Online creator Chris Chan arrested on incest charge after leaked audio alleged she had sex with her mother

  • Christine Weston Chandler, known online as Chris Chan, was arrested on a charge of incest.
  • On Friday, a call leaked online in which Chandler appeared to admit to having sex with her mother.
  • Chandler has a long, complicated online history fueled by trolls.
More here:

Oh gawd, its another mentally ill one. Lord have Mercy.
  • Christine Weston Chandler, known online as Chris Chan, was arrested on a charge of incest.
  • On Friday, a call leaked online in which Chandler appeared to admit to having sex with her mother.
  • Chandler has a long, complicated online history fueled by trolls.
More here:

They also seem internet famous or infamous as the case may be.


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This individual is set to go on trial on July 28, 2022 unless something changes.

Here's the infamous arrest video. The individual has severe psychological issues and has a long, documented history on social media of disturbing behavior going back almost 20 years - and has been in trouble with the law before - including an incident where they purposely hit someone with their car and had the felony charges dropped.

(There's a popular "stalker" site "Kiwi Farms" which has been documenting them and their online behavior since the early 2000s, and also documents other individuals with a reputation for bizarre or illegal online behavior - I don't recommend searching for it either because it may feature content or behavior which is illegal, and the webmaster of the site allegedly has a documented history of disturbing behavior himself).

There's also an infamous audio on Youtube of the call where they admitted to engaging in sexual acts with their elderly mother who possibly suffers from dementia, but I don't recommend searching for it.

Another degenerate Trumper.
Sick Fucking Traitor Supporter, but remember the Traitor once that if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would bang her.

Nope - they're a biological man who identifies as a woman, and were banned from Facebook for death threats against Donald Trump. They're a rapid anti-Trumper Stop with the misinformation.
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  • Christine Weston Chandler, known online as Chris Chan, was arrested on a charge of incest.
  • On Friday, a call leaked online in which Chandler appeared to admit to having sex with her mother.
  • Chandler has a long, complicated online history fueled by trolls.
More here:

Who cares if two women have sex together and are family members? They can't reproduce, end of problem.
Who cares if two women have sex together and are family members? They can't reproduce, end of problem.
First, he's biologically a man with a penis who "identifies" as a woman.

Second, his mother was elderly and possibly suffers from Alzheimer's or dementia - so the court may determine it was rape or elderly abuse.

Thirds, the "ability to reproduce" isn't the sole reason or consideration as to why we should have laws against incest to begin with.

I've been following this story for awhile, and they didn't actually get housed in a women's prison - because Virginia law only allows that if they've had a sex-change surgery, and this individually is still physically a man with a functioning penis.
First, he's biologically a man with a penis who "identifies" as a woman.

Second, his mother was elderly and possibly suffers from Alzheimer's or dementia - so the court may determine it was rape or elderly abuse.

Thirds, the "ability to reproduce" isn't the sole reason or consideration as to why we should have laws against incest to begin with.

Well, yet, the sole reason for incest laws is the problems of reproduction. Otherwise who cares?
That's not the sole reason. Plus you obviously didn't know some of the basic details of this story.

No, I don't. And I don't really want to get into those basics of the story. All I wanted to say was what I've said. No need to go further, it's not interesting for me.

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