an average fourth grader.

It is as if it is just impossible for you to get any many times do you have to be this wrong, before you just take a couple of minutes to learn something, or just shut the f'ck up because you know you are going to be wrong?

An ice shelf, is where glaciers run out onto water but do not break off...they just get larger and larger and larger as the glaciers advance.

Here, hairball...from your buds at NASA...

Massive Iceberg Breaks Off from Antarctica

When floating ice shelves disintegrate, they reduce the resistance to glacial flow and thus allow the grounded glaciers they were buttressing to significantly dump more ice into the ocean, raising sea levels.

The glaciers are advancing idiot...and adding more ice than could support itself..even floating. Cry when glaciers retreat, and cry when they wack jobs don't have the first clue.

Here...some more info for you as if it would do any good:

A Delaware-sized Antarctic Iceberg Has Broken Into the Ocean - D-brief

For 15 years, scientists have kept a close watch on Larsen C. This ice shelf – a floating patch of ice pushed from a land glacier – is the largest along the Antarctic Peninsula’s coast.

it must be advancing at a healthy rate...

No, it doesn't. That's why, for example, Larson A and Larson B disintegrated completely.[/quote]

Read the article and see how completely wrong you are once again. The worry now, and I am sure you will be wringing your hands over it soon, is that now that the ice shelf which acted as a sort of plug is gone, the glaciers will be able to advance even more are such an idiot...

How do you manage to be so completely wrong about every single thing? It's a rare talent you have there. You must have snarfed lead paint chips by the pound as a child. Even for a denier, you're one astoundingly retarded.

Projecting again just described yourself to a T.
Hairball is an idiot. Its a glacier with is footing on the seabed. Of course the hairball is always factually challenged..
Giant iceberg breaks off Antarctica, creating risks for ships

The ice will add to risks for ships now it has broken off. The peninsula is outside major trade routes but the main destination for cruise ships visiting from South America.

The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, was already floating before it broke away so there is no immediate impact on sea levels, but the calving has left the Larsen C ice shelf reduced in area by more than 12 percent.


Republicans say it's OK. There is no problem. It's just ice. Totally "natural".

That would be because it is entirely natural.
Hairball is an idiot. Its a glacier with is footing on the seabed. Of course the hairball is always factually challenged..

Yes, and she reveals so much about herself in her projections. She has this way of blaming you, and accusing you of precisly what she is doing and has done. The lead paint chip consumption when she was a child explains much.
One trillion tons LESS ice blocking the flow of Antarctica's glaciers into the seas.
One trillion tons LESS ice blocking the flow of Antarctica's glaciers into the seas.

Yeah crick...and the next panic is going to be that the glaciers are advancing so fast, that the sheer amount of ice they dump into the ocean is going to raise sea levels...If it were warming, then we would see the glaciers retreating, not running like race horses to the ocean. You wack jobs have this hypothesis that supposedly causes everything so that you can cry, whine, wring your hands, and gnash your teeth over everything;...
Another thread illustrating the level of mental case in the AGW folks. in the hells fuck do these people navigate in the real world?:dunno:

Really.......these people have to live lives in some level of semi-seclusion........working in a cave or out in the middle of the ocean or on a mountain top. This hysterical shit just doesn't fly with normal folks dealing with real problems of everyday life.

SSDD nails it............"whack jobs".:gay:Just look at Mamooths post up there..........a dissertation on ice cubes.:disbelief:
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Another thread illustrating the level of mental case in the AGW folks. in the hells fuck do these people navigate in the real world?:dunno:

Really.......these people have to live lives in some level of semi-seclusion........working in a cave or out in the middle of the ocean or on a mountain top. This hysterical shit just doesn't fly with normal folks dealing with real problems of everyday life.

SSDD nails it............"whack jobs".:gay:Just look at Mamooths post up there..........a dissertation on ice cubes.:disbelief:

No...they surround themselves with wack jobs just like themselves and avoid anyone who is in regular touch with reality like vampires avoid the sun... The sit about scaring each other with stories of doom and gloom till they actually start believing their own bullshit...and none of them would ever dare ask for actual would get them thrown out of the hysterical hand wringing circle jerk for good.
Hairball is an idiot. Its a glacier with is footing on the seabed. Of course the hairball is always factually challenged..

So, another 'tard who doesn't know the difference between an ice sheet and a glacier.

A commonality among deniers is this total ignorance of basic science.
Hairball is an idiot. Its a glacier with is footing on the seabed. Of course the hairball is always factually challenged..

So, another 'tard who doesn't know the difference between an ice sheet and a glacier.

A commonality among deniers is this total ignorance of basic science. just did a post up there with 16 paragraphs on ice a short dissertation.:uhh: Just wondering where along the way you got a memo that being a dick is a virtue?:dunno:
Hairball is an idiot. Its a glacier with is footing on the seabed. Of course the hairball is always factually challenged..

So, another 'tard who doesn't know the difference between an ice sheet and a glacier.

A commonality among deniers is this total ignorance of basic science.

I gave you the word from the horses mouth hairball...the ice shelf is the result of glaciers running into the ocean but not breaking off immediately...the shelf continues to grow so long as the glaciers are advancing and eventually, the shelf becomes so large that it can't even support itself by floating...

Now if you are the true denier that I believe you the point that you reject all science that doesn't mesh with your political views..then you are at least as stupid as I have alway though you were.....which is pretty damned stupid.
And if you had taken 50 seconds out of your hysterical handwaving, and put just the smallest bit of thought into your post before you made it, then none of us would be responding your your idiocy.

It is an ice broke off a glacier. Right off the bat this should tell you something. If you are worried about the global warming scam, the thing to worry about with glaciers is their retreat...not that they are advancing to a degree that chunks of ice are breaking off the ends that are the size of is when glaciers stop calving ice that you start to worry about warming...when they are calving ice the size of whole states with no evidence of retreat at all, you start thinking about cooling.

This is the kind of thing I have been trying to point out for years now.

In the event of "global warming", glaciers retreat, they do not advance. They pull farther and farther inland, and no longer create ice bergs.

Ice bergs are generally created from glaciers, which are moved by gravity. More and more ice falls further up the glacier and does not melt, and gravity pushes it downhill until it reaches the ocean.

And by all evidence, the glaciers in Antarctica are still growing.

Do not believe me, take a trip to the Portage Glacier, a few hours from Anchorage. In my lifetime it has retreated so that it can no longer be seen from the park area that I used in the 1970's to view it from.

Of course, it has also retreated from where it was when Captain Cook first explored the area. At that time, it flowed all the way to the Turnagain Arm. By the 1800s, it had retreated about a quarter mile inland from that point.

This glacier has been in retreat for hundreds of years.
Do not believe me, take a trip to the Portage Glacier, a few hours from Anchorage. In my lifetime it has retreated so that it can no longer be seen from the park area that I used in the 1970's to view it from.

I stood at that very spot in the 1970's. I was stationed at Elmendorf for a while. I was there from the middle of the decade to the end. I was assigned to the 21st TFW. I loved it up there.

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